This explains their recent poaching of Adobe's Flash-loving CTO...
...they've covered Steve in magnets, his posthumous spinning is powering the whole operation!
5 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Aug 2010
I have a 530U3C, it's actually a nice piece of kit and very good value.
First thing I did was kill all the weird stuff in the BIOS, swap out the hard disk and put in a 256GB SSD and install Mint and plain Windows 7 in a dual-boot configuration. Windows is on the new SSD and Linux is on the 22GB internal SSD that's there as some sort of cache by default.
Extreme distrust of anything new or unusual continues to pay dividends for me.
But this is crap, I just tried it.
It looks a bit like a tablet/phone UI but it's on my nice powerful keyboard-and-touchpad driven laptop. What's the point in that? Even on a "chromebook" it'll look chunky and stupid.
GMail used to have an offline mode that worked nicely - I could chose what labels to sync and how much local storage to use. It seamlessly snapped back into online mode when I got a connection so I could just leave it open all the time and not worry about it.
Since they canned that I've been pointing Thunderbird at GMail's IMAP interface - that works fine but it's less good than it used to be. I'd been looking forward to the promised HTML5 offline mode, so this offering is rather disappointing. Booo!
If you know any judges or politicians, anonymously email them a link to some "extreme porn" (you don't have to view it yourself, just get the link) behind a tinyurl address.
This should result in the law being repealed because the alternative is to put our government and legal system on the sex offenders register.