* Posts by dssf

1750 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Aug 2010

Samsung countersues Apple on new ground


Ah, just what I was thinking... Palm Pilot/PP II

If Palm had gotten a phone in and thinned the device by 1/2, then Apple would not be able to claim this at all.

Rounded corners are not just a look and feel and comfort matter. They are a NECESSITY, Apple. Right-angle edges break easily under stress. Ask ship and airplane designers. Talk to structural engineers!

No, iPhone location tracking isn't harmless and here's why


Remove the battery? Might do no good.

If the phone location is boosted by hidden signal amplifiers...

There's also rumor/speculation that the mic and camera can be remotely commanded on without the phone LEDs, vibrator, or screen revealing the act.

I heard there is a second battery. Hidden. Just in case a wanted phone has its battery removed. Or, to preserve the data while the main battery is removed.

For fun, try watching "Overheard". It was made several YEARS ago, and if the tech parts of the film can be found to be true in 2009-ish, then... these arguments of the iPhone are years late outside of Asia...

((The film was released theatrically in Hong Kong on 30 July 2009.))

Some of these links may contain plot spoilers:




Fairly spoiling:


"Their behavior is part and parcel of the film's overview of a society where those with money or power are above the law, even its enforcers. The story ends not once, but twice, with triple twists, evoking an ambivalent sense of devastation and catharsis.

Wong amuses with his hammy turn as the nefarious tycoon whose hypocritical speeches parody fatuous business lingo."



"Due to the film's great success, the sequel "Overheard 2" will begin production and tentatively release in 2011"

I bet this will resonate well with the rumbling over iPhone and Android phone data breaches. I bet someone could make a film about Google willy-nill allowing virtually any old software producer to hack people's phones, but then to protect Google, an evil exec pays contract killers to knock off whistleblowers as a favor to police and government authorities. Might not a new theme, but given the irritation it could possibly be retuned to police abuse. (I may pen a script myself...)


Several Parts of the film can be eye-watering to shockingly, violently stunning.

Cops refuse to say if they secretly snarf cellphone data


"then the world can get to you (for good or evil)."

Which is why the OS makers MUST provide to those of us who demand it a logger in our phones to show what processes and what remote sites caused access to and copying from folders on our machines.

The laxed-ass install rights such as "can write to and delete, can read..." are too wide open. Google, for example, in the case of Android, SHOULD tell the developers or installers to reword their notices to say, "can read/write/modify ONLY the associated folder, and NOT just any old other folder on your mobile..."

Law enforcement has NO right to demand nor expect to be able to tap into a phone and not be found out. If they want what is on the phone, they should be compelled to get a court order to TAKE the phone. But, no, they are excused of that requirement in some special cases. That apparently also means they are granted powers to sniff and snoop phones in ways that criminals do, as in without the owner knowing. Since there are crappy, CPU-bogging, RAM-hogging pages out there aplenty, it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE for us to know if it is malfeasance and intrusion and unauthorized trespass and modification (vandalsim, if you will).

Google and OS makers should help us by upping the ante on ANYONE who wants to trespass upon and vandalize a phone. Until the State OWNS and dispenses phones, the State does not OWN MY PHONE so long as I am not a criminal. Same goes for criminals.


Portable centrifuge?

How can one break the signal and maintain possession of the phone without violating safety/speed limits?

Cannon-launching it from place to place still leaves last known-orgin intact, right?

Maybe distributed/ghosted communications will work. (Recall ST Voyager "Tsunkatse" (and maybe a DS 9 episode... ) where the fighting arena's true location was masked so the matches could not be interfered with...



Is that "snagged and tangled"... almost like mixing quick cement and hair? Faster than braiding to a pole.


Remind me not to go to the UK with any electronics...

Since humans are not infallible, it's possible an inept agent could corrupt the phone or hard drive. Doesn't matter if i take backups with me since they'd pillage those, too, right?

(Yes, i realize this could happen in the USA, Japan, South Korea, Spain, and so on...)


You won't GET that list - why?

Because the frackkers will like.

