* Posts by TheresaJayne

74 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Aug 2010


Furious Frenchies tell Apple to bubble off: Bling iPhone isn't 'champagne'


Well if you look up on wikipedia, it links to a document naming colours from 1955 so you can call a colour champagne as it predates the champagne name ruling.

ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Colo(u)r Names (1955)

So that means as lots have mentioned Green Party etc may try to limit our use of that colour that Grass is..

Tablets? Check. Mobes? Check. What's next, Apple? Fondlable CARS


I have no idea what they are talking about,

I would love a KITT, to talk to the car and maybe have a long debate with it on a long journey would really keep me awake...

Unless of course it was to start singing Daisy Daisy

'Clippy' coup felled by Microsoft twitterati


Check out Helpdesk cartoon they have binky the annoying paperclip

Birth of Binky Part 1


Birth of Binky Part 2


Birth of Binky Part 3


Birth of Binky The Aftermath


So, who ought to be the next Doctor Who? It's up to YOU...


Where is the option to have DoctorDonna become the next doctor?

She is already half way there having absorbed all the doctors knowledge and becoming half timelord...

ie Catherine Tate. For the Doctor

The bunker at the end of the world - in Essex


I used to do re-enactments in the bunker, staying there at night and sleeping in the bunks.

We used to do the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962.

It is scary to think that on that day Russian bombers were coming down the north sea and if the secret talks had not succeeded in america the missiles in Norfolk would have been fueled and WW3 would have started.

But that information is not commonly known with the standoff at Cuba being the more widely known incident.

Are you an IT pro? It's no longer safe to bet your career on Microsoft


Microsoft really doesnt like developers

A few months ago a dev i know wrote an article about using Cloudy TFS to do Windows Azure Continuous build and unit testing, however it used Cerebrata Cmd Widgets and some other 3rd party tools, Microsoft contacted them and said "this looks great can we publish it on the Microsoft MSDN Newsletter" So they said yes and then had to rework the article to remove any and ALL references to InteliJ Resharper, CmdLets and some other stuff.

So they certainly don't like developers using their brains and doing something else.

TalkTalk to Ofcom: 'Talented, lovely monopolist' BT must be reeled in


Well when will the government force BT to give people normal broadband, For instance the Plaistow Exchange in Surrey/Sussex a stones throw from the Top Gear Test Track, has not even got ISDN and are stuck using 14400 Baud Dialup,

BT has said that the exchange is too small for upgrade and will never get LLU or ISDN let alone Fibre.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria review


I gave up on WoW when they banned my account because i lost my job and began playing 20 hours a day rather than the old 5-6 hours...

My latest fun game is League of Legends which as a Free to play really could do with a review as it is rapidly becoming a fun replacement to World of WarCrack.

Labour claims 'highest ranked UK politico in World of Warcraft' title


Well it shows that he would not make a good person to run a country, I would like to see all the MPs play Eve online and set up their own corporation called [GOVUK] (their corp ticker) and see how long before they have nothing left.

Eve is like real life and i don't believe that the current government or opposition have any clue as to how to run a company let alone a country.

Saudi royals seek ban on .virgin, .sex, .catholic, .wtf and 159 MORE

Paris Hilton

Why doesnt someone apply for .anonymous

or maybe .tory or .idiot

of course el reg should apply for .reg .vulture and maybe .lohan

Sellers flogging vid games to underage kids face jail, unlimited fine

Paris Hilton

So what is the cost?

Ok so I sit down I write a computer game, I put it on source forge. How much do I have to pay to have my home brew zombie apocalypse 1st person shooter available in the uk. This will stifle game development and could end free software sites and places like big fish games who do hidden object games usually with some violence for very low cost. It's another way for the government to get more money. I mean what pegi rating would minecraft have?

Telcos snub UK.gov broadband cash pot


I would love ADSL2 or even the BE bonded service at home, however Where I live BT has chosen to only offer ADSL1 and there are no plans to upgrade the exchange at all.

Whereas, the village next door (a stones throw from the Top Gear Test Track ) will never Have ADSL of any type with BT refusing to provide more than 14400baud connection.

When will BT realise we want Fibre to the cabinet everywhere and not just in the middle of cities.

Samsung-Apple patent lawsuit tally hits 21, and counting

Paris Hilton

this is getting silly, soon i will not be able to persue my trade (computer programmer) without infringing a million patents because I use Java and connect to a MySQL database and display records from it to the screen using a GUI interface....

so will i be sued just because someone else had an idea to get records out of a database and display them on a screen - and then they patented it. GROW UP APPLE AND SAMSUNG AND GOOGLE AND ORACLE, cherish the competition you will make better products for it in the end...

