* Posts by dssf

1750 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Aug 2010

Prototype iPhone 5 lost in bar, right on schedule


I heard or read about it right here, YESTERday, IIRC.

I casually passed the thread, but I could SWEAR someone made a comment in an elReg thread, Wednesday. I kept reading past it, but thought it was a flippant barb/spare about LAST year's lost/resold iPhone.

Seems the one recently sold went for only ***US$200***. Seems the seller didn't know what he was sitting on, other than "Look, i fund an iPhone 4 and I'm selling it..."

Isn't there a law by now that forbids buying and selling of "lost" mobiles, PDAs, and ID-containing devices? There SHOULD be. Phones and tablets and PDAs contain or could contain personally-identifiable, proprietary, and other information. Is it legal to sell a lost social security benefits card? Is it legal or proper to sell a motorist ID/permit card? Is it legal to sell a passport? Sales, re-sale, buys, and possession of an illegitimately transferred ID-carrying device should be illegal, and to prove it is proper should require involvement of and consent by the original or proper owner, and should have an audit trail if the new possessor has or controls it and there is on it data totally unrelated to the current possessor. If it is wiped, then only a present and untampered serial or region code may help prove when/where it was legitimately obtained, but then, maybe that would be the "get out of jail free" loophole for a current possessor.

Samsung outs MacBook Pro lookalike laptop


Some plaintive wishes of Samsung

C'mon, SAMMY! Make one at 17.3" diagonal and at under USD $700. Please, Please, PLEASE tempt me. I need the screen size for drafting. I want 6 GB or 8GB RAM (4 is not enough, since I run win 7 in a VirutaBox machine); and I don't run win natively.

HP's wanting out of hardware/computers, so I won't be upgrading to HP again. (Bought one in Jan 2009.)

Won't be going back to Gateway (Bought one in Dec 2007), as their chassis cracked under flexing pressures in my backpack. HP's 17" monster is about 8 pounds, so, SAMMY PLEASE, make a lightweight 17.3"er, similar to the light weight of the MacBook Pro.

Oh, please, Please, PLEASE, emulated the flat Dell power supply. That thinge is BEAUTIFULLY THIN! Saves space, and is light weight.

Oh, and please beat the battery tech HP supplied. Between PCLOS and my inadvertently letting win 7 BOTH manage the battery, my battery became a 30-minute battery by Octover 2010, and then a 5-minute battery by March 2011.

Don't buy your iPad in a McDonald's car park


Has it been de-burred?

Or, will it give splinters? Nobody wants a stroke of bad luck, hahahaha


Well, she didn't look INside the box because she was

Thinking OUTSIDE the box. Obviously, she heard the call to "Think Different..." LOL


Not the * she was expecting...

NOT the woodie she was expecting. Got wedged out of $300.

Windows 8 ribbon entangles Microsoft


talk about.... d. u. d.

I thought it ironic, and -- no slight to disabled or SEN, and others -- found it interesting that it appears ms is trying to "dumb us down"...

But, I still remember the days when Word Perfect had Jumbola Icons, and IIRC, we could choose 3 sizes, but as features increased or expanded, the icons shrank so more could fit on-screen.

Too bad that - other than for graphics, CAD, and certain other things - the mouse is what most people reach for. It is mind-boggling and ReALLY frustrating for me when I am helping my ESL friends who type reasonably well, but reach for the mouse to select and edit or move or delete blocks of text. I find myself reaching for their laptop and pushing their hand off the mouse and lecturing them about when I was in High School (1980-1984), in Journalism, typing in WordStar (IIRC) and having NO such thing as a mouse available to me. I learned to touch type ~ 1978, and typing in the military with no mouse (ah, the Teletype... maybe THAT should be forced on anyone in school learning to type).

It was a real blessing to learn to type prior to mainstream computer and mouse arrival. I think anyone leaning to type and is not suffering physical disabilities should be awarded a typing competency certificate ONLY after doing so with NO MOUSE involved.

After Jobs: Apple and the Cult of Disruption


No... he's just..

"Reloaded" .... Or, is that "Downloaded"?

If ever ANYbody or any body is begging for Cylon Resurrection it's probably Jobs. I want a new body, too, before the time comes. Don't wann go through a Rosie Greer/Ray Milland thing, though...

I wouldn't mind being a Roger Corby or a Flint, either... (minus the phasering bits...)