Virtually EVERY major government with a security apparatus will demand backdoor or escrowed backdoor keys. This probaly is why we're going to increasingly see phones with multicores and huge amounts of RAM so that much of that processing power can be spent scarfing up information and encrypting it and stashing it in a hidden cache on the phone. Then, when you are less likely to notice it, your LEDs will not flicker and your logs will not report that your phone was relaying clandestinely-commanded micro-bursts to one or more "owned" towers so that you or other discerning users cannot correlate things.

It may even one day be that ALL phones handshake for whatever reason. But, CERTAIN phones will hold out a handshake and then TAKE data from phones double-back-doored so that data theft or government lifting won't go through a tower. The criminal or agent will just walk up to you and engage you a few minutes or sit near you on transit. Then, unless you get spooked and turn your phone off, you phone will be fingered and touched and groped periodically to establish a baseline of its contents in the event you only use the phone as a data-card-transfer device that does not surf or user the 3G or post 3G network services....


What if is also being used to log proximity contacts?

Just yesterday on the train, i counted 6 iPhones near me, within leg's distance, and 5 were iPhone 4's. Maybe Apple is tracking iTS phones for theft recovery. Imagine a thief is dumb enough to have wi-fi on and the iPhone (iPhone, for example) is fast enough to detect the MAC address of nearby phones. Then, when it is snatched, a non-down-commanded duress kicks off to indicate whether or not one of those earlier logged wi-fi MAC addresses the only one now moving at a fast clip with the phone sending a duress code.

First, i realize there may not even be such a duress app. User failure to deactivate it might needlessly trigger traces that may or may not involve police.

But, imagine if Apple is only giddily aroused and just trying to monetize the dizzying array of iPhone clusters, along with iPad clusters. Maybe this has something to do with a new product or service or feature that Apple will introduce in under 2 years?

As for Google enlisting involuntary datapoint slurpers... that seems plausible to me. It could also underscore wny (other than national directives and law enforcement demads) we don't have non-jailbreak user tools to tell us when and to WHerE and from what folders data on our devices is leaving our phones.

If this is related to Google's GIS-nuking powers, then once phones have altimeters and barometers in them, Google can offer Geo and Weather services. That is, that is if we're not allowed to disable those features, or if enough "incentivized" users opt in to the program.

Another thought I had yesterday was about Apple user loyalty. Imagine if Apple announced that once a month it would reward 10 loyal iPhoners $1,000 or $10,000, and that the users would come from 2, 5, or 10 clusters of iPhone users. This kind of program would not only help retain existing users, but also grab more. This could make sure the iPhone user base inexpensively grows.

Apple stuns Wall Street with 95% earnings surge


FIRING on all cylinders... and (Spoonerism alert)


Kindle beats Apple's closed book on choice


I don't know where all those iPads are, but i see PLENTY of

iPHONES on public transit, but at most i see 1 iPad per day on a train and almost never on a bus.) When i say PLENTY of iPHONES i am saying clusters of about 3 to 6 on any end or middle of a MUNI LRV. Whereas last year and in 2009 i observed things, i might have seen only 2 to 4 iPhones on either END of a train, and sometimes the same number on BART. Nowadays, it's either end AND the middle. On buses, I see maybe 4 or 5 max.

However, as for Kindles, I see 2-3 a day on either of those transit vehicles. As for seeing iPads in Borders before they shuttered their downtown SF locations, I would see 2 to 3 at a time starting from release date.

There are a couple of coffee shops i visit, and they are mostly or almost exclusively ithis/ithat although 20% might be generic win-based PCs and virtually NO win-based nor Android-based tablets -- yet.

Interestingly, this individual (I cannot tell if it is a man or woman, honestly) who USED to carry and dotingly use an iPad in the morning for several months and lug a laptop or book tote now only carries a reader.... Kindle, and NO lugged electronics. So, that person appears to have NOT upgraded to the iPad 1.5, er, umm, two.

