* Posts by dssf

1750 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Aug 2010

UK student hacker sentenced over gaming Trojan


You can't prosecute someone who buys milk powder from a drug dealer ...

You can't? I seem to recall (maybe faultily) FBI and undercover police arresting people for buying what they thought were drugs when they were no buying drugs. (Again, my memory could be faulty)...

That is almost the same as arresting someone for solicitation. The undercover cop/fake sex offeror has no duty nor any likely intent to actually give his/her body for sex to cite or arrest a person for solicitation, intent, and agreeing to consort. In the name of keeping the public safe, the charges for solicitation tend to stick. Wouldn't the charges apply if a person is arrested for intent to purchase cocaine even if holding out cash that only obtains mashed-potato-power-mix subtitutes?

Linux kernel runs inside web browser


I wish IBM would hire talent like him and resurrect Lotus SmartSuite

and bring it up to date instead of that current offering that IBM is pushing.

It's very impressive that he did this just for fun. It's amazing what determined developers can do when they want. Too bad big companies don't always think about the user this way.


And, run VirtualBox in that infinite recursion

And add enhanced, faster networking than the UART...

Add RAM, strong graphics, super CPU... this might make for one hell of a honey net add-on... Imagine setting up and tearing down virtual nets in a honeynet that -- if desired -- traverses the Net to other honey nets.

Designer punts ultimate customisable keyboard


If this becomes ubiquitous, i forsee a minor problem, but easy to correct...

If such keyboards become popular, users will want a roaming profile of sorts. I STRONGLY favor a limited microsd or RFID-like tagger one could wand over the keyboard. This means no one would be forced to use roaming profiles from operating systems. One could just preconfigure one's own favored keys arrangement or arrangements to suit tasks and then use any publicly-available keyboard of this type. It would be demoralizing if this nice technology got shotgun-wedded to any specific OS and then the public steered to a/that "popular" OS. I would prefer a disposable, wandable chip than putting the info in my phone, for obvious reasons.

Bin Laden's porn stash: Too good to be true?



So, the anal (or banal) ANALYSTS will be compiling a list of anamorphic and explicit details?


My fillings... umm, FEELINGS, exactly...

Besides using porn as steganography, having a huge stockpile means a huge array of salt or seed with which to form a major bugger of a crypto key.

Moreover, using porn as steg means turning ON as well as turning OFF analysts and ANALists who will be distracted or incensed (or, if you will, end-sensend) at getting this stuff all over their hands.

Imagine seeding a key with cuts and pastes as well as multidimensional overlays of sorts to form a "spherical key", if you will. Why should a key be thought of as "flat" when it can be an enter-active sort of key that is "live" rather than "static"?

To cull the secrets out of a live sphere, one would have to be a quantumly-esteemed and cunning linguist...

Apple seeks patent for keyboard that sucks


Looks like you need a modified keyboard...

One that will be organic/self-cleaning, hahaha In the hands of SOME fans, it will NEED to be self-cleaning and self-sanitising, hehehe.

'Upgraded' Apple iMacs lock out hard drive replacement


What would that en(d)tail if Apple made cons?

Remove the con and there is automatic contraction and snap-back? OWWWWW.... Or, removing the con causes painful withdrawal symptoms and emergency addict(sh)un?

Win7 machines harder hit by infection as VXers change tactics


More Immune... More Pregnant/Less Pregnant

Exactly what I was thinking. More dead, less dead.

Maybe they will say they are speaking of individuals AMONG the population rather than individuals OF the population, hehehehe

Facebook caught exposing millions of user credentials


Friending but Starving a facebook Contact? How to do?

Does facebook allow users to selectively deprive a given "friend" of information we share with others? It may seem pointless, but as long as a "friend" has limited known contact with our friends (in other words, we on facebook appear to not have common friends as far as facebook displays), we may want to deprive or starve someone rather than outright drop someone.

i cannot find such a facility in fb. Does anyone know if it is possible?


I've been suspecting that it is a hijacker's overlay...

I think it is probably some botched government backdoor layer.

Whatever it is, though, bypass it by first logging in to:

mfacebook dot com

rather than dub dub dub dot facebook dot com.