WIN WIN WIN WIN look at the consumer not your bottom line.

Blighty's slow-crawling broadband streets revealed


Well a local village near me has a wonderful 14.4kbit dial up and BT have told them that their exchange will not be upgraded even to ADSL1

Exchange name: Plaistow

Exchange code: SDPLSTW

Location: West Sussex South East

Postcode: RH140NT

Serves (approx): 199 residential premises

8 non-residential premises.

Broadband availability overview



LLU services: No

Cable: No

Wireless: Yes

BT Wholesale information

ADSL status: Not available

ADSL Max status: Not available

SDSL status: Not available

21CN WBC status Not available

FTTC status: Not available

Wireless broadband availability

Now Wireless: Not available

Urban Wimax: Not available

Kijoma: Enabled

EMNET Notts: Not available

Orbital / VFast: Not available

Cable Broadband Availability

Virgin Media: Not available

Smallworld Media Not available

Gravity wave detector gets more sensitive


I sort of get it....

Like in radio waves light has an amplitude (brightness) and a phase (hmmm cant think what this would be,. frequency would be the colour of the light but there you go)

what they seem to be saying is they can push the vacuum anomalies into either amplitude or phase, and when they do, the interference at the quantum level reduces in the other part.

Meaning that if they shove all the interference into amplitude then read the phase, they get less noise and so can properly see the gravity waves without the distortion,,

Sort of makes sense to me.

El Reg to unleash rocket-powered spaceplane

Paris Hilton

how about something different





Long Range





Harp Lager... fitting for the guys,

World IPv6 Day fails to kill the internet

Paris Hilton

They are doing it wrong

Why arent they thihnking smart about this.

IPV6 the backbone, have 6->4 nat routers at the isp's

then slowly move it down until the ADSL modem you get is IPV6 WANJ IP4/6 LAN.

but then why not just expand the ipv4 by adding another 255 on the front.....

Security is shot to hell under ipv6 until they restore the ability to firewall whole subnets no body will go to ipv6 in earnest.

Star Wars: From dream sci-fi bride to perfect Blu-ray wife


well this is what i got

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host 'domU-12-31-39-16-C1-2C.compute-1.internal' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /afs/foxfilm.com/content2/maythe4th.starwars.com/html/includes/connect.php on line 25

Did not connect to host. Sorry, you can tell them it was error: Host 'domU-12-31-39-16-C1-2C.compute-1.internal' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

Five amazing computers for under £100


I still have one of....

I still have an old Psion II with extra eeproms and somewhere in one of my boxes in storage a Barcode reader for it.,

I suppose it may go the way of my old Nokia Orange or Cellnet phones and the original Black and White Gameboy.

Shame i had to throw out the C64, Vic 20 BBC b and Amiga 500, 600 and 1000 i had last time i moved.

I once owned a Burroughs B21 Standalone until the PSU exploded....

Maybe i will see if i can get my old Amstrad Laptop (luggable) working if i can find it.....

Death threats against 'worst song ever' YouTube teen

Paris Hilton

I know who made the death threats

YES! the person who made the Threats was Justin Beiber who is worried his 5 seconds of fame are about to fade away (not quickly enough in my opinion)

FCC gives cautious go-ahead for signal boosters


How is it illegal in the UK?

At the top of the article it says that boosters are illegal in the UK , how is it then that you can get boosters in the form of Vodafone SureSignal boxes which act as mobile phone boosters sending the data/signal via the internet.

Average Brit has three mysterious keys



Well i am average with 9 keys, and i know what they are all for,

but then i also carry around with me another 6 keys of the USB kind.....

and one Secureid tag (World of Warcraft)

The year's best... PC games


What about the most addictive game this year

Strange how they don't mention the most addictive games out there like

Eve Online (www.eveonline.com)

and the most addictive multi platform game that i have ever seen (it has even stopped me playing Cataclysm as i am too engrossed in creating my station and getting resources in

Minecraft (www.minecraft.net)

PARIS team cracks Vulture 1-X wing


One thought

How does compressed paper sound?

Make the ribsout of compressed paper, (like the cardboard boxes you get routers packaged in?

they would be stronger and if hand made with paper mush and a press you can make your own stiffer ribs, Paper is good but how are you going to make sure that the paper for the wing covering is tight, for model plane makers they use solarfilm which shrinks when heated, is there maybe some solvent which would make the paper shrink? or what if it was put on damp so it shrinks when drying?