At any rate, Apple execs and designers must be wetting their pant and spraining their wrists when the look at the iPhone -- and to some extent the iPad -- signal blobs on a real-time wall display. Sure, there are maybe 5x as many non-Apple phones on a transit vehicle, and a very packed train of some 200 people must have some 30 or 40 iPhones in each car, but those non-Apple phones are fragmented across different OSs and styles of phones.

iPads, however, seem to suffer from price and glare and random if not increasing new reports of thefts (at weapons-point) of Apple products in SF. One or 2 people were even home-invaded and relieved of their goods. Kindle might be less tempting a theft target, I suspect.

Google invites enterprise atop Google Maps, Earth


This will THOROUGHLY upset...

Many proprietary developers of GIS software, some real estate/realty offices.

If it turns into people "outting" undisclosed, private (vs non-public) commercial entites, some will be upset. Imagine people paying daily visits to offce parks, skyscrapers, and other buildings to pore over tenant boards/lists and roam halways sniffing WI-FI to determine what types of businesses are behind unlabled, locked, mysterious doors.

Some government agencies will like it if it helps them reassess properties and to sleuth out corporate tax scofflaws.

Politicians will love it if it helps them redistrict, though...

Apple sues Samsung over Galaxy look-and-feel


Not everyone can afford to

Drink from the azure-green, bat-winged, rubbery-rimmed chalace of Steve. Apple has no moral qualms about overpricing its products even when clearly/probably 30% of its clientel are fashionistas on the verge (one or 2 paycheck away from) homelessness. True, many Android-based phones are roughly the same price as iPhones. But, many iPhone users also own multiple other products of Apple that cost 2x the just-make-do non-Apple alternatives. If one is truly making income from art or documents AND the personal or business bottom line are not suffering, then buy what you want.

But, not everyone wants the drink. If I COULD afford Apple laptops, i probably WOULD buy an 18"-ish laptop for the thinness, the battery life, and the huge screen. But, it better have alt+right-click functionality...



Companies may think that the lawsuit they initiate upon another company is just between them/their team and the defendant/defendant's team, but some companies manage to irk or ire many in the public.

Is there a database at which courts and juries MUST look when a case such as A v S goes public? The Samsung SynchMaster 206BW could possibly be -- only for this case/instance -- Samsung's rescue. Others named products that probably inspired the iPad. Such a database might save courts' time and stop enriching knock-down, drag-out attorneys who engage in these types of suits for a living.

Such a database should demand citations, sources, and be robust from attack or damage.



Look again. The face buttons are different. iPhone has buttons in different places.


The body feel is different.

I think I'll buy a Galaxy Tab II just to spite Apple...


Get a GRIP and then ooze and say Ahhh, Apple...

Could one say "yai shek" to apple?

FINALLY, the other shoe drops. Now, new to apple: FOXTROT OSCAR, MIKE ALFA's! How many shoes look similar? How many cars look similar? How many TOOTHBRUSHES, COMBS, and PANTS look similar. Get fuc*ing REAL. The bezel is THICKER. The edge radius is LARGER. The SCREEN is 4.3, not 3.5...

Apple, do you need more socks to be stuffed into your mouth? How many other phones and automobiles cross-cannibalize from each other and we don't hear about it in the news? You're just grousing because iPhone is set to lose market share. You wouldn't like it if Samsung just shut down the A4/A5 assembly line on you, now would you? STFU and just sell your doing-well, popular phone. Nothing lasts forever.




Apple, you need to get a GRIP! Oh, wait, but then you might not be able to make calls, hehehehe.... (I copied that from someone... i was being THOROUGHLY un-innovative, and un original... SUE ME!)

Funny thing is is that RIGHT NOW I am looking at my Samsung SyncMaster 206BW, you know, the one with a black bezel that looks like Samsungs Tab and somewhat like the ipad...




The Syncmaste 206BW has been reviewed since 2008

Strip off the stand and then it very MUCH looks like the Galaxy Tab and then apple will sue over that, too, if the SM206BW is turned into a tablet...

This YouTube vid existed since 2007:


Looks like a big Galaxy Tab & Tab II to me. Maybe Apple cribbed teh SyncMaster 206BW for the ipad's face look and feel? I hope Samsung prevails.


Samsung could easily say it is copying its own SyncMaster 206BW

As for the Galaxy S vs iPhone 3GS...


