Seems the same to me but then I come from EVE too so maybe it's just us. General chat reminds me of Local in a system with Goons, although not as rude, profane or disgusting.
Posts by Dave Murray
501 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jun 2007
Star Wars: The Old Republic
iOS 5's iMessage chops carrier SMS routing traffic
"I also had no issues with the usual text message delays we usually experience over new year's eve/morning when almost the entire population try and send messages of goodwill and cheer to one another. All the iMessages went through almost instantaneously"
Ah but did you actually try to send any SMS messages this year? I sent approx 50 SMS messages just after the bells and all went through. I had replies from all, including 2 from Spain, within minutes. I also made several calls to family and had no problems with them either. And, I had the same experience last year. I think the traditional New Year's phone & text issues are now a thing of the past (on Vodaphone at least).
Microsoft de-cloaks Windows 8 push-button lifesaver
8m 22s my arse!
Windows has always lied about how long an install takes so there's no way that figure is true. My bet would be roughly 30m and then you have a completely useless machine with no applications installed. The last time I installed Windows it took me something like 3 days by the time I had everything I need installed and updated.
Oh and how long does it take to re-install all the updates since RTM after you use this feature?
Somerset buses bin paper tickets, sniff journey-logging chips
Busses will be quicker to board! But, not usable by visitors, tourists or casual users that might feel like taking the bus instead of using their car. Oh and big brother will no where everyone has been.
At a time when the country is supposed to be trying to save money would this not be better spent elsewhere? Fixing roads maybe?
Fans lose grace with Star Wars MMO
"Star Wars: The Old Republic flies onto UK shelves tomorrow, 15 December. Each copy comes with 30-days access, thereafter customers must pay either £9 every month, £25 every three, or £46 for half a year."
Or buy 60d time cards from Amazon for £18:
Winamp mends trio of old-school security holes
No the problem was integer & buffer overflows which just happen to be in the dlls. Nothing to do with Windows and everything to do with bad coding by the Winamp devs.
Your platform of choice has it's own version of dlls which are no more or less secure. Libraries are libraries and we all need them.
OnLive Game System cloud gaming console
Re: And how much does a decent PC cost?
I bought a new PC 18 months ago and paid about £350. It is perfectly capable of running Rage, Warhammer 40k Space Marine, Alice Madness Returns, SW:TOR and other new / recent games. There is no need to pay £600+ for a gaming rig. Just don't buy from rip off stores like PC World.
UltraViolet: Hollywood's giant digital gamble is here
Alec Baldwin kicked off plane for playing with his phone
Vodafone Android app babysits lazy parents' kids
So you didn't let her go ride a bicycle, to the cinema to see a film, etc without you there to watch over her? Sounds like a terribly oppresive childhood to me.
At a suitable age I was allowed to go play in parks & fields, ride my bike, etc without always having adult supervision. Gaining a little autonomy is an important part of growing up and helps develop a child into an adult that can think and act for themselves.
Apple probed by EC antitrust arm over ebooks market
AMD helping Android fans port to x86
Seems you missed some news, both Intel and Google see a point in running Android on x86...
Intel Prepping Android 2.2 For x86 Devices:
Intel is working on Honeycomb for tablets:
Future versions of Android will be optimized for Intel starting next year:
Intel says Android 4.0 for smartphones, tablets ready:
And you seem to have completely missed Fusion, AMD's alternative to Atom + ION.
NASA confirms first Earth candidate in habitable zone
No Samsung ban for Apple in US
Geek seeks cash for Top Trumps-style CPU game
Hands on with Star Wars: The Old Republic
I played the beta all weekend until they kicked me at 6am on Tuesday. Going to work on Tuesday after 2 hours sleep was tough.
There were lots of people in the general chat saying "it's just WoW with a Star Wars skin" but it's exceedingly rare to find any game that is completey new and anyway WoW is just Everquest with a Warcraft skin. Personally I found SWTOR reminded me of older Bioware games like Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. The quality of the storyteling and voice acting made me forget that most quests are of the 'kill x of something' type and the class quests in particular were great.
I've participated in a few MMO betas in recent years and SWTOR was the most polished and stable at this stage of development. I only had one crash to desktop all weekend, no lag and the fps on my old Geforce 9800 was more than good enough.
I still haven't decided if I will part with my hard earned cash for SWTOR but I think I will and I'm a tight Scotsman with an EVE addicion to finance.
BUSTED! Secret app on millions of phones logs key taps
Zuckerberg submits privacy mea culpa after FTC ruling
Developers get new IE10 for Windows 8 preview
Wi-Fi may damage sperm, boffins warn
The BBC Micro turns 30
Acer, Samsung, Lenovo line up behind Nvidia Tegra 3
Rogue Russian Mars probe communicates - but in gibberish
San Diego woman strips to bikini to look for her chihuahua
Spillover from 400lb man squeezed fellow flier into galley
Ubuntu savaged by rivals infected with fondleslab fever
Try reading your own site
"Now it seems the distros are more or less on the same page, although Ubuntu got there first in April - seven months ahead of the latest Fedora and openSuSE."
Fedora 15 had Gnome 3 back in May so they were 1 month behind Ubuntu in shifting to a different interface, not seven. One month hardly counts as Gnome not moving fast enough as Shutleworth claimed and you are implying. You would have known that if you bothered to do a 5 second search on this very site or didn't that fit with your personal Ubuntu bias?
Inside the BBC's R&D Labs
Chromebooks: the flop of 2011?
Nuclear power will let NASA Mars rover beat 1970s Soviet record
Coders are creatives too: Where's our love?...
Southampton hampton vice shocker: Exclusive snap
No charge after woman gave fellow prisoner a cop-car BJ
US general: 'We're cleared to cyber-bomb enemy hackers'
Obama says his birthplace is 'in Asia'
Facebook says it's winning against Justin Bieber smut onslaught
What kind of a moron can be tricked into pasting code into their address bar? I'd have thought most people stupid enough to do something like that haven't heard of cut + paste and would probably be scared by that complicated code stuff.
And how the hell does a dodgy shopping site make money from people being tricked into posting fake celeb porn on Facebook?
Whole thing smells fishy to me.
Apple's cloud music service 'WIPES your iPHONE'
Facebook ad helps Scot cops seize fake goods, drugs
Where are all the decent handheld scribbling tools?
Miley Cyrus hacker let off with probation
Survey: '4 million' Brits stung by ID theft
Indeed the banks are largely to blame with schemes like Chip&PIN and Verified by VISA being huge security holes that are used to claim the crime was the victim's fault.
But how are NI, driving licence or passport numbers any more secure? You hand out your NI number to the accounts dept at work, tax office and benefits offices any time they're asked for, you give your DL number for car/van rental, insurance, etc and you give your passport number to airlines & customs. These numbers are also shown any time you use one of said documents as proof of ID or age. Ok so you don't list them on your Facebook page but you shouldn't list your DOB or mother's maiden name there either.