From there, scroll to the screen bottom and click on "Desktop". Depending on the buggered implementation, you may have to take an intervening detour to "Touch", and then click on "Desktop" to log in.

What is REALLY bizarre, and makes me want to behead whomever is behind this is that THREE TIMES this morning my wall was particularly stripped of this:

"Change your password. During that process, fb automatically logs out any concurrent fb sessions/logins you have. Also, in the privacy settings and security settings, tell fb to notify you when your account is logged in to. And, enable the feature that requires a code when logging in. This means you will receive some kind of 5 or 6 digit number (via hand phone) which you must enter into the browser for the login to actually happen."

Each time since 7AM, that advice on my private wall was removed. No warning, no explanation, no TOS indications, no nothing. Just vanishes.

Microsoft Skype: How the VCs won and Ballmer overpaid


About IP?

You probably are very correct. They can bludgeon ANYone whose implementations are perilously close to Skype's. Then, ms can screw those companies out of royalties, or sue/litigate them to death, or merely publicly threaten them so that investors of those targets withdraw future funding, just like ms' 1990s vaporware or delayware tactics.





Maybe he has a hankerin' to do some more jumpin'?

MicroSkype: Andreessen settles accounts with Ballmer


To get all that money back, he's going to have to scream and jig a lot more in his footprint









Maybe he has a hankerin' to do some more jumpin'?

About 5 minutes long vid with some awes bass and riffs...

Woman with 15 IDs gets 7 years for multiple VAT fraud


New Concepts... in National ID

In the case of the USA, If for a moment we can separate education/public benefits and State espionage/surveillance, and revamp the IRS to account for commercial and criminal elements, the IRS desperately needs to come up with some sort of 2-part identification and some new laws to impose severe sanctions upon those who defy the changes.

I would propose that since the existing SSN (Social Security Number) scheme as an identification system for its purposes has been compromised by schools, lenders, employers, and others, that it be treated as compromised completely.

There should be a assigned a biometrically-generated ID that is disclosed ONLY to the individual. The individual's existing and newly-assigned numbers might by necessity be kept combined in certain situations such as military, incerceration, and where armed/sworn civilians are charged with public safety.

Consider this: In South Korea, by law, no one can have cellular or internet access without having a national ID number. I am not sure of the exact format, but if it is as I've seen in a film, it is a series of 6 digits hyphenated by 7 digits. From what I've read online, males' digits end odd, and females' even.


For more countries, see:


In SK, in anything that requires an individual to supply the NID, males will also have a military service ID number, or an exemption to explain the lack of one. But, imagine if in the UK or USA or other places one could not surf or make mobile calls from one's own phone without supplying an NID.

Some if not all one-time-use "credit" cards -- if you read the VERY VERY fine print -- require the purchaser's SSN. I am not sure if they would use as a substitute the user's or activating individual's SSN or accept some bogus entry.

But, the new scheme of SSN-suffix needs to be something that isolates all known ID of a person and acts only as the individual's known-name and State benefits and insurer health benefits number to prevent con artists from depriving a person of his or her retirement or health benefits. Other things such as loans, employment, and so on should be left on the old number and ONLY in special cases associated with the new, very-private number.

Feel free to expand on it for me!

Microsoft stops ID-ing phones in jab at Google


I don't believe ms will truly discard or not collect those IDs

If someone hacked or messed around with phones, and if the carriers needed ms' help, those numbers will somehow magically appear as needed.

Chinese iPad 2 fanboiz in frenzied fight


Time to go a bit Retro

Some of the smaller of electronics products ought to be vacuum-picked, bunny-tube-delivered from the stock floor upstairs to the customers standing 5-abreast. Then, hurry up and rush them out of the store upon confirmation of receipt of goods that are in good working order, finish, workmanship, and nothing is missing from the packaging.

Something should be done about hoarders and scalpers. But, as much as I may want to buy something unique, I won't rush to be first in line.


Overpriced, overhyped shit?

