If they ever release a version that doesn't break half my addons, I'll update, until then, versions 3.6 portable and 7.0.1 portable remain on my laptop and desktop.
Posts by carter brandon
22 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Aug 2010
Firefox 13 now available for download
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
EFF helps MegaUpload users claw legit stuff back from Feds
Surprise: Neil Young still hates digital music
Amazon says soz for foisting mag sub onto Kindle-touchers
Apple’s Siri gets sweary with British child
LOHAN fires up sizzling thruster
Assange: 'iPhone, BlackBerry, Gmail users - you're all screwed'
Russian diplomat caught driving while 15 TIMES over booze limit
Court forces bisexual budgie smuggling blogger to go down
Activision banned me from Call of Duty gig, says exotic performer
UK shamed in high-speed broadband study
Sixth of Britain's cellphones have traces of poo on them
Average sozzled Brit sinks 5,800 pints during life
Sir Henry
<quote>"...but as Vivian Stanshall's Sir Henry Rawlinson once put it: "If I had all the money I'd spent on drink, I'd spend it on drink"."
Being a Merkin I'm not familiar with the author or the character, but Sir Henry sounds like my kind of guy.</quote>
Look for a CD or vinyl called "Sir Henry Of Rawlinson End" by Vivian Stanshall. Just brilliant. It was made into a movie, but I've not seen it, though with Trevor Howard playing Sir Henry, I can imagine it being good..
Pints? My whisky comes in 70cl bottles.
2nd-hand Popemobile, also used by Neil Armstrong, for sale
id Software Wolfenstein 3D
Played it recently on DOS Box
and remembered the first level as though I had played it the day before. No doubt I am far from being the oldest gamer, but I was 41 when Wolfenstein was released, and just yesterday I began replaying Ultima Underworld 1, which was released a couple of months before Wolfenstein. The new 3D look was implemented in both, but the games couldn't have been more different, and whereas I doubt I could play Wolfenstein all the way through again, UU1 has immediately drawn me in. I wish modern games had the same playability instead of just being good looking.
Cue someone rushing to tell me how good <insert game name here> is. :)
IBM PC daddy: 'The PC era is over'
London rioters should 'loose all benefits'
Google: Go public on Profiles or we'll delete you
I have half a dozen gmail accounts that are several years old, all accessed by pop3. I've not logged in online since creating them, never mind seen a profile. Didn't even know I had one, or six. Never had a passport or driving licence, well, not for four wheels, but I got a bus pass last year, will that do? Where's the "fuck 'em" icon?