Will they, won't they
It always makes me laugh when I read these anti Apple conversations. The simple truth is no one is forced to buy Apple Products. I have used all sorts of kit over the last 30 years and I like to think I use the best product for the job. My car is a BMW, I use a Canon SLR, I watch Pioneer TV's, I wear Churchill shoes and I use Apple computers.
I, like a lot of Mac users, will buy a iPhone for the simple reason that it will integrate with my MacBookPro seamlessly, unlike almost every other smartphone on the market. I won't have to pay inflated prices for my music as it is on my laptop already (from which ever source I choose) and it will be used for its prime purpose of making calls and allowing me to keep my diary, address book up-to date and available at all times. The fact that I can also listen to some of my music, take a photograph in an emergency, access email, order 4000 latte's from Starbucks or surf the web are all extras and are brilliant in one small bit of kit that I can carry in a pocket.
As regards Webster Phreaky, let me say, I work for a company which use Apple computers throughout, by choice as they are the best machines for the type of work we do. In the last 17 years we have bought numerous Apples (of nearly ever type released inc Cubes & G5 iMacs) and we have only ever had two which had problems at birth, both were replaced by Apple with a minimum of fuss. Some of the original blue & white G3's (circa 1998) are still in use and will only be replaced at the next upgrade of (surprise surprise) Microsoft Office. We have never had a system crash that brought the company to a halt or caused us to loose any data or cost the company any money.
I also own an original first gen iPod which has had a battery replacement and is still in use nearly 6 years later as well as a 80Gb 5th gen which not only contains my entire music library from the past 40 years but acts as a back up disk for my laptop and home computer.
No one ever said Apple were perfect, but you pays the money and you make the choice. Stick with what you want and stop slagging off others who disagree with your opinions. I don't think I'm any smarter or more intelligent than someone who uses different products than me, I'm just happy with the decisions that I've made.