As much as I rail against Apple (not as much as I rail against ms), a few things I DO like about Apple -- but which have not caused me to buy an Apple product for my own use-- are:

-fantastic battery life (upwards of 8 hours? not sure about thei 18"/21" range Macbooks, though)

-- thin, light chassis, lighter than my 17" Gateway P6031 (IIRC, but from Dec 2007) and my 17" HP Pavillion dv7 -3065dx

--- magnetic power cord, which as a whole is a much lighter power supply than my Gateway or HP p/s's (but, I don't like the UFO'looking white charger looks), and detaches easily if tripped over

---- super agressive battery saving schemes which I cannot get out of Linux on my laptops, probably and particularly because I'm running windows inside VirtualBox...

Both my GW and HP laptop batteries went to crap, keeping only 10 minutes to 5 minutes of charge. The GW crapped out after a year. The HP crapped after only 10 months. It's infuriating, and I'm thinking of buying a Macbook JUST to spite HP and other PC makers. Yes, I know Macbooks are overpriced PCs running MacOS which is a closed variant of BSD/etc.

IFFFFF I could afford a 17" or 20-ish" Macbook (I do CAD stuff and treasure a huge, flat, portable screen and long battery life) and IFF I could still get 6-8 hours of life running VBox to contain win 7 and IIIIFFF I can run PCLinuxOS inside a Vm on a Macbook, I might bite.

To get that size AND battery life, won't I have to pay close to $2,000 anyway on a PC laptop?

But, I would probably loathe being forced to have an iTunes account. I just want a friggin' machine that runs well, has lasting battery life

Whitehats break out of Google Chrome sandbox



There needs to be a new hat color....

Anyone disagree with "BROWN HAT", because it entails something oozing from en(d)trails... and often smells, generates yells, and fills odious well...



Just change the "F" to a "T"....

Official: Microsoft buys Skype for $8.5bn


usd50 per user.... going to drop by 50

as soon as i go and delete my account.

Wankers. Just started making money and sold out. It sure would be nice if voters could vote at the SEC level and not just at the consumption level...



WhAT the F***CK???? Yet aNOTHER piece of software many of us use or used and hope or hoped would remain on its own falls to the dominion of *microsoft*. WTH... i don't use it much anyway. Guess i won't. I'm f*cking tired of being in sites or apps where my data is getting bought by microsoft, DAMMIT!

Guess i'll have to reexaming Gnomemeeting or that weird-ass name it took on after it wasn't gnomemeeting anymore...

All this goes to show is this is yet ANOTHER successful app that ms couldn't make on its own without DESTROYING a company or competitors, and yet it BUYS one up, and will probably do the same. Meanwhile, millions of sheeple and hundreds of thousands of companies will be ignorant, idiotic, or indifferent and not even bat an eye.

Regulators seem to have their heads up their asses, and investors know no limits. Sometimes, companies should live and die on merit, not how much cash is in their warchests.

How long before the price spikes for paying users? Will there be obnoxious ads to offset the price of not paying?

And, will ms now just all too gleefully give up the encryption backdoor to any remaning governments that didn't manage to crack or strongarm the backdoor?

Think file-hosting sites guard your private data? Think again


What about unauthorized traversal inspection of upload sources?

Say you're uploading a file from your computer to some online site. That site provides a "Download file" button. You click it. Rather than copy and paste in the URL, you traverse directly (or sometimes in random fashion until the desired file shows up) to the file. Now, is it really impossible for such upstream sites to covrertly traverse, inspect plant into or extract from, and monitor computers when the user logs in?

I for about 6 years have been wondering that. It seems that with web crawlers and hidden "Allow" scripts, it probably is child's play for malicious types and nosy investigators, police, and State entities to exploit users. Users whose systems are not file-encrypted (each file, not JUST the file system or hard drive, since disk-only encryption can mean the entire contents are exposed/unencrypted once the single password is correctly supplied) could be at great risk of being snooped when connected. This is why with I ALWAYS yank the Ethernet or the USB antenna as soon as I have completed my log on purpose. I NEVER just walk away from home and leave my machine connectect and unobserved unless it is for updates. This also is why I refuse to consume streaming media to my computer. So much is going on it is nearly impossible to refute the possibility of slipstreamed malicious or uninvited code.

HTC Facebook branded, buttoned phones appear online


This will probably RILE Apple up, but here goes...


