Nauseating, but not surprising...
I like the name "IRATEMONK", inventive...
As for HOWLERMONKEY, I months ago became suspicious of those little RJ-45 ports at the tables in SFPL. IT just put them there, with no notices to the users, as if we're supposed to use them instead of the ones already in the tables' midsections.
As for:
" And if that fails, agents can simply intercept your hardware deliveries from Amazon to install hidden gadgets that rat you out via radio communications "
this, I suspected months or years ago. After all, in the early and mid-90s, gangs were stealing mobos from trucking shipments. Probably they came up with the idea unilaterally or were inspired, and maybe they inspired the NSA and other groups. But, then, mobile vehicle tracking came along. I wonder when THOSE devices were modded. I would imagine, though, that FEDEX, AIRBORN, EMORY, UPS, and numerous carriers of the time and of today had or still have no idea when their fleet vehicles are being diverted, shunted, delayed, penetrated, or even outright replaced (maybe the cab, too?, but the personal effects transferred) when certain high-value shipments needed/need to be tampered with.
Years ago, I used to posit ideas like this, and time after time, people snarled that I was looney. FUCK, if reality doesn't come along and bite THEM in their asses. I hope some of them sit over a mug of draft and say, "Say, remember that daft guy who had all these ideas?" Well, some of them I cannot recall, but, it's funny and frightening to see this shit in the headlines. Vindication and vomitus stirring in the same pot and pit.
Now, this'll just end up in movies, or in more movies.
BTW, get around to watching a HK cop-thriller about a financial irregularities unit spying on crims manipulating the HK stocks. They get found out by another security apparatus, and the baddies, too, find out. All hell breaks loose in sophisticated yet brutal HK film manner, and it is utterly devastating to the cops who thought they'd take a dip and skim off the top. The best part was when I heard one character tell another that even removing the phone's battery would not stop it from remote manipulation -- that the phones usually havve a second, hidden battery, and that the phone needed to be drowned out by loud music and EM, or put in a securing box. Of course, it ratcheted up the stakes in the film, to make the cops have to physically access the room needing to be surveilled. And, that movie was out around 2007 or 2009, and I only saw it around 2008 or 2011. Overheard 2 is not as great, from what I read.
Net result of all this may be public desensitization and blitheness overall. Who knows? But, it should make it easy for some creative screenwriters to get really on the fringe of imagination and make even more tense and intense viewing moments. Well, assuming the reviewers and censors don't force them to drop such scenes on the cutting room floor/digidal dust bin.
Of course, all this I write, and most of us write, could be on virtual/honeynet servers, and that we're so well monitored that no matter what machine we try to find our postings on, we'll be served up on a silver platter to... Ourselves.
All this makes me even more disappointed in writing to friends in places such as SK, where some messages never seem to be replied to, or replied to DAYS after, and some message replied in person with "I never saw it... I looked, and never saw it..."
Once, in Shanghai, last year, someone in the apartment bloc got between me and and a SK-situated friend, taunting me. My SK-based friend said it wasn't him, and it was quite unsetteling, unleasing all variety of "If for just two minutes I were a god, what malevolent violence I'd unleash upon any and all related to this moment's intrusion" feelings.
So, some of the public will be desensitized, and some will be sent into circular fury, with little room to vent. Such will be worse than the terrorists these programs are meant to derail. Unfortunate, nerve-wracking, and, well, unfortunate... Circular Terror might become a new buzzword.