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[x] don't try to thumbnail/summary content on optical drives unless asked.
[x] likewise network drives
[x] don't try to thumbnail image files which are, say, 15k x 10k pixels. Kill thumbnail process which consumes more than X ram.
[x] disable the feature where thumbnail/summary threads hang and hold files open.
[x] don't look inside zip files when searching files (unless I say so)
[x] don't even pretend you know what a zip file is.
[x] don't do stupid magic things (like deleting an html file when I delete the directory alongside it) without asking first.
[x] don't obey any drag &drop command which took less than 0.4 second to execute
[x] don't do 'undo' without asking if ok, if the action being undone was more than 20 seconds ago.
[x] don't do 'paste' without asking if ok, if the cut or copy was more than 20 seconds ago.
[x] don't create shortcut on drag/drop based on dubious criteria
[x] produce a suitably humble apology with full and proper explanation, when I try to rename something to a reserved name, like "Con.Air.avi"
[x] don't claim that filenames like ".foo" are not allowed.