Faces + Time = FBFT

Imagine people popularize the term "Hey, facetime me" or "facebook me"


interface + in your face = iface

Choosing a desktop OS


Dicking around with the desktop to my fury

I am soooooo exhausted by compiz/fusion et al BREAKING my nodes or file types associations and the desktop having some sort of issue where things just BREAK.

I upgrade, then invariably, the desktop 3D experience fails on me and I have egg on my face when showing it off. PLEASE, just stabilze it. Adding Gnome components should not be a nerve-wracking experience layered with apprehension.

So, I've lamentably and frustratingly fallen back to the non-3D desktop. If the coders would stabilize it and stop dicking around throwing more features, it would truly show what windows is not capable of (or not allowed to be) doing on only a 250 MB Radeon HD 4200 chip.

3D/plasma on Linux has sooooo much going for it, yet every other release or every few updates unrelated just trash my desktop.

Also, why is it that with KDE4 that sooooooo many dependencies tear down the KDE system? Want to uninstall a number of app? Sure, do it, but KDE will reduce to non-working state. The desktop GUI should NEVER, NEVER, EVER, EVER, NEVER, NEVER, NNNNNNNNEVER frackin break because apps themselves are moved. GUI dependencies should be in a class unto themselve, and even in manipulable in user space, they should be separate and not reuse or share code that is a dependency for an aop that will bork the gui.

Also, WHEN WHEN ***WHEN**** will the various multiple desktops remember our settings and dragged-over icons and apps across logout/login session? I am soooo very utterly infuriated that KDE4 does not at all recall that apps dragged to desktop number 4 should be there when i reboot. I HIT "save session" and the bitch refuses to persist or maintain the act. But, if i log out and log back in, I have to drag around around 30 or 40 apps to my 8 virtual desktops. Somebody please throw an avil and SQUISH this bug or oversight. Please.

Computers taught to sing using autotuning talent show


DEFINITELY will improve the suss stainability

of automated, animated adultly anime. Adding some "tremble" and "ohhhooohho" will take it leaps and bounds...

But, whose going to rate animated/machine-generated voices singing human-displacing songs?

PC rental store hid secret spy hardware in laptop, suit says


Cams & Mics, 2

Unfortunately, screen scraping and stream ripping cannot be stopped by black tape...


Cams & Mics

That's why you place black electrical tape (or chassis-color-matching tape) over the cam & mic pin hole.

As for mobo chips, I personally suspect they are ALL chipped per various nations' security and backdoor implementation laws. Most people won't suspect and some won't care. Those who do will just have to be careful just in case they are someday monitored. But, for all we know, those chips and software could be keystroke havens waiting to be activated on remote command. The disk drives are huge enough to hide highly compressed invisible partitions to capture and to store key words. Imagine if that were so, then the next likely event would be surreptitious slipstreaming of a few hundred kb here and there until the periodic booty lift is made.

i bet ms recovery partitions are an excellent LE and hacker/cracker trove.

Want an untracked Android? Here’s how


Just had a thought...

All that worrying we're doing about Android phone tracking.... there is possibly ONE major upshot: Theft recovery. if we had a hand-dongle on our person when our phone is snatched, and if that dongle had a panic button that tips off ISPs, telcos, the police, and Google, then the police could monitor the phone and possibly the police could discover a drug den or more, including a trove of stolen goods that were unsolved crimes.

However, to ameliorate some concerns about tracking, that dongle in hour hand (if it too is not stolen or left somewhere) could trigger the phone to disable it's anti-tracking settings, make a call, activate the mic to collect audio for prosecutors to use, randomly shoot pics, and send audio and digital snippets to Google or the provider.

One problem though: the thieves will catch on, and they'll likely sell stolen phones as strip kits for metals or spare parts once they know which part of the phone to not resell nor activated outside of a Faraday cage...


Lookout Mobile Security just failed for me...

INT WTF???!!! It wants my email provider account password to be entered. I entered a different password, thinking I was going to receive notifications at my gmail account, but that the new password would be my authentication to enter the lookout mobile security profile on the dev's site.

Three tries. Three fails. I deleted the damned app.

WHY do sites insist we enter our private email password just to use a site that is not related to my email account.



FRAKIN' AYYYE! GOTTTD***MMIT! THIS is what google should have enabled in the FIRST damned place. All these years, users exposed, and it takes enraged, furious, SCREAMING users, and a 3rd party makes a product that GOOGLE could have produced NATIVELY. Do no harm, huh?