Concave-backed iPhone 3GS vs convex-backed Galaxy S...

Rounded corners are an engineering and manufacturing STAPLE. Anyone who makes delicate stress-subjected or drop-prone produces and does so with square corners/edges deserves to suffer massive product returns. Even on ships, brackets, angles, and cutouts are not done square nor with sharp angles, this being because multi-axial stresses will shatter, snap, tear, or otherwise cause the part to fail. Even wallets have roundness of flxible softness to get them into and out of pockets.


If you feel that way about microwaves, then go look at Samsung fridges

on a showroom floor. Just go to Best Buy or other places. Samsung's fridges with bottom freezers and double-door tops are breathtakingly neater and more functional than the GE and other brands. Even if Samsung copied them, it went farther. I looked at maybe 10 models from 4 or 5 makers (Samsung and non-Samsung) and spent maybe 30 minutes going back and forth.

Samsung clearly knows how to modify and improve on things. From hinges to door flaps, to the door dispensers, to moveable/resizable shelves.

Microsoft markets 'collection' of PCs to consider


If there is too much choice, ms...then...

Maybe one day ms will pay Apple to do ms' laptop design... hahahaha

'Fierce competition' drives Apple's iPhone 6 changes



There are some of us who have large hands and don't wan't a diminuitive-feeling phone in our hand. The iPhone may be nice for 80%ile or even 90%ile, but apple is hamfisted with it's one-size-WILL-fit-ALL attitude. It make some beautful, alluring products, but if i were a consumer of apple products, I'd want that phone to be comparable in size to my HTC EVO 4G. Not saying my EVO is hands-down better than the iPhone. But, I like having 6 screens to spread out icons and widgets. Too bad, though, that the EVO battery life sucks compared to the iPhone. And, it seems, the iPhone screen reorientation is snappy-fast. But... ultimately, we use what we're drawn to and entrapped by our carriers if we leapt for subsidized phones.

Whitehats pierce giant hole in Microsoft security shield


Array in DIS-Array...

I'd think that if one can DIS the array, one can create a HEAP of SH*T... (Couldn't resist the parallel analo... ummm, constructs... )


Why isn't HEM protection possible?

Maybe the programmers are on.... HEMP???


Speaking of which...

Why the HELL does an accounting/time-keeping application use ie and active x and refuse to open the remote time-keeping module from Firefox? To me, the programmers (or their code supplier, hint hint) of that app just didn't want to support users who make use of non-ms browsers. The app is so hooked into ms that it is infuriating, to me at least. (Sorry, i cannot name the app -- just in case...).

Google cranks ad money machine to $8.58bn


bing Tanking 30% of the Market?

Taking or tanking (fueling up) from?

I SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY doubt bing has those numbers. Even if it is true, bing most CERTAINLY would not have without piggybacking on facebook. To do my bit in compensation of this, i avidly avoid using bing, even if fb returns things that *could* be interesting. But, knowing ms, I am pretty sure that fb users by default are being counted just because searching in fb will bring up the bing page. That is not a TRUE reflection.

As for bing counts on cell phones, the dismal wp7 inroads probably (for now) must be heartbreaking even for the most optimistic of ms sales staff. A company that tries to be everything for everyone needs to take a chill pill. Unfortunately, boards of directors and other investors demand a company make money any "legal" or dubious way possible, so, if the board thinks grown of bing is coming from counting fb, they should know that not everyone will kow-tow to that game. Being default on a device is one thing. Merit and worth are whole, different animals.

US Marines splurge on Brit troops' armoured pants


Hmmm, Fundoshi it must be...


(looks more like an Alien's Hitch Hiking Guide to Human Underwear)

In the pic of the 3 mail models posing in the bluish room, they at first appeared to me to be under water....


That wouldn't be fundoshi, I presume...

The fundoshi:


doesn't appear to lend much protection to the buttocks, much less the back alley.

I didn't go there, but Google has youtube vids for the fundoshi...

Do you have the Japanese ancient name of the garments?

