The point of manually installing is you choose what you want to install, and you learn the basics of those decisions. Using an installer is quicker, but the installer is doing things you are not aware of and when something breaks you have no idea where to start. The Arch Wiki and support forum are amazingly good. Arch is a rolling distro, so installation is a one-off thing, might as well do it right.
Posts by Simon
43 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Oct 2006
Arch Linux installer now slightly less masochistic
Mozilla CEO quits, pushes pivot to data privacy champion... but what about Firefox?
The 40-Year-Old Version: ZX81's sleek plastic case shows no sign of middle-aged spread
It will never be safe to turn off your computer: Prankster harnesses the power of Windows 95 to torment fellow students
Flight Simulator 2020: Exciting new ride or a doomed tailspin in a crowded market?
Windows 10 still free, even the Anniversary Update, if you're crass
A premium smartie lump: Oppo N1 CyanogenMod Edition
Advertisers slam Microsoft over 'Do not track' decision
3D TV fails to excite, gesture UIs to flop: analyst
Reg Picture puzzler
Samsung must cough up Android prototypes to Apple
YouTube strips page clutter with 'Feather'
Early adopters bloodied by Ubuntu's Karmic Koala
X-Men helmsman to fly Battlestar Galactica
Google caches payment card details for 19,000 Brits
Microsoft dumped after India PM's emails go AWOL
MS packs yet more tweaks into 'near-ready' Windows 7
iPhone 3.0 gossip lassos MMS, tethering, cut-and-paste...
Brit couple divorce over Sadville infidelity
Gates dethroned as tech's richest get thumped

Gates Foundation
I thought that was what Melinda had on her face, or was that.....eww enough of that thank you.
How does Bill who acquires money through bullying and stealing become a good guy because he gives some back to charities?
If I rob a bank, then donate some to Oxfam, would I be a better person than today?
Mine's the one with the arms tied to the back.
Microsoft Mojave 'outs' secret Vista lovers

No Hurry
What Microsoft are missing is a killer feature. Sure Vista looks prettier but all that bad press about cancel/allow and high-end hardware mean people will upgrade when they buy their new system.
Businesses are taking the safe option and using their downgrade rights to keep XP uniform on the desktop.
I have a new shiny Dell machine with Vista Business downgraded to XP, for fun I installed Vista and compared it to XP. No real difference, work is not quicker, pretty doesn't make any difference in Excel (Calc but still!).
Kubuntu however loves it, as you may guess I am using 3.5 and without Compiz and it really flies. Of course there's no antiviurs or spyware scanner.
Overall I am using Kubuntu for everything except games, which XP does nicely. In time I may have to switch to Vista, through strong-arm tactics like DirectX compatibility, but for now Vista is not for me.
I speak to a lot of IT and non-IT people and it's the IT ones who are not upgrading. This in turn effects their users who are convinced that if "Tim the IT guy" says Vista is crap, they'll keep XP at home too.
Bill, 'cause it's all down to him.
Tesco causes couple condom catastrophe
Canonical rejiggers Ubuntu for laptots
US protests to WTO over EU 'IT' tariffs

How can the US ask the WTO to help them when they blatenty ignore directives against them? Can you say Antigua?
If the WTO have any backbone at all they will get compliance from the US before starting any negotiations for the US. They can't have their cake and eat it!
Microsoft needs Windows Home Server test dummies
HTC’s Diamond iPhone rival unwrapped

I don't have an iPhone (not officially available here in Oz) but I have an O2 Flame. The screen makes a huge (pardon the pun) difference. I can use it as a phone, GPS in the car, eBook reader and for basic internet use. I can even SSH using PocketPutty.
Size matters, we all know it.
Mine's the one with the bulge in the pocket.
Why I downgraded from Vista to XP
Nokia N810 internet tablet

Nokia ph..erm pda
So this is from Nokia, the mobile people?
A PDA with no SIM slot. Surely they'd have been better to leave out the GPS and make it a phone as well?
I suppose the next version will have a SIM slot as well and Nokia will have doubled revenue from the same idea... just like everyone else.
Hopefully MWg will bring something out to fill the gap, Flame II anyone?
Paris, coz she's not all there either.
Microsoft offers free Office storage to web plebs
Google absolved of 'crimes against humanity'
Korean software firm sues Microsoft
Lawmaker shows nudie pic to high school seniors
Microsoft UK cracks another head over grey software
Vista attacked by 13-year-old virus
Well, how about Vista blocks installation of virus? Better yet Vista won't execute anything unless I say so?
While you're at it, get the media player, message program etc out of the business version, you're supposed to be working!
Let me know when I can buy a proper business version.
Firefox-Google marriage on shaky ground?
It may come as a surprise to some but with Adblock you do see some adverts. Most notably sponsored links at Google.
As for sites blocking Adblock, let them, we'll just go somewhere else. If adverts were not everywhere people wouldn't mind the odd one, but often you go to read an article and there are three columns, one is links, menus, terms, conditions etc, one in the middle has the actual information and the third, often the biggest third is all adverts. Many people now email the printable link because all the crap is removed.
We all used the fast forward button videos, we love the skip on PVR's, who is going to choose to see web adverts?
Incidentally, I use Konqueror which has its own version of Adblock, so all those Kubuntu users will also miss the adverts! :-)
Newest Ubuntu dubbed 'Hardy Heron'
Google Adwords dive-bombed by American Airlines
But Shirley
If you call your company American (as in the country) Airlines (as in the industry) you're going to keep getting this problem.
It'll be very hard to run an airline in America and not use those particular words.
Only an American would think they have a case, anyone with an ounce (I use imperial so as not to confuse the poor dears) of common sense would see it for what it is. Free publicity and a whole lot of stupidity!
Miss America calls for mandatory internet safety classes
Parental guidance
This is what parents do, it is not down to anyone else to raise children.
I know in the USSA* at the moment the current publicity stunt is to "think of the children" but will someone, please, motivate the parents?
Before long parents will turn round and say I don't legally have to wash my children... becoming a parent is about responsibility, for you and your children.
* No, that's not a typo!
Romanian cops cuff drunk, naked, handless driver
Linspire invites dirty uncle Microsoft over for patent party
Microsoft Lindows
This could end up with the dreaded Microsoft distribution.
A name change back to Lindows and of course the hierarchy at Microsoft completely missing the point again!
Hopefully it will kill Linspire and all the slutty distros that have jumped into bed with the 800lb gorilla. :-)