For non-developers, who will want WYSIWYG IDE's, what would be best
If we do not want vendor lock-in and are loath to see our apps be tied to one desktop, but also want to be on tablets, too?
For example, I use Lotus Approach. It is easy, fairly stable, and is a snap to do "prototyping" in.
But, IBM is ending support after mid-/late-2014.
Lotus Approach has no runt-time executable/standalone app capability.
Alpha 5 seems to be stuck in windows land.
Sesame is "unconventional" in is appearance, to me.
Kexi and most other Open Source "offerings" -- particularly "Base" are not even up to competing with Apprach.
Filemaker is Mac-Only on the dev side.
QT might work, but I never figured out how to "bold" database tables and dropdown tables to the forms.
Codelite eludes me.
Gambas is not a contender.
NetBeans and Eclipse might work, but are way over my head.
wxWidgets, I was told by a wxWidgets developer, doesn't do databases on the backend, especially if I am not a developer.
Accesss, since I would prefer to NOT consigned to becoming a Windows-dev, is also out of the consideration.
Rekall way back in 2005 lost out in my list of considerations.
Why nobody dares to clone Approach and take the ease-of-use mantle is beyond me.