Middle East questions get under RIM boss’s skin


One way to find out.... but there may be conn-seek-winces

Gangsters or spies having control over "expendable" assets can set up disposable offices with valid RIM servers. Exchange phony criminal-like messages that are nearly 100% plausible. Vary the schemes. Eventually, surveillance WILL arrive, near the homes, near the coffee shops the "employees" frequent. There may be "workmen" coming to repair the inside wiring that is owned and not under phone company control. There may be a sudden enhanced warranty checkup program for the washer and dryer or TV so that a spy can gain access to the premises and plant a few audio boosters that might serve as backup in case microwave fails or is gold-plating thwarted.

Then, the dull-aluminum rectangular, heat-sink-finned box wrapped around thick cable pole wiring or in the ground wiring will be messed with. It might, however, just be easier to shoot transceiver darts into the eaves or roofing if they can be made low-observable so roof repairs don't expose their existence.... (No, I'm not paranoid, but I do have a vivid imagination fueled by spy and defector books i read as a 1980's teen...

Of course, governments take security seriously, but when home invasions at the authority of state happen upon people who are not actually criminals, people have a right to know and have a right to upbraid, uppercut, or cut down an intruder. After all, one's abode is one's sanctuary. Sanctuary penetrated means you either act like your own life has value, or you let someone devalue it and lock you up anyway for having the temerity to question only after dealing with a lured or dispatched intruder.

Russian Vostok capsule sells for $2.9m


I meant Earnie Hudson, not Ford...

Had to make the correction...


Just hope it's not a bottle of radioactive Vodka from the movie...


I call it "Evian Water" when I want to spook friends...

You could end up looking like this:


(Well, if the movie didn't lie...)

You can find clips from YouTube.

The funniest part (to me) is when the stranded crew incredulously heard the (lying) boss lady say over the vid link something like "Thank GOD you're still alive.. I thought you were gone..."

To which Ernie Ford (IIRC) blurted, ""GAWNNN? !BITCH!, WE STILL HEER! YOU NEED TO COME GET AHH ASSES now!!"

Ahh, this capsule article with mention of Vodka makes want to watch Leviathan NOW!

Facebook fixes Hotmail reset bug


I'm not sure what the issues entailed...

But, is there a possibility of tainted cookies being part of the problem?

In Firefox 4.0, to which i just upgraded less than 4 or so days ago, i have to delete the facebook cookies to stop getting a second login screen of facebook. Here's what happens:

- I took the browser off-line Tuesday evening

- I put the browser online on Weds AM

- i entered my password, as my username was already in the entry field

- I hit enter

- I see that the screen jiggles, then it takes me to an alternate login screen, but my password is not there

After this rigmarole 3 or 4 times, i fired up ie 8 and did not experience this.

I went back to ffox but decided to delete the fb coolies.. ummm, cookies

I then got "Cookies must be enabled..." or some such message. I did not get the jiggle/second screen business. Then, I entered my password and voila, my fb page loaded without further jiggling.

I think something is wrong with the fb/firefox relationship in the cookies when the browser is taken offline. I haven't seen this with other sites - yet. It is annoying because it does not foster comfortable feelings, although it could be a clue of something being amiss.

Microsoft promises not-quite-as-much Street View


One way to defeat ms and late-comers

A not-for-profit group could obtain funding for reflective, barcoded, large posters ro stickers that say, "I DO NOT OPT IN TO STREETSIDE"... Then, we'll see whether ms deletes the structure, or merely the "vandals-placed" stickers/posts.

By the same token, that could work against Google, too. But, i like Google earth and Google maps.

Can Bing ride IE and WinPho to Google triumph?


What I think ms is doing...

It is trying to (through ad mouth pieces) "program" developers and marketing agencies to gear up for "The Second Coming of Bing" as if it is a foregone conclusion that they (developers, et al) will lose money if they continue with Android, Google, and so on.

Yes, a reality distortion field. By the way, anything to the rumor of Apple and search engines?



