Re: Ageing sewers?
We're not bashing them because "private = evil", we're bashing them for not investing, while taking out huge loans to pay their shareholders massive dividends, while also not investing.
219 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Aug 2010
I read elsewhere that it is no longer under the remit of the DCMS, but now under the newly formed "Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT)". Quite bizarre that it ever fell under the same department as sport in the first place, but at least it's been promoted to a sensible department now.
Assuming 2.4 GHz, for Aluminium, you're looking at 1.7 um as the skin depth. Generally a good idea to over-engineer, so 10 times the skin effect should attenuate the signal sufficiently. 17 um of Aluminium. The thinnest grade of aluminium is about 6 um which would probably work, but grab some heavy duty stuff and you're laughing. Or just use multiple wraps. In summary, yes, aluminium foil would work just fine.
Multiple desktops work fine for me in Gnome 3. I must say I never saw the issue with Gnome 3, but then again, I wasn't an early adopter. I think I waited until 3.2 was released before I gave it a go. I found Unity just too big a paradigm shift to be useful. Things weren't where they should be.
My main gripe with Gnome 3 is that when you're in a folder and start typing the file name, instead of just selecting that file so you can do something with it (like move it to another folder), it opens up a "find file" search and starts spitting out other files with the same name from nested folders. Infuriating to say the least. Other than that though, it's fine.
Quite. This article is severely lacking in several key details.
"With access to the shell, an attacker could then decrypt Linux machines". The implications are that this decryption would be easy. The reality is that you'd have access to a root shell, with an encrypted hard disk. How useful this is depends on the specific environment, but at least for me personally: as long as the "hackers" can't access any of my personal info on my hard drive, this is no worse than them bringing their own laptop and plugging it into the right sockets (with the MAC address of the network card spoofed). If the network is hardened correctly, then it's No Big Deal.
Gaining access to an environment where you can't actually see or do anything is arguably not really useful at all.
Not to mention the discussion about how the study was done (people who have been scammed may be more likely to take part in the survey), the percentage of people of different age groups who regularly use the internet/dodgy websites on the internet (if millennials spend more time on the internet or torrenting, they're much more likely to be scammed). Altogether if the variables that were controlled for are not spelt out, the underlying data is less than useless. Not to mention the clickbait title.
"The proliferation of tech support scams on torrent sites could suggest millennials are more likely to encounter the ruses, though this is not mentioned in the report." - This report is attention grabbing nonsense to make the older generation feel good about themselves.
I think he must have been the first car there, otherwise the other cars in front would have been visible.
Unless the car in front slowed down and the Tesla switched lanes to pass it. That would also make sense. The car in front would block the rear of the truck a bit, and by the time the Tesla was in the outer lane, it might be difficult to see the truck because it's white on a white background.
Highway Code Rule 223
Buses, coaches and trams. Give priority to these vehicles when you can do so safely, especially when they signal to pull away from stops. Look out for people getting off a bus or tram and crossing the road.
The reason buses assume they have right of way is that they do. Other road users should always give priority (i.e. cede right-of-way) to buses coaches and trams. People really shouldn't be driving without knowing this!
I think people are missing the point here. The aim of these SD cards isn't solely to play music from or store SatNav maps. It's also for Driver Assist Technology and data event recorders (i.e. crash information that manufacturers use to identify the causes of accidents, etc.)
These need to be robust, with proven long-lifetime, all the necessary additional automotive tests, suitable for low and high temperatures (so that they can survive said crash), withstand bumps and bashes (you don't want its connectors coming loose just as the car slips off the side of the road. These aren't aimed at consumers, but manufacturers. Automotive grade electronics equipment has a whole suit of additional tests. You can't pop any old diode into a power charging circuit these days, so why do so many people here think manufacturers will be content to use any old SD card?
Yup! I know that in certain applications (router firmware designers, I'm looking at you!) they used C's "rand()" function. During WPA2 auth (WPS in particular), a string of "random" characters is sent in the clear, followed by the "encrypted", sensitive data used for authentication. The rand() function can therefore be brute forced if you know roughly what the seed values will be (especially easy if srand(time(NULL)) is used.
People never seem to learn!
"I'm pretty sure that finding a viable QR code in a picture is somewhat harder than encoding the information which is just a bit pattern, albeit a complex one."
