The article says that they are making good on their civil liabilities; they are paying for repairs and hotels. If the Toyota was totaled it will be replaced and they will probably provide a rental car. The production company has insurance to pay for this sort of damage. Maybe they can get Jamie and Adam to autograph a piece of rubble from the damage. The affected people might even get Mythbusters t-shirts.
Posts by bubba-bear
43 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Sep 2010
Mythbusters cannonball ‘myth-fires’
Atomic time boffins build better second-watcher
From Sundials to Atomic Clocks: Understanding Time and Frequency
NIST (the US National Institute of Standards and Technology) has a pdf booklet named "From Sundials to Atomic Clocks: Understanding Time and Frequency" available at
NIST has a good description of NIST-F1 which is a cesium fountain atomic clock at
Microsoft unveils file-move changes in Windows 8
Reg reader lost for words over blank HP keyboard
MythBusters: Savage and Hyneman detonate truthiness
Parachute jumper drag
I believe that is a suit used by parachute jumpers, and should be available from a purveyor of parachute jumper suits; they tend not to use custom made gear.
It is not a Mister S item, which they commonly use as a source for leather and rubber fetish gear. The strangest store I have seen them go to was a place that specializes in underwear -- of all types, shapes, and sizes.
Microsoft, Nokia, and RIM's wasted R&D billions
Bell Labs
This is how Bell Labs worked. A huge amount of their research was military work, basic scientific research, and on weird shit. Some of it was telephone related; such as the transistor, com satellite, and cell phones, and some of it was WAY out there, such as radio telescopes (which started out using telephone microwave repeater gear)
Single-patent lawsuit hits Apple, Google, Amazon, Priceline...
Steve Jobs screws my wife (out of $944)
Apple 'gay-cure' app severely slapped

Quite simple, actually
It really is quite simple; I use a Touch that I got for xmas, and it is the only Apple product that I have owned since I had a 2e. I also have a 4.3 inch Android tablet. I have bought several apps and a few songs for the Touch. I have no pressing need need to buy any more apps or music for the Touch. It is no hardship at all for me to not buy anything Apple.
Fukushima on Thursday: Prospects starting to look good
Sexy eco-bulb wins Design of the Year
Wi-Fi security befuddles clueless home users
Microsoft says 'sorry' after Japan quake marketing gaffe
I wonder if automobile insurance in Japan covers tsunami damage; if it does, there are going to be a lot of re-insurers out big bucks. The automobile finance companies will probably take a big hit if insurance doesn't cover the loss (assuming that many Japanese finance their cars, which may be a bad assumption considering their high saving rate).
Japanese earthquake sparks nuclear emergency
Apple cripples iBooks for jailbreakers
Kindle update to add 'proper' page numbers
Active links
Kindle books can have active links -- you just click on the link to go to location 10587 (page numbers in e-books are bullshit).
Some publishers actually do a very good job of linking so that you can go somewhere AND then go back to where you were. Cookbooks make heavy use of active links, as do active table of contents and indexes/indices.
HP rocks Redmond with webOS PC play
Kid spanks a grand on Xbox using Mum's bank card
Prepaid VISA card?
Can't you use a prepaid VISA card at the iTunes store?
I have a second VISA debit card from my credit union that I keep a token amount of money in for these sorts of things. It works like a prepaid VISA debit card, the credit union simply declines any charges that aren't covered by the balance.
Email purchase notification
I have a card on a few accounts, such as iTunes and Kindle, and after buying anything, I get an immediate email detailing the transaction. Don't people watch this stuff, especially when it was going on for months? I could understand not reading email notifications for maybe a week, but ignoring emailed purchase notifications for even a month is beyond silly. Actually, I don't understand ignoring email notifications for even two days, but not everybody checks their email daily.
EC parades common phone charger
Oracle and Java: Mobile dev FAIL dooms Ellison's future
Post-a-puppy woman hit with cruelty charges

The animal also needs a health certificate
When an animal is air shipped within the US, it needs to be certified by a veterinarian that it is healthy and has had proper immunizations. I used to check my cat as baggage -- he was in a proper kennel that was suitable for shipping an animal -- and he had to have a valid health certificate.

USPS Chicks
The USPS established the chick postal delivery service about a hundred years ago; it served a specific need at the time, and it is still used. There are specific requirements regarding the packaging of the chicks, and the USPS ensures that the chicks are handled properly during transport and delivery. The trays of chicks are handled quite differently from a box containing a pair of boots or an improperly packaged and posted puppy.
Android bites big chunk out of Apple iPad market share
Passenger cleared after TSA checkpoint stare-down
Ticket may require a name, but that is no reason to require ID.
The manifest probably should have the passenger names, but there is no real need to have to prove that you are who you claim to be for the manifest. It might get tricky if you give a false name and lose your luggage, because then they might want ID to make a lost luggage claim.
Third party developers blamed for Windows security woes
Fire safety gaffe knocks out Webfusion data centre

Security guards can also shut down data centers
At a previous job, a security guard (who was an untrained rent a cop from some third world country) tried to silence an alarm on an exit door -- by pressing the emergency power kill button next to the door. It was a large, red, well labeled button under a clear plastic cover; and it shut down all of the power in the data center except for the emergency lights.
The security guard couldn't read the sign that said "EMERGENCY POWER SHUT OFF" because it was in English rather than whatever third world language he spoke.
Ford cars get draconian parental controls

Explicit satellite radio
I don't understand the restriction on "explicit" satellite radio channels (which is a subscription service) First, I think that the restriction is totally stupid. Second, if the parents want to, they can get the explicit channels blocked by calling the satellite provider -- there is far less chance of hacking that control. In addition, I believe that Howard Stern (the "shock jock") is a premium channel-- just don't buy the channel.
Amazon: 'iPad LCD tablets no threat to Kindle'
US politician: 'homosexual agenda' behind TSA groin grope
Dirty PCs: How much filth can you take?

Air freshener stinks
I would much prefer to work on a computer from a goat barn than from someone with an air freshener fetish. A bonus with aerosol air freshener is that it frequently contains chemicals that attach to surfaces and causes dust to form a sticky layer.
I used to repair microwave ovens, and they are even nastier than computers. I once repaired (cleaned, actually) a grossly filthy microwave oven that had severe mouse urine corrosion -- and a dead mouse -- inside the cabinet. This microwave hadn't been in storage, it was in daily use.
Stoke Council avoids fine over lost childcare data on USB stick farce
Stuxnet worm can reinfect PCs even after disinfection
SCO gets sale approval
What is it that they can sell?
The courts have said that SCO doesn't own very much of the UNIX IP, it was retained by Novell; what is it that they are trying to sell? If it is the SCO UNIX distro, my guess that few people would want to buy any new SCO UNIX licenses. UNIX growth is pretty much stagnant right now and Linux has largely replaced small to mid range *NIX. SCO UNIX is an orphan version of UNIX, and nobody with any sort of a memory of SCO's history will buy it.