It would be interesting to see Apple pull off such a thnig and do with with flair and flare. Style for themselves, and hellish fire for ms. Considering that Apple has a huge LOYAL following (are ms users "loyal", or just don't know there are options besides ms?). Most computer users get ms by default and then don't break out of the cocoon. Most Apple users GO TO Apple, and tend to like what they see. Some users of either OS are multiplatform users, using even Linux if it is the right hammer for the nail they're pounding. But, for search, Google just isn't sexy in appearance. But, just like pregnancy, ultimately, looks tend to not matter if the goal is to produce something that lives and is what the searcher wanted. So far, it seems Google has produce a DogWolf, and ms has produced a Wolf/Duck/Lamb... (My analogies are falling apart...)

One-armed Maine residents whip out switchblades


Useless... Unless one-armed people are allowed to use:

TRUNCHEON. Telescoping truncheon, to be precise.


I never used a truncheon of any kind, but I did re-purpose with a hand grip one or two of the expended hatchback/lift-back shock absorbers/extenders. After removal, one was constantly stuck closed while the other was stuck open. They both had the knuckles/bearing joints affixed. If anyone assaulted me, they would have been in for "a shocker". It, to me, is downright criminal for law to say that a person defending one self cannot have extra length protection to keep at bay someone wielding a knife.

Fortunately for me, I was never pulled over nor inspected while in possession of these in my car. No longer a car owner, i keep these (one of them at least) at home. In and around the home, they are about as useful as the odd hammer, screwdriver, empty soju bottle, drafting tools, solid but large books, very hard lotion bottles, and anything else that can be randomly grabbed in the heat of self-defense. In the States, in some states, one is not allowed to carry nor drive with a lone baseball bat. But, if a glove and ball are adjacent, it is okay...

But, as for the one-legged vet in the link above, I suppose he could take up kinpo, jujuitsu, hapkido, and an obscure art of directed kicking and drive his false leg into an assailant's ass -- sideways or otherways. Some baddies just need to be put out of commission -- fast and direct.

Blackhole exploit posted on US Postal Service site



When I first read this, my mind saw "Blackhole Exploited at US Postal Site"...I thought it was a gag story claiming that the USPS was tapping into a power source...

Facebook, Google et al grapple with France in privacy row


Why don't the State governments just HACK the data? Make them do their OWN dirtywork!

Forcing ISPs to keep this data means that this privacy data us subject to hacking and contamination and MIM (Man in the Middle) attacks. Governments forcing the annual or 12-month retention of this data are de facto forcing the data to remain "alive" and re-connectable. Probably the only people who will not easily be traced are those who use a new account and location for every transmission and only transmit to ONE contact and never the same type of content to multiple contacts from the same source or locale. But, how many people are THAT SO paranoid/self-protecting as to consider or make use of such self-protection? Info leakers? Spies?

But, still, why should not the government be required to try to crack the data themselves. The various State and military agencies in numerous countries claim to have TIA or total information awareness capabilities. Make them prove it. Unless they can prove it, they have TIA because of state law, not skills. Probably they are bluffing on much of the skill claimed.

Oh, wait, there's "due process" and "speedy and fair trial", at least in the USA. Sometimes, it seems speedy and fair is just to help State burn through case load when it wants and drag on others while buying or biding time to accumulate more information to avoid cases being thrown out on technicalities.

CTIA cites First Amendment protection of radiation levels


Distance the Phone

Well, ONE way to deal with SAR vs the brain is to make cell phones lacking an ear speaker. Better yet, get rid of the mouth mic, too. Design it to REQUIRE a hands-free kit. This would kill two birds with one stone:

-- SAR on the brain

-- DWT, Driving While Talking on the cell phone.

I one does not talk with the phone close to the reproductive organs, this might be a third bird killed. But, a shield of some sort would probably still be needed if the phone radiation at standby becomes something to worry about.

Apple patent eyes Mac OS X tablet


Move them around...

On HTC's larger touch screens, it may become intuitive and useful to reorder the tiles the way we ad hoc move browser tabs around. Apple should NOT be awarded a patent on this unless it is defensive so that no one company heists the feature capability.


Motorola's Xoom and Dell's Streak also could benefit from that. Since each home screen has from 1 to some 20 icons and users such as myself tend to organize by task or mind-managing, it would be useful to move those home screens easier than moving the tiles around. HTC should jump on this FAST. They are not that far from it and it is on the verge of prior art.