There's a website that explains how you can do it. You don't need to build a laser scanner or anything else physical. Just apply the mathematics and run through the operations. You might need an ascii table, depending on how good you are at subtracting 96.
The sad history of evident 21st century media failures though is proof positive of an inherent systemic lack of providing creative constructive abilities to slave services and servant administrations which might be fully reliant upon them.
Uh... come again?
As a motorcyclist, it irks me when cars slow down to wait for a red light to turn green. It means the traffic never stops, and makes filtering through the traffic much more dangerous (I never filter through moving traffic). Given I can accelerate off the line much faster than a car, it's a bit annoying to be held up by cars (like when you're in a car, stuck behind a big lorry or bus or tractor). I'm not saying it's not a good idea, just that it'll annoy me :)
Each and every one of your points can be solved without Microsoft lock-in, and are issues with any software migration. The fact that MS make it so much harder to migrate than other solutions is the main reason I can see for making the transition ironically.
Macros are barely even compatible between Office versions, so I don't really see that as a strong point. I usually see macros being used by people who don't know how databases work to perform functions (using a lot more code) that a database could do in a jiffy.
Without you going into specifics of what addins you use, it's tricky to say much more.
Sharepoint has terrible lock-in and could be replaced by a number of collaborative software solutions.
DRM for secure govt documents? How would DRM help? Honestly.
I'd argue that Libre Office is ok for advanced users, who know what tool to use for which job, but really basic people users should probably stick to what they know and let the world overtake them with more powerful, scaleable, transferable, automatable, open solutions.
Even a cylinder is a cubic function where as BMI is a square so your argument is pretty much invalid.
The increase of a cylinder with respect to length is actually linear. Double the length of a cylinder and its volume doubles. If you double the radius only, then it's quadratic. If you increase its length and radius in proportion, then after dividing by the length (as you would to calculate BMI), then it's back to quadratic again.
"It skipped version numbers because of lazy 3rd party app developers in the time of Windows 95 / Windows 98 who coded applications to look for Windows 9*"
Ahhhhhh that makes more sense. I was under the impression it was to keep the alternating "Good OS" "Bad OS" that they've been working on since inception. And in order to release two Bad OS's, they needed to skip a good one.
> all testing processes are a one time, and the fact "it could explode if used with a faulty lead" is true of any device, even jesus mobes.
Well I don't think that's quite factually accurate. I think the faulty lead could melt or set on fire. But just using a faulty cable should be protected against by the charging circuitry to prevent an explosion of the device.
They do this already. The problem is that the "supplier" review is too difficult to find, so people leave the review next to the product. Then when a better supplier comes along and sells the good product, no-one buys it because of the stupid people.
Then people complain about the supplier review next to the product and so the review gets removed and then people come onto the reg forums and moan about it like they're not the idiots. Ugh!
That's kinda the point of Open Source. We all (developers) need a good tool to check our code, so let's *all* work together on it to share the resource investment so we can *all* benefit. I like it. What's your criticism? They've done 1%, now all we need is another 99 companies to come along and work on it and it'll be done. I don't think that's unfair.
>"checking the requirements for various items (passport application, driving license application, various benefits and tax breaks) would benefit more from a simple page, and a local cache than they would from encryption..."
So I know you're going on holiday soon so I can plan who and when to burgle. I know you'll be getting a new car in the not-so-distant future, so I can advertise accordingly. And I know what tax breaks you're looking into, so I know how many dependents you have and also have a reasonable handle on how much you earn.
In addition, I can splice your internet connection, adjust the content being delivered to you and give you advice that strongly encourages the use of my (paid-for) services.
There's almost no downside (HTTPS is easy as pie to set up these days and computers have long-since gotten past the point where you'll notice a performance hit). I don't see what your argument here is based on.
> Oh but his proof will be that someone wrote a book about it.
> And further proof will be found in that famous documentary 'The Land that TIme Forgot'
I saw a documentary about this once, set in the Stone Age, it concerned humans living in a town called BedRock.
"A spokesman from the Judicial Office told El Reg that people wanting to access their site should do so by clicking past the security warning."
Good grief!
"... just because a certificate has expired does NOT mean that the communications are no longer encrypted"
No, but it may as well. If I can't be sure who gave me the info, or who I'm giving it to, it hardly matters that it's encrypted at all!