I have been bitching about this for MONTHS. Even here, in El Reg, some have had down-ticked my comments about it. Maybe they work for Google, or the telcos, or spook agencies. i dunno. But, my frackin phone is MY personal network, and and extension of my wallet and my hard drive. I have the right (so long as I am not a criminal) to protect my systems. I also have a DUTY to myself and to those around me to take steps to make sure my phone isn't being trespassed or misues against others for WHAT EVER reasion somone decides to intiate.

Lamentably, my android phone is not on the support list yet.

If Moxie Marlinspike certifies this app has no known backdoors and no national security letter disavow orders attached to his/her product, and doesn't require me t root my phone, i will pay *$30**, **$40** or **$$50** for this app. It would be most my prized Android ware EVER.

Also, Moxie Marlinspike, i urge you to find a sane court of law in which to file for a court-deemed exemption (i forget the legalese term for it) that states you are not doing anything ILLEGAL and that no lawsuits can be initiated upon you or your cohorts for offering this product, and which restrains phone makers and phone carriers from denying users the right to know of intrusions and connections (uninitiated or initiated), touches, copies, moves, deletes, and changes.

Companies are responsible for their networks. Users should be, too. Such an imposition means Whisper is a tool we all are entitled to use and restrict outside contact and to monitor and thwart data lifting.


I just ran across Lookout Mobile Security. They've locked on to my TRIcorder..

Does anyone know about Lookout Mobile Security? It is in Market. It has a feature to set off a loud alarm to locate the phone.

What someone could design to make a mint off of is a "dongle" that is in one's pocket. When the phone is stolen, dropped, or left behind on the train, the distance alarm would trigger. Similar to cables and dongles for laptops in coffee shops.

What I'd like is a Cestus III/Gorn Dongle. Some a-hole takes my phone hears a voice of Spock: "THEY'VE LOCKED ON TO MY *tri*CORDER! BRILLIANT TECHNIQUE!", but they don't get to lob it before it dets. Not legal tho. So...

Turn the phone into an electrocuter. If the thief is fitted with a pacemaker of some sort, T.S. Shouldn't a been stealin'...

End of the tether: Google plays nice with carriers



The suspicious side of me thinks there is some hidden agenda on the part of both government AND marketing forces.

Marketers want to block it so they can make product distinctions and scrape up extra cash here and there. Ultimately, other than losing money on the programming restrictions side of things, I bet they are barely making money that makes it worth pissing off the end users. The service fees should cover the tethering aspect. If we can do it via bluetooth, then why not allow USB tethers?

For the Google and other companies doing wifi hotspot mapping, this is great for ThEM because the mobile units will likely always poll or interrogate or be polled or be interrogated by any hotspot in detection range. The CONSTANT or nearly constant daily and hourly refresh must be producing a staggeringly detailed map of where all the wireless devices in use actually sit or visit. Whether this is for producing after-market or new products or the like, I don't know. Maybe it will help the telco industry create a massive, collaborative mesh net that makes communications more efficient. Even if people turn off their phones at night or randomly during the day, probably something can be exploited into a service type.

I think, however, the biggest benefactors of the almost compulsory wireless hotspot vs USB tethering will be intelligence agencies that may not be directly attributable as known backers. They could be using various contradictory rights groups, technical bodies, and manufacturers of dubious persuasion to muddy the waters or to make it irritating and inefficient to persist with USB. I prefer USB since I assume that signals between devices are signals used by ME only and on my own devices, and that nearby users won't likely own or use the relevant spectrum-sniffing devices against the public in general. But, if everyone is wirelessly tethering via hotspot their cameras, phones, printers, and more, then it is just a matter of time before anyone (intel agency or criminal or script kiddy) with the purchase money can snoop and sniff anyone who is not smart enough to sufficiently encrypt and use IDS and use advanced and properly tuned firewall tools. Logging would be very nice if one wants to start outting IPs and domains and spinless/overly-compliant ISPs who facilitate or don't curtail snoops.

New top-secret stealth choppers used on bin Laden raid


Autogyrating? False Walls, and shot unarmed...

"s it plausible that the helis were doing a high rate-of-decent landing that might have been somewhat quieter than a standard landing, possibly even auto-rotating?"

I posited that same theoriy/supposition but it wasn't bought. It appears the story is that they fast-roped in. But, I think that fastroping means they have to concentrate on firing in all directions without causing friendly fire to themselves or the helo. It also means they have to avoid roping down too hard and breaking a leg and ending up dead. I presume the helo landed fast and hard and offered shelter from incoming non-RPG fire until they would bolt for the compound.

Also, it seems that OBL never played Half-Life, Counter Strike, or the like. Nor did he, apparently, watch any Vietnam War related movies. Hamburger Hill, one soldier runs and falls into a stake pit, with 7 or 8 of them piercing him. No hope for rescue or recovery. But, a pit with only a FEW stakes and which has delated fuse would take out the initailly trapped as well as the rescuer.

All those false walls are pointless if they don't ensare or disable or take out the entrant. Anyone laying paint that is detectable only by one's specifically-tuned night optics will be able to backtrack out of and avoid reentering dead ends.

Half Life is known for campers. Those with severe lag end up having no choice but to camp and lay satchel bombs and trip mines. That way, the uninitiated get a taste of their own medicine before the player with laggy and crappy graphics blacks out and respawns.

He fought and killed assymetrically, yet, neither he nor his guards apparently learned from playing Wester FPS games.... Major fail...


Crashed Helo

Another report or suggestion was that trash around the compound may have caused FODding of the engines. But, yeh, if the others got into the compound without mishap, the RPG or heavy gunfire may have brought it down or the pilot may have simply gone evasive and hit the wall trying to commit to the landing.

Rethinking desktop virtualisation


VirtualBox/Sun xVM???

Please, for those of us who would like your take, put xVM into perspective. Since you brought up Intel's description, and the article is heavily VMWare, please say something about what you think of VirtualBox.

For example, years ago, I tried and used Win4Lin to run w98 inside Mandrake/Mandriva. I got tired of w4l's kernel issues and their breaking of my stabilized Mdk setups. They were never synching kernels on a distro release cycle, so it was highly burdensome for me if I chose to upgrade Mdk out of step with w4l.

In 2004, and 2005 I tried VMWare, and it wasn't quite what I wanted in user experience of the GUI. I stayed with w4l until my laptop finally died and my desktops were long in the tooth.

Later, in 2007 when I needed to go to at least wxp due to some CAD software advances over what I'd had in 2003, I bought a new 17" laptop with 2GB of RAM and found VirtualBox to be stellar. On my new 2nd laptop, in 2009, I continued on with VBox. It is small, light, and usually for me, using the PEUL version vs the OSE version, I can do what I want in PCLOS: surf and write in Linux, and use VBox to give me access to my old, nice Lotus Smartsuited apps (mainly Approach and WordPro and 1-2-3, but not Organizer and Freelance), my CAD and related CAD apps.

I personally have no need (and no desire whatsoever) to cloud-link my apps. I don't need RDP or similar features.

IE is tough on Flash cookies but ignores homegrown threat



But, see, the problem is that even non-website devs are using silvercrack as the basis or component of their apps. Imagine CAD developer being swooned by ms to embed silverlight to facilitate tablet use out in the field. Now, instead of the sl infrastructure being for tablet/slate users, it becomes an unremovable core component of the CAD app that never before needed sl.

SL will become insidious and odious to a whole lot more people when these lso-type cookies get someone into a lot of privacy or secrecy trouble. Imagine contractors or designers working on a drawing, but then using that machine to search for references that trigger special cookies to be created, linked to ms and to the virtual OS, and then a rogue SL app digs through and pulls out client design data.

Apple squashes location tracking 'bugs' with iOS update


So, now if you're paranoid, here is what you'll be thinking:

That new Spook 60 Megawatt Data Center is simply a newer, more capable vacuum machine to scrape and collate what the phone software vendors are otherwise compelled by user demand to remove from the users' PHONES. Meanwhile, that now-reduced cache just, under national security letter (substitute with letter your own country names), routes directly to the various government agences. Only the key officers and duly-screened programmers will REALLY know that a given piece of "update" coded does, or what modules of code are slipped in. There's pretty much NOTHING you can do unless you root your phone and your carrier and OS developer have no unique-phone hacks that no one knows about....

Neither Apple nor any other telecoms giants can afford to deprive state governments of this lucrative data they've until now enjoyed accessing due to user ignorance, carelessness, or indifference. If such companies do not appease governemnts, they will just likely lose their local operating charters or permits.

Just some thoughts...

North Korea blamed for bank hack


As long as the SK goverment protects Samsung and LG...

And as long as SK's communications authorities cling to old standars and to ms ie and refuse to open up the domestic standard so that other browswers can permit banking, and as long as local programming code pride and obsequious adherence to ms prevail, then Koreans using Linux and Apple will suffer having no iPad or iPhone or Android access to their banking and to MOST on-line purchasing. This has GOT to be an extreme irritant to all those tens of thousands of Koreans who travel abroad and use technology that is NOT Korea-compulsory, only to return home to having their MacBooks and iPads seem like junk next to ms ie, which is the only sanctioned browser (unless there is news newer than the links I provide below.)

These might interest you:




Also, see:


BUT, BUT, BUTTTTTT, make sure you have noscript running when you go to the Korea Times site. Google reports that several of the items flashing behind the flash are from rogue sites, some of which (i suspect) may be hijacked by NK or CN crackers...

Insurance firm pushes out iPhone app that rates driving ability


How about it scoring HITS, not the Missus?

I am visualizing Deathrace 2000... no, the ORIGINAL, not that recent "remake".


Microsoft to release Windows thin PC in late June


"Why the F didn't they do this before?"?

Well, until Ubuntu and OLPC showed viability, until Google Chrome laptops started taking up more traction, and Apple iPads started skewing the market and taking the world by storm, ms could give a rat's ass since nobody before then/that time was pushing an innovative thing.

It wasn't in ms' best interests to gut or cannibalize windows to that extent. The more bloat in the OS, the more business for AV /anti malware vendors, and the more the various major governments can bury in that code to monitor our banking and communications. But, now, they have no choice.

But, probably, the real answer is that their shareholders now are demanding they respond to the various pads, slates, and tablets lets ms look like it has run out of ideas

DARPA says surveillance vid-search tool is ready for use


Why pay some unspecified amount and have it be proprietary?

Why not keep enhancing motion tracking, pattern analysis, and keep adding more models of known objects to the database?

Teach the database to recognise original and natural modifications of things. Integrate all that with realtime intel feeds. What is Lockheed able to do that some well-rewarded, sufficiently-informed geeks on government payroll cannot? Oh... we're talking big money...

Vatican blogger meeting says no to copyright, yes to lifting content


Hmmm... I see the upshot of this...

Probably it will save the Vatican a LOT of money and permissions-seekings on republishing "rights" if suddenly the world published for no charge...

Google sued over – yes – Android location tracking


Tripwire, Firewall, and Activity monitor...

I STILL want Google to provide its users the tools to irrefutably KNOW when their phone is remotely contacted, rummaged, and pilfered when those touched things are not related to the surfing. For example, i have a staging download folder. From there, I periodically relocate stuff to another folder. If i have a tool (a legit one, not one that Google/et al backdoor on behalf of some agency to lie to me) that tells me what folders got probed and sucked of information. If a website or app wants to edit cache or other files strictly in its own existence, maybe fine. But those apps should not be tallying things on my phone outside their own reason *I* chose to install the app.

THIS subterfuge is what Google is not answering up to. It is NOT providing us peace of mind, and is leaving up to us having accepted that an app may "delete or modify files on your phone..." WHAT FSCKING files? WHAT folders? WHICH ONES outside the app. HAVE they been vetted by google and given a clean bill and certified to be non-government, non-criminal backdooring tools.

One shouldn't be put in the FSCKING position of accepting being digitally raped merely because one gives in to buying and using a mobile device. Trespass on our homes could be met with woeful consequences for the trespasser who cannot be identified. The same should be allowed for users - to burn the britches of ANYone who rummages, roots, and takes from our phones. My phone is akin to my wallet, and if anyone on the street tried to accost me or shake me down or slice it out of my pocket, I HAVE the right to resist, and if struck, to strike back. I declare that my phone is off limits, and i lament that i do not have to power nor intelligence to smack and punish "malfeasers" muckign about with my phone. All I can do is bitch and hope the Cosmos amplifies my rage and sends some wicked bitch-slap karma their way. Yeh, they have jobs to do, but not until someone is a bonafide criminal or conspirator of/to a crime. Non-police crackers DEFINITELY don't have any layers of protection from a smacking. But, like the police, they can operate with impunity because they are difficult to find.

In the end, Google, Apple, and others won't learn unless TENS of millions of subscribers defy and excoriate them into giving us privacy that is real, not smoke and mirrors. As it is now, any pushed or accepted update we get could be a trojan from criminals or law enforcement, and 99.99999% of us would not know it.

Barnes & Noble answers Microsoft's anti-Android suit


How long you wanna guess it'll be before ms

Craps on the eReader devices market?

One day, they'll be into things Fry's Electronics sells:


bubble gum

energy drinks

tampons/sanitary napkins


navigation devices

Maybe they'll come up with screen protectors that obscure that 1/64' inch edged inside the bezel of flatscreens to make sure we remember the "ms owns" the screen edge around the desktop.

Maybe someone'll make a driver that shrinks the desktop by a millimeter so that edge-based adverts can be summoned by user-defined regions (Left for money; top for health; right for tech support/technology; bottom for User-Defined)



I felt tempted to get a Nook, too, just to support B&N in this case...

What I think ms is doing is trying to "wrangle and strangle" any companies using Android and smartphones or tablet formats. This could be one way ms hopes to have win7 phones topple Apple's lead over ms.

It is amazing though, how the USPTO has failed miserably on this. The obvious, blatant, unmistakable thing that could have been predicted 15 years ago was that IDE (Integrated Development Environment) tools keep on improving, and aside from some of them having a mind-numbing and torquing effect on WYSIWYG users wanting to NOT become developers and not wanting to PAY developers, these tools enable a capable user to quickly make prototypes that conceivably can be grapically polished and have some more irresistible functionality bolted onto well-crafted widgets.

As long as IDEs are increasingly empowered, it really is up to the imagination and perseverence of the "developer" (pro and amateur) to serve up something tantalizing. Suing over what features an IDE automatically provides under some widget or code library/factory is stupid, evil, and plain pschotic.

Friendster wipes data slate clean


Maybe this will be Malaysia's version of...

South Koreas Cyworld....

Apple breaks location-storing silence


I'm sure they are...

It won't be enough for Apple to know that x number of units sold to y number of users via z number of retailers/parners/distributors. They'll want to know how and how often w users use their phone, shake it, calculate with it, surf with it, talk on it, text with it, and more. More could include marketable and salable information:

About the user:

-- does the user use publc transit or drive or carpool?

-- is the user a homeowner?

-- is the user single/married/a parent?

-- is the phone lost when it enters secure locations?

-- where are those locations and are they open to Apple products?

-- what non-Apple products does the user sync with/route through?

-- how many of our phones cluster on transit vehicles?

-- where are our greatest daily/hourly first and repeat proximities in AM and PM commutes and social venues?

And so on....

If Apple says they are not deeply or not at all tracking, they MUST be lying. Otherwise, they are undertapping a massive gold mine of statistics and facts that might lead them to their next Apple-eyesed hot product.

China sets out space-station plan, asks public to name it


Far Point

Wolf 359

Ce tee Ai Pah Fyve

US Senate weighs in on phone tracking


FINE TIME...Fine lies...

Part of me wants to say "Put the FBI and CIA on these phones and then publish the findings. SURELY, you can bet your ass AND it's hole that Google & Apple & ms are sharing this data with developers, even probably letting them access our notes and calendars behind our backs... Then, whent they lie, whip out the FBI/CIA facts and then fine the companies $1,000 per breach per user when notes, calendars, and any personal/local data is fed back to or allowed to be sucked back by developers, legit or crackers."

Another part is cynically thinking "They KNOW the answer, and this is just smoke and mirrors..." If the phone makers do collect or allow collection via remote means, they'll just label it secret/need-to-know and we'll all (or most of us) will daily donated to the data scoop if our phones are on daily and we put personal info on them.