Deleting 'innocent' DNA will cost £5m


Must be a massive amount of DNA collecting going on

To input DNA records or samples in batch sessions. Why batch only 5 or 10 at a time? Probably batches contain a couple hundred "contacts", probably done every 2 weeks. Not sure if that is representative of the level of relevant crimes, but I'm just pulling numbers for effect.

The collation of some number of contacts' files and their entry makes me wonder if file errors or contamination can let some suspects off and convert innocent suspects into incarcerated individuals.

And, what the hell is this batch entry got to do with isolating individual records. If a set of exonerating DNA is placed in the database to "extract" a deep-cover operative who needs a convincing case file or rap sheet, then it means that finding this anonymized record will be a major BI*CH to do so and not expose other records. Records requiring privacy sensitivity should be discrete and not commingled in such a way that deleting or viewing a specific record destroys or exposes or manipulates another record.

Either they have a horribly designed database, or the explanation is a crock of shit, or the interpretation of the explanation was maligned somehow.

Didn't the database design team know of CODD's rules, atomicity, and a slew of other best practices or database "laws" that help frame the design of ANY database. Even if it is object oriented, there still must be a valid concept of data atomicity, row and column locking, audit control, recovery, and so on.

Speaking of recovery, what about all of their backups. If there are 10s or dozens of off-site archives not yet purged, how do they know they will retrieve every last cartridge, disk, or other media and the logs that make references to that to-be-purged DNA? Do the references, too, need to be purged? If their logs are incomplete or inaccurate, they will probably never successfully remove each and every should-have-never-been-filed DNA record. If any of it traveled over a wire, across Wi-Fi, or into a cloud, even if encrypted, anyone knowing of the backup schedule could sniff and hope to crack the content encryption at a later date.

Microsoft files monopoly complaint against Google


timesheet and accounting software that force msie as only browser

What pisses me off is that the time keeping/accounting software we us refuses to work with FF. It ONLY works with msie. Uses active hex and other stuff that to me could have just work OS-agnostic. Tards.


msoft should bang away at successx

They should create RealDoll Derivatives and Prophylactic Futures... Imagine a lassie... ummm.. doll who...ummm, that can huck, buck, writh, moan, gyrate, show the swirl (nod to BSG) and hug as strongly as Ahnold... (well, actually, I surmise that he can HUG strongy, but not attributing all those other capabilities to him...).

Do an operation dumbo with about 600,000 Real Dolls and there might be piece... ummm, peace on Earth.. and snappiness to unmarried men....The world's dic()tators might be busied groping, touching, and pinging, whiling away on a self-imposed TTL

Actually, there are some models for women, too. But, i know there are vastly more male programmers, so, between programmers and politicians, a LOT of guys can be kept busyi. Forced upgrades, built-in-ahhhhbbb-pole-lessons would keep a steady stream but never a trickle of income for msha... uummm, msoft...

This could represent a (w)hole new asset to the newly-founded Hardware Division: "MSHAFT", complete with haptic feedback (or, depending ont he model) and haptic feedfront... A new form of joystick and immersive endtertainment.... Actually, one will have begat... spawned the other... set of core processes not unendtirely deependent up on endtensive heartbeats...


We need fusion...

Demopoly or Monocracy....

I imagine that ms will hiss and seethe like Commander Remmick and say, "We seek PEACEFUL coEXISTENCE!"

They then will change it to "pieceful", a minor technicality.

Speaking of fusion, would you rather be Borged, or ...?



And, who are ms kidding? Facebook has integrated bing. It didn't USE to be that way. But, co-opting 500M users for a few hundred million dollars was a cheesey, cheap, purchasing way to attempt to get at 1st Place. I'd love to see the TRUE stats of how many fb users exit bing and continue the search using Google in a separate tab.


Hmmm... I prefer Lotus Smart Suite to OO.o

And, i wish IBM would find a way to ditch Symphony and update Smart Suite. I prefer Punch! ViaCAD to TurboCAD. I prefer....

