Fundementally flawed system...
The basic problem with the Tax system in this country (and most others) is its sheer complexity.
A VAST amount of the money collected by HMRC is spent simply in maintaining HMRC itself as it is overburdened by the many complex tax breaks and loop holes injected into the tax system by the highest earners and their lobyists.
This is fundementally flawed. Govt is not meant to be a jobs program in and of itself, it should be as small as possible in order to fulfill its vital functions.
I seem to remember (and as someone who was born under thatcher I cannot BELIEVE I am advocating a tory policy) that the Concervitives suggested the introduction of a flat tax rate of 22% -,,1571734,00.html
The saving in complexity and management of such a system would wipe off £40billion from the annual tax bill and mean that a fixed start point of between £10-12k could be used for tax (you dont pay tax on the first £12k of your income and pay 22% on everything above that).
This means the super rich loose their tax breaks and pay the same as everyone else. The rich and middle classes still pay more then the poorest in society, but it is done in a fair and effecient way. The poorest in society will largely not pay tax at all (on their income).
This is something I have supported for a long time and would sure as hell vote for...... I supported this idea when I was at the bottom of the wage pile earning £12k or less working on 1st Line helpdesks and call centres and living in places like Moss Side and Gorton. I still support the idea now that I am doing somewhat better and working as a contractor (who has an CRAZY tax bill)..... the difference between this proposal and the current lobby inspired system??
It is fundementally fair.
Let the flame war commence (I'm sure someone wants to have ago.... afterall at no point did I suggest that the iPhone could be used in the tax system some how) >80)