Take that, deathstar!
I'm thrilled that the merger didn't go through. I prefer GSM phones and am a T-mobile prepay customer - T-mobile's plan is ~$25 cheaper than AT&T's and I get 5GB of data instead of 2GB with AT&T *and* free tethering. I'm in NYC so coverage isn't an issue for me and I get great data speeds.
I worked for AT&T for 2 years as one of the poor bastards behind the counter at a wireless retail store and the more you know about AT&T, the more you hate them. The T-mobile merger would have been just like the whole AT&T Wireless merged to Cingular merged back to AT&T fiasco - higher prices as soon as you lost your grandfathered-in plan and worse service. (to be fair that did happen during the analog-digital transition but I still blame AT&T)
It feels weird to say this, but here's to you FCC - you finally got something right!!