I'd prefer that the US DOJ says it must become harder for ms to land on PCs by default, globally. I wish there was a way to economically stimulate PC and laptop makers to turn Linux to their hardware and then harmonize that tuning to it can then start to harmonize the top tier distros so that windows-based apps can run natively or in a wine-like environment. I'd prefer that makers of apps that solely run on windows and mac would be incentivized to use their mac know-how to facilitate Linux.

I'd prefer... i'd prefer...

I don't know what Smith is smoking, other than greenbacks dust. Imagine if Google just "gave up" and said, "That's it! We're outta the search engine market..." Imagine if ms' bing bong smoked its way into first place -- JUST BECAUSE Google quit. Maybe someday bing will bang its way to top spot, but it should be forced to work its ASSSSS off to get there.. Nor more ms-first-place-by skulldugger-secret integration and economic-attrition-of-the-competition.

Scientists eye curvaceous Earth gravity map


the foxes EYES?

or the foxes MARBLES? Two high, two low, which way to you go?

Men at Work lose Down Under plagiarism appeal



Oh, wait... belay that...

Facebook HipHop serves 70% more traffic on same hardware


fb to google...

Zuck to Brinn: Ecks-kooz me, sah. Haf yoo evah hurd of da ee-man-seep-ayshun prok lam ation?

Brin: Ayyye dohn't lissen to hip hip...

(IRT Southpark)

Google open source guru: 'Why we ban the AGPL'


Google and DVD Players

Hmmm... The analogy got me thinking

It would be NICE if Google made non-dvdcss dvd players and then flooded the DVD/film industry with them to bust up that pointless encryption scheme that currently can be enforced to the detriment of Linux users who watch DVDs via xine. Those who choose to pirate DVDs tear right past the so called protection/encryption. This is a case where i wish Google DEFINITELY would do harm.

Google unleashes (another) Facebook knock-off


Not my friends....

Hopefully, Google's "facsimilie" won't be a fraksimilie...

Hopefully, +1 will ask you to indicate on the 'social circle" whether or not you actually MET said person. This would allow granularity and access control in a 'ring-like" visual metaphor, sort of like sets and subsets.

(I hope this explanation serves as new-then-prior art, so, don't anyone go getting off trotting to file for a patent. .... You can BET i will apply this metaphor and refer to a screenshot of this very public disclosure...)

But, fb is tainted and polluted people having "friends" consisting of people they never even wrote once. Considering that the USAF and other governments use avatars and fake profiles, unless one has MET someone, how can that person truly be a friend?

So, when one posts, an arc-slider gizmo on screen would let users do ad-hoc rearrangement of who is in and who is not on a story. Back-end enforcement would attempt to keep information or posts from automatically appearing on the "wall" of users not designated to receive the notice. In some ways, this would be akin to my observation of US Military classified message traffic generation:

-- Determine the addressees;

-- Assign document overall classification;

-- Mark each and every paragraph with classification markings;

-- Flag the paragraph's words or passages that cause a specific classification

-- Demote or promote paragraph and reference and document classification according to highest or lowest passage/paragraphs in or related to the document

Now, apply such a scheme to friend and association relationships. Exes could be excluded, parents could be sidelined. Where this breaks down is if someone copies and pastes and shares passages with others. When found out, then sideline or eject that person. Better yet, customizing each message could help figure out the leaker, if the +1 tool is used in a closed environment.

Mozilla debuts Firefox 4 for Android


Heheheh.... "App Store"

Actually, Apple should just call their stores Apple Stores and give up on "App Store" altogether...

Microsoft cofounder Allen unloads on Gates


In that case, with "Ferengis indeed", add these, maybe in this order:

52 Never ask when you can take.

99 Trust is the biggest liability of all.

177 Know your enemies... but do business with them always.

52 Never ask when you can take.

239 Never be afraid to mislabel a product

299 After you've exploited someone, it never hurts to thank them. That way, it's easier to exploit them next time.


He is a Ferengi through and through...

He is a Ferengi through and through:

202 The justification for profit is profit.

261 A wealthy man can afford anything except a conscience.

1 Once you have their money, you never give it back.

16 A deal is a deal (until a better one comes along).

181 Not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit.