The Reg is British????
It's really sad to see what The Register has become these days. It was once a superb tech news site for British IT professionals.
TheReg hasn't been exclusively British for a very long time. Tell me, what has Paris Hilton ever had to do with IT. Other than being drooled over by horny computer geeks. I have been coming here for decades and I wouldn't waste my time on a British only tabloid. Couldn't care less about your ex-pat royals either. While I would prefer a little less politics and a lot more new tech news, these are the articles that are getting the views. And here we are. I will say this article made such a hard turn my neck hurts. And I still don't know if microcode is going to be a serious threat in the future.
Maybe it's just the Internet out to destroy our lives in new ways. I remember refusing to buy new gaming systems when they introduced hard drives. At the time I said "this will just encourage companies to release half finished games because they can freely distribute bug fixes". I knew it would be bad for consumers, and I never thought about DLC or micropayments. If you ever feel like a slave to your technology due to spending so much time updating them, maybe it's the Internet's fault.
And while I don't care for American politics, I'd take Trump,
If you'd like Trump and his buddy Elmo, feel free to come collect them. I'd even buy you a Koffee, or contribute to a GoFundMe, if it would expedite the pickup.
Alternatively, please take good care of Belize. It's the only Central American country where English is the official language. And I may need to immigrate to a country where it's cheaper to live and has healthcare. If we keep going with the tariffs, inflation is going to go up faster than a Musky rocket.