Since the author brought up Virgins and Sex...(But not the Sex Pistol nor Sexy Pistils)

It'll be enteresting if it is discovered that Cook is the Chef behind all of Apple's greatest hits and endventions... I wonder how many would willingly become eunuchs to be part of his inner sir-cull.... hahahaha

Apple wins (another) Samsung Android injunction in EU


Violations of...

Geotrics and physometry?


Preliminary? Partial? Interrim

This costly court debacle will be fun and en(d)ga(u)ging or end-gouging for some..

Either way, for some, it's gonna be an end-junction... if a few on-staff attorneys gets sacked for tactical or strategic failures... leading to a point being up-ended... and not appended...

Now, side-loading (I don't know the analogous German word for (phonetically) frutily-flower) to the rest-cue.... when one gets torn ass-under

So, when the dust settles, and (most likely) Samsung wins, then, looking back, if Sam sang, what song had Sam Sung?

(I hope I got the splits/conjugations bits right/correct...)


LOL! So, I taket it that the 4 thumbs DOWN means I SHOULD have said...

"SAMSUNG, maintain course and KEEP ON cloning the iPad".

That'd be counter to common sense. The Galaxy Tab II DID confuse me, but I found if FUNNY. I cannot afford to buy either, and personally, I don't want to be forced to use Wi-Fi, yet I am loath to sign up for another 2-year contract, so my confusion doesn't impact either company, as neither is getting my money.

Now, to me, the Lenovo tablet looks really nice because it is ThinkPad-ish and has accessory ports that *might* come in handy. I don't want to be compelled to move my data via bluetooth. Some don't mind. Lenovo found it economically sound to do so, and some others did, too. That the Galaxy tab 2 looks like an iPad is a calculated risk Samsung took, and, seemingly, it is not ultimately the big worry anymore. It now seems the SOFTWARE (which seemingly will be rectified by software changes) is the issue. But, depending on the court, it very EASILY could have been deemed that the Tab II is sufficiently close enough to confuse.

However, at $499 a pop, only a dolt would buy either tablet and think it was the other's tablet being bought. The sales rep would be discussing warranties, benefits, accessories, air charge rates, user interfaces, training on offer, and so many more details as to make it clear to a Samsung consumer that is was not an iPad. And, honestly, HOW MANY iPad pursuers or Apple fans and consumers would by something that LOOKED like an iPad but WASN'T an iPad when the purchaser clearly said s/he is intent on having an iPad?


And, what about the snappy-bounciness/bounce-back?

That exists in Linux... I forgot what app it is, but I use it subconsciously out of fun... Oh, yeh, in Compiz, I used it in one of the Metisse effects, too. Way the hell back in 2007, IIRC.

How the hell can a company's legal team expect to get away with this crap?

In Compiz and Metisse, once you have the effect settings just so, then, IIRC, right-clicking or a shortcut key and a right click with dragging off center makes the window snap and bounce. AFAIAC, a file manager window in the background snapping is not different than the photo or the app containing the photo. The judge seeing this case should be informed of the prior art existence of this effect.


I guess the 2 thubms down suggests I should have suggested that

I should have waited a day so say it was really the effect of his being handed his resignation letter, and not so much the patents...


Those recent quakes...

All those east coast temblors and minor quakes were caused by Steve Jobs' jumping up and down and throwing fit that some of his USA-annointed patents were tossed out in parts of Europe due to apple's failure to submit translations or pay required fees... Amazing. Going thru ALL the trouble to be 'better' or 'different' and fracking up on the paperwork.


Check out this 2001: Space Oddissey suggestion by Samsung

that Apple borrowed heavily from the movie in making its iPad...


(apologies if it is already in this or the similar threads...)

I wnoder if this will have retroactive implications with Motorola's 1999-ish Star Tac and Star Trek's communicator, that then fast forward past 2005's devices....


I really like Samsung and hope they can pull it out of the fire, but honestly,

I do feel the device is VERY look-alike externally. I went to Best Buy last weekend and sort of was confused, except there was no middle-bottom dimple button.

Samsung should add ports or more ports, slots, and maybe something non-symmetrical just to further erode the onslaught that is just wasting Samsungs money fighting litigation.

Windows, doors, office partitions, tin cans, cardboard boxes, and filing cabinets are tough to innovate to extremes without losing money. But, computers, phones, toothbrushes, combs, and numerous other things simply by ergonomics, economics, attractiveness will have not much wiggle room.


Talk about screwing the pooch and shooting ejecta...

No, apple, you not only screwed the pooch, you emerged from the other side of the pooch's mouth, and fired your wad everywhere. If an iphone existed in 2008 or 2009 for Sprint, I might have bought one. But, your bullying attitude, damaging Samsung and other tablet makers is PISSING ME OFF. NO iphone for me, EVER.


apple, not only is your firey wad from behind emerging from the pooch mouth, the force is ejecting the dog's blood toward the crowd and passersby.

Maybe, what Samsung should do is support manufacturers who make HIGHLY COMMODITIZED components and parts so people can construct their OWN smartphones and tablets. Then, suddenly, 25,000 or more variations will exist, and be the oil that loosens apple's grip off the virtual loin of any company trying to sell tablets that don't trap people in a walled garden.

Samsung and others may not be angels, but they DAMNED SURE deserve to play on a field where consumers WANT the products and where companies aren't barring their users from escaping the garden.

Google slides Slide into the bin after spending $228m


Sliding into another EnterTube...


Slide sliding out of date?

Samsung refuses to buy HP's PC business


Not only that, it would wast them a BOATLOAD of money

and possibly expose them needlessly to existing docketed litigation and any other BS that hasn't been yet published such as frivolous stuff meant to bog them down and stymie them.

Also, the "reporters" pushing these ideas probably are self-stroking and jockeying to pull a stunt such as the one that caused Job's succession plans to be forced. If enough outside agitators rile up Samsung's board into a massive, mind-boggling acquisition, it just would put Samsung into disarray, and it might force them to hire or divert 1 or 2 English-competent employees for every 10-20 US-based employees and monitor them, tally their roles, functions, efficiency and more (like the "auditors"/"analysts" of the 99's did when companies sought ways to axe people but not say that that really was coming soon...).

Companies chomping along with corporate malocclusions learn the hard way, and so will their investors. Samsung can pass on this one. Besides, why would Samsung want to assume all of HP's hardware/computer liabilities and warranties?

Facebook revamps privacy settings (again)


I don't see how they'd obtain a legit patent on the act of privacy.

If fb were a government or medical platform, privacy would have to adhere to the USA's labyrinthine HIPAA laws/requirements/regulations. The very database that contains the information would have triggers, scripts, and numerous bits of code that would look at access permissions and other rights prior to displaying or even pulling up information prior to display, just to prevent one permission from bypassing or subverting a pending transaction.

There are very few ways information can be visible, useful, correctionly used, and protective on a limited-size display. Obfuscation or excessively creative tricks to "look different" would only undermine the mandated use and effectiveness of the tools, so the USPTO and other patent offices should NOT be granting patents on the ease-of-use of something demanded by law in the first place. Otherwise, government would be instituting a control gateway on behalf of one company (which may not even be a contractor, say, using Lockheed as an example) to the detriment of others that could find themselves being sued for implementing something that law demands be effective but which a competitor with deep pockets litigates over due to look and feel.

Some things need to be declared as a "no-man's-land/neutral zone"

Nervous Samsung seeks Android Plan F. Or G, H ....


Korean Surnames...

I ran across this a month or so ago:



Plan B idea for Samsung for the PHYSICAL aspects of the Galaxy Tab:

Reactivate the SyncMaster 206BW 2ms 3000:1 flat panel display manufacture line and use those bezels as a Stage III Galaxy Tab, and then make it roughly 11" or 12" diagonal so it forces apple to go bigger and burn more cash and forces apple to jack up the price of the iPad or burn money subsidizing it.

Then, make the back of the device cam-adjustable so that the USER can decide to make it palmable when used on the go, and flat when on a desk or in a docking station.

If the users want the screen to be flush with the bezel, then engineer a way for that to happen by cams inside the body. Thus, the cams can allow the user to slightly alter the angle of the display irrespective of the curve or flat-backed settings.

Logitech unwraps fold-away keyboard for iPad


But, will Logitech make some for OTHER tablets?

It would probably make them SOME extra money, after accounting for moulds and artwork and instructions. To offset some costs, just make some mail-order. Hopefully, a consumer of it will be patient and not so demanding as to cause excessive stocking which doesn't sell when thnigs taper.

Jesus Phone gives Sprint redemption 'this October'


Well, I'm on sprint, and sprint can count on me...

To NOT be connected to, with, or by any form of iphone/itablet. Even if the phone came with a free H-job and a warranty and monthly service plan in hand

I'm disgusted by apple's behavior toward those wanting to provide tablets and multitouch phones not wanting to be confined to the walled garden.

'Devastating' Apache bug leaves servers exposed


If this is true, then is this a case of ...

Tomahawking the Apache?

Overlapping byte ranges? Is this a case of severe server mal occlusion? Sounds like severe overbyte to me... doing a hatchet job on the server...

Apple, HTC trim phone forecasts as markets tank



Will it twist and swirl? Will the Tidy Bowl man accompany things?

Google+ bans real name under ‘Real Names’ policy


What about these people?




-Edge/The Edge


-Moon Unit

What about celebrities known by ONE NAME?


What if Google + extends to Japan, or to countries where real, valid, living people are by law or culture accorded or assigned single-name identification?


Somehow, Google is not eating its own dog food/searching with its own engine. Or, are/were Google engineers try to re-engineerin first-name/last-name pairing to out people's real identites?

Android app logs keystrokes using phone movements


Ways to defeat the accel-gyro sniffer

1. Design for mobiles and tablets a stabilizer similar to what camera handlers use, what, a steadycam or gyroscopic stabilizer.

2. If the phone is not mesh-EMI/Tempest shielded, then do so so that signal leakage is reduced

3. Sell the user a black box. Really, a furry, fuzzy, round or other-shaped box - with a lid, like Spock's raster scanner or something like colored, shielded swim goggles.

4. Redesign the phone to delay the entry of keys in one buffer so they don't correspond to what is displayed, sort of like one of the earlier suggestions. Have them randomly present in oval, circular, square, star, and helical shapes -- the keys themslves and the paths they take. Yes, paths. The user would have to slide together two or more fingers to "assemble" the letter being keyed so that gyroscopic effect is reduced.

5. Scramble the gyros, accelerometers, and other devices to all record one letter, or spew out War and Peace. Yes, War and Peace. Or, some trash called Whore (data) and Piece (you've been shafted, snooper)...

Just some quick ideas...

(This is released into whatever GPL/GNU/Creative Commons/et all that obstruct/s any attempts to proprietarized these ideas posted here by me regarding this privacy issue.)

But, attribution is not required. I just want to make sure this idea stream 1-5 will be available to any and all who wish to resolve this privacy risk.

Chic USB drive leads double life as personal vibrator


Dual-ended... Or duel end deed?

And, then talk about digital plug and play.

I wonder whether CRC (sick lickal red un dancy) is endcluded in the endterface or in the firm wear...

Apple changed shape of Galaxy Tab in court filing



Looks similar to Vegemite, in the Google searches, hehehe


Perfidious act - Pulling an MS desktop fakery job?

apple REALLY needs to be BITCH-SLAPPED for perfidious act. Once Germany gets to the internal circuitry and othe architectural differences, it should censure apple and force it to make a public apology to Europe AND to Koreans for insulting Samsung. It is damned-near the equivalent of microsoft faking its desktops to win a point in court.

Again, apple, should auto makers sue each other based on the look and feel of cars? The number of doors? The presence of wheels, brakes, recessed door-opening handles? Is there a patent on transversely-mounted transmissions and engines? Maybe there are patents on the LOOKS and DIMENSIONS of these things, but they can be engineered to look different and still do the job.

Should would-be makers of baby diapers be dissuaded from entry because an elastic band in ubituity used by one maker should be consider "novel" rather than "obvious"?

Injunction suspended: EU can buy Galaxy Tabs again


Is there scope in the law to punish for being a..

MENDACIOUS litigant? Vexatious connotes (to me) a feeling of just styming or stultifying someone or some company. Mendatious sort of imports a feeling of voracious ruthlessness in the dirty deed.

Innocent passengers targeted to protest subway agency


Why we should not have our cell service blanked out...

If we're in a train in the tube, and it's on fire, or the Tube cracks and is taking on water faster than the pumps can discharge, then we, as riders on an aged system, have a RIGHT to speak our last words to at least one personal contact in our mobiles.

The antenna in the Tube and in the tunnel do not directly interfere with BART operations. The antennas that BART thoughfully/nicely/thankfull attached to each end (originally, in the trial, only designated cars, but then later it seems almost every operational car has them) help the signal get through better. Now, we are accustomed to it, and it seemingly poses no financial drain on BART.

If there is a heinous enough cretin or a dangerous mob posing harm underground, anyone walking up to a pay phone is going to stick out like a sore thumb, probably imminently facing assault if the perp/s can intercept the person. Someone with a mobile can slink away in the crowd and call for help. There are NUMEROUS activities going on in the stations and while BART agents DO monitor and announce on well-known fare evaders, trouble-makers (they announce some by their first names since they have "contact records" on those individuals), they cannot get them all.

Anyone blending in with the crowd can get away with a lot. Pickpockets and purse thieves are a LOT harder to spot, and they can ride the more crowed cars, rampaging with impunity if they KNOW the cell service will be cut. In a crowded car, anyone calling for help may be obscured in the middle and those who HEAR the pleas for help won't immediately know what to communicate via the car-end located intercoms. Plus, if mayhem is happening in MULTIPLE cars, how soon before the vehicle operator is overwhelmed?

No, BART has no more business and very little right to interfere with the wireless relay because it NOW is a DE FACTO SAFETY AND SECURITY BACK UP. For some, it is a primary. This isn't Pelham 1-2-3 (old or new) and isn't South Korea's "The Tube", but anyone witnessing crime or danger may not want or may not be able to go to an intercom. If it's crime, walking to an intercom is like saying "SHOOT/STAB/CLOBBER ME!", when the safer alternative is to text an alert to police, the media, BART Operations, and co-workers who MIGHT not know their now-absend/possibly dead/hospitalized comrade was in a hijacked or burning or flooding or flash-mobbed car. If it's danger not related to violence, then it may be hard to climb/crawl/claw over people in disarry who obstruct prudent access to the intercoms.

No, again, BART needs to keep its hands OFF the wireless relay. They need to update the ticketing system to do this:

-- we specify which start and end stations we want to encode our tickets.(in case our boarding is later, not now-- ) ****

**** Yes, there is a risk of surge if we have bad transfers from other agencies. But, with better inter-agency communications and even less fiefdom childishness between agencies, the buses, commuter vans, Google buses, and MUNI rail vehicles could semi-autonomously in mesh-fashion adapt in real-time the movements, delays, and other coordination so that people are MORE EFFICIENTLY transported. This isolation/fiefdom/territoriality/juvenile isolation of agencies has to be terminated like a mutilated horse about to be euthanized. It's time now to make the mass transit vehicles more connected so under-utilized by nearby buses on scheduled routes can be better used, or removed to save fuel. Riders would get feedback.

(And, NO, Nextbus, you don't have patent rights on this: I'm making this Open Source IN THIS WRITING. It hereby is released into PRIOR ART status. In fact, I've mentioned it to numerous people in and around transit for maybe 3 years now. So, ANY AGENCY IN THE WORLD IS FREE TO NICK THESE IDEAS. JUST don't be dicktards and try to offensively patent. Just DEFENSIVELY patent if you seek a patent.)

-- those pre-encoding riders get boarding priority on specially routed trains whether during normal

operations or demonstration riot events

-- prioritized trains and riders will shunt past randomly-selected stations while the waiting police then can escort for exit the end-station riders known by count and possibly name so there is LESS evacuation/discharge work effort to clear cars and stations.

-- those who don't encode take the chance of being on a train that may discharge them at an unwanted station, but at least things will be more manageable and fewer people would be PISSED off at being discharge too far ahead of or beyond their stop.

BART has a $HITLOAD of money and needs to upgrade its working but horridly antiquated system. Japanese and other mass transit visited BART and other US operations for or over the decades and now they by far have outstripped the ability of the US to emulate THEM. Granted, Japan and Korea and Singapore have less accessible, fast roadways, and granted, Big Oil didn't screw the public there since Nature already constrains POV movement options, but still. BART needs to get with the times, AUTOMATE more, get rid of cloth, create better anti-fare-evade entries, and work with MUNI to isolate BART protests from impinging on MUNI.

Do note that thousands of MUNI riders were affected by BART's operational, adiministrative, political, and police decision. Yesterday's "mob" from what I saw was miniscule. A few people with placards. But, several stations were shut down randomly to "foil" the mob organizers and relayers. Because of safety concerns and risk of people getting onto MUNI tracks and acting up due to lack of access to BART tracks and trains, MUNI had to shut down, too, in the affected stations.

Wait, a clarification is needed: BART owns the tunnels and the accesses. So, when BART closes, MUNI has to, too. Even if MUNI could afford or if the public demanded and funded separate accesses from street level at and BELOW BART stations (but, MUNI cars are ABOVE the BART tracks), BART can and probably would deny MUNI efforts to have separate accesses. Talk about fiefdom and territoriality. I get the safety aspect, but it was short-sighted to not provide Muni with separate accesses. I THOUGHT that MUNI and BART rights-of-way were separate.

Police kill mobile phone service to squelch protest


@Kain Preacher

Yeh, BART has phones down there, but they are filthy. Nobody but homeless and those who have no phones would touch them. They even have on them stickers warning ususpecting users that the phones are actively monitored as part of police surveillance.

I'm not supporting rioters and protestors who support a person who is attacking anyone (BART police or passenger or otherwise). I'm against BART not taking better measures to cope.

Technology of today outstrips what systems BART has in place, and, probably as with most employment-based entities, maybe 65% of the budget goes to labor (and in case of public utilities, etc, unions) and a lot to marketing.

But, BART really needs to upgrade the screechy tracks. The cloth-covered seats are icky. The trains are so noisy we cannot even properly communicate with the train operator much of the time. When the train is in motion, the damned annunciate -- which is not synched with the doors -- says "The doors are closing" -- three seconds AFTER the doors shut and the train has been rolling. Moreover, the annunciator in some cars is too low. When on the platform, there are PLENTY of times when opposite track's arrivals are announced simultaneously as the trains are screeching in. Why were then not designed to sense this and have one scripted announcement start early enough for the scripted second message to not overlap?

The MUNI ticket machines were upgraded months ago, yet BART has no way for us to buy tickets that could be encoded to help bypass riots. For example, if we are honest about and don't deviate on our itenerary, we could pre-pay our tickets and enter an estimated boarding desired time and needed arrival time. If people cooperated, such a system would allow for better loading of trains with people going to a common station. IF the train is zipping along at one of the FEW stations where the tracks are more than two-wide (such as South Hayward, Daly City, Colma, and maybe one or two others), then a bypass could be made via the switches.

But, wait: BART's switches are old and antiquated, and problemmatic. Escalator voltage regulators or power supplies or something in the escalators are either expensive, prone to failure, or suffering from heavy escalator use. For example, the 12th Street station in downtown Oakland has been down maybe a month. It was "fixed" a weak earlier than this breakdown. The prior breakdown was also about a month in duration, it seems. It is not the first time for that station. Other escalators also break down and STAY out of service for days or weeks on end.

Personally, i'd be all for JR or some other high-intensity rail operations team to come in an take over and run it like it should be: a transit system.

But, when the new trains do arrive in several years, i hope there is no cloth. People wanting a comfy ride can bring a seat cushin. The seats currently are too filthy. BART allows all sorts of people in the homeless to wayward band who get onboard, having tailgaited, jumped, or otherwise defeated the faregate, who then sit down, urinate, or sleep on with feet on the seats, secreting whatever that is staining the seats. One can plop down in a seat slam one's ass down into the bottom to the point it hurts. Some cushions APPEAR to be cushiony and comfy, but really aren't, and one can sink 4 inches or more.

Another thing BART needs to fix is going after fare evaders. Sure, it might increase the unwanted "contact" risk leading to violence, but between fare evaders and assholes who plant their feet on seats, I think BART police is FAILING to collect on revenues. Eating on the train should be pounced on, too -- if the one eating is actively dropping messiness on the seat and flooring. But, if one can stuff one's face into a backpack and eat from in there, proactively keeping food and odors away from fellow riders, then I don't have a real problem with that. I ahve a problem with people eating burgers, burritos, and such while actively dropping lettuce, sauce, fries and other things in the seats and elsewhere. People polishing or or using nail remover on trains and who refuse to stop should be POUNCED. I don't understand how someone can think that emitting toxic fumes in an enclosed environment is "okay" with others. I did once ask someone to put it away due to fumes and flammability. She looked thoughfull and acceded to my wish/request.


"Protesters would have mader alternative arrangements"

Please read this through before down-modding me again! I'm not making up a spewing crap for the heck of it. I USE BART every day to get to and from work. Well, about 98% of the time if I don't get a ride via a coworker or the express bus. For me, that's about $3.70 each way or $7.40 a day x 20 days a month. That is $140.80 a month. I've used BART for 4 YEARS and counting, and we deserve better than dirty, noisy, occasionally dirty trains. Tokyo's transit is subjected to millions of rides a DAY and is by far STILL cleaner, more efficient, and a better ride. I used it for 3 months, so I know.

As for BART and the protests and cell shut-down...

And, what about the RIDERS?! Don't WE get to have sufficient infor to make alternative arrangements? People who are accustomed to texting or dealing with banking issues after work via mobile don't expect to be blindsided by service disruptions.

Granted, BART OWNS the subterannean antenna, but it started service which people take for granted that is carrier-provided or subsidized. Lots of people could end up on a train, stranded for 30 minutes to an hour or longer. BART's failure to alert riders to this fact that BART can and WILL kill service means riders end up detained or falsely arrested just so BART can collect rider revenues.

If you KNEW a protest planned for a given day was to happen, and BART was going to shut down cell traffic, would you ride? You might try to take street cars or the LRV above underground. You might take a taxi or carpool. BART already had for YEARS shut down the below-ground toilets in stations and, UNLIKE CALTRAIN, BART cars have no toilets. Granted, a different kind of ridership exists on CALTRAIN and that is a pay-to-enter system, but on the honor system. BART riders include numerous homeless and non-homeless who choose to sully the seats and more. Riding BART is noisy - probably as loud as on an aircraft carrier flight deck (not right next to the engines, mind you, but maybe 30 feet from the engines), and thefts aboard the cars occur.

So long as BART subjects peopel to no toiliets, regularly dirty/sticky seats, NOISY trains, and occasional fatalities at the hands of its police force (not evil, just making bad decisions or having very bad luck, and, how many fatalities within the BART system were at the hands of non-police??? ), then BART OWES IT to the public to declare that it will kill cell service during riots or protests in its stations where it owns the antenna. This way, people can choose to ride elsewhere.

Otherwise, WE, the PEOPLE need to fund an antenna placement that penetrates BART so that BART cannot imperil the public. Imperil? Well, if a roving mob ran through the stations with cans of gas, and no one was able to text into the station to friends they JUST left waving goodbye to, and if in the chaos BART couldn't restore texting/voice service fast enough, and if 1, 2, or some number of people were burned or just trampled in the exiting stampede, then not only will the perps be at fault, but so will BART.

Maybe people should just give up on BART, take the AC Transit commuter and express buses, and cripple BART financially until BART manages its income stream better toward the PUBLIC and less to powerful cliques in its ranks.


When BART does this, the rides should be FREE

during the window of shutdown, across ALL BART stations.

Shutting down BART - controlled cell service probably means the MUNI riders below the BART line were affected as well.

BART should make such rids originating at or ending in those stations FREE, or it should pay for the cell service it deprived.



Reading from:


"According to a statement sent this afternoon, BART did not, as some feared, employ the type of cell phone blocking and jamming equipment expressly forbidden by the FCC.

Instead, they say "BART asked wireless providers to temporarily interrupt service at select BART stations as one of many tactics to ensure the safety of everyone on the platform."

"That means BART did not break that specific FCC rule" says Kevin Bankston, Senior Staff Attorney of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, "but I would hope -- and expect -- that the FCC would have some serious questions for BART. It is in their area of interest." (A spokesperson for the FCC said that they could not offer comment for attribution at this time.)

Bankston's not the only official nonplussed by BART's move. According to Cruise, the VP for the Northern California branch of APCO (the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials - International), a professional organization dedicated to the enhancement of public safety communications, "No agency has the ability to decide who can communicate and who can't. The FCC's rules are really clear on that."

"The California Dept of Corrections doesn't have he ability to restrict cell phone signals for prisoners, so I don't see how BART can for its passengers."

"The carriers' apparent unquestioning willingness to comply with this request, based only on rumors, is very troublesome," says Bankston. "I would expect and hope that the carriers would demand more (from BART) that a rumor before cutting off the ability to communication of thousands."

According to BART Deputy Chief Benson H. Fairow, BART was within their rights to cut off service.

"You have to remember that cell phone reception doesn't naturally make it underground" he said. "This is a service we provide to our customers."

Well, fine and good. But, once you start providing service, people EXPECT continued service. People have dates, appointments, and want to time their next connections. Rather than CUT OFF cell service, how about on such days:

-- designate trains that WILL bypass Embarcadero

-- designate trains that WILL bypass Montgomery

-- designate trains that WILL bypass Powell

-- designate trains that WILL bypass Civic Center

This could reduce the number of people disgorged. Also, BART could re-encode tickets to refuse entry to those not boarding a specifi train. Going to get off at Embarcadero? Re-enter your ticket to be specially encoded, then wait your turn to enter the fair gate area. Trains will run with a larger interval, allowing people time to get to the platform.

Do something similar for eastbound trains. Corral or marshall or reverse the trains near or at South Hayward and at Colma Stations.

Next to last chance to get it right before leaving the East Bay: At Lake Merrit or at Oakland 12th Street

LAST chance to get it right before leaving the East Bay: Oakland West/West Oakland

Next to last chance before leaving the SF stations: Somewhere one station before Embarcadero or other than the train's skip-station.

To correct your overshoot: reverse at the station and head back, or

Flush the empty train, and have it skip a station and this will force agitators to spread to a wider area, losing their movement's appeal. Well, ideally, since most people in SF won't likely engage in the ruckus. Most of the agitator tend to be from out of town, and not terribly large a number. To disrupt service for fewer than 100 agitators is kind of lame, brute, and unimaginative.

Hey dumbo, Facebook isn't sharing telephone numbers


Even DEEPER than that...

(See my earlier post for more in-depth rant).

This is about them trying to pull a Hail Mary on Google and kicking Google in the teeth for daring to competed with fb on what fb considers to be "its own" turf.

But, now, they've seemingly got a way to get Google contacts without Google having a legal, corresponding reciprocation. Or, maybe there is one. But, since fb & google are spatting, this must be fb's way of getting at google contacts in peoples' phones.


More than that...

By synching to them and "giving" fb our info, they have more associative or corroborative and increasingly persistent "tendrils' into our relationships with other that fb never new to exist. Now, that is like "separate metadata" to which they were NOT privvy.

Anyone like me to takes PAINS to not synch my phone has already been incensed by Google when we first activated our fiRST Android phones, finding out or being deceived into thinking we HAD to synch all our contacts, no choice about it.

Now, fb comes along and acts like dicktards and implements the feature that we heard or are beign led to believe synchs ALL our Android contacts to FB. IF this is true, IF they are heisting from our phones infomation they conspired to heist, then they and any tributary partners in the loop --including government -- needs their ass-bones rib-caged cranked wide open for that perfidy. Even if we are not storing criminal activity on our phones, there is NO authority in the right to grant fb a green light to reach into our phones and land-grab our contacts.

That being said, what I think this also is about is fb trying to pull a Hail-Mary on Google: "Steal Google's clients' contacts' information for GOOGLE deigning to compete in OUR turf".

The ONLY advantage to the listing of our phone numbers in a profile is to aid in finding a number of a friend based on some memorized portion of the phone number and to spare us of clicking into and backing out of every one until the sought-after number is found. Even still, fb should have CLEARLY alerted that this wuold be coming. Not on their corporate page, but in a banner across our profile. It should be a stream that is hard to turn off so that every time they try to be a wise-ass, we users are by law or arbitration tipped off that fb is "up to something"...

Kabam! Facebook gamers fume after script deletes fake stuff



Khu-hhuuhh.. HWEE! Shooonk...

Facebook gets creative with mobile phone data harvesting app


What a smoldering, putrid crock


Some people refuse to have fb accounts to avoid being ensared in the tech and any associated bullshit. Now, fb and others want to "out" any legit humans by name who don't WANT social net accounts and don't want to have their associations mapped. They don't even get a CHOICE

Even those who are only mobile-phone text friends and who DO have fb or other social networking accounts don't necessarily have or indicate mutual friendships inside of fb. They may be exes, or may work for competitors, or otherwise. And, it'll just be a matter of time before someone carelessly adds or submits or uploads to fb the details of another person who won't have a yes/no choice about fb learning of the association. It isn't enough that subscribers' FRIENDS are in the dart about relations or associations. fb are not privvy to EVERYthing, and need to learn to behave accordingly before their shared databases get exposed someday.

Shagbook won't take Facebook thrust lying down


No, you mean "STUPID" North Americans North of

Mexico, South of Canada... Since I prefer to use "America" in the non-hijacked way. Unfortunately, that word usage has soooo much negative baggage associated with it these days that US Citizens with multiple passports and who think worldly are careful to not brandish that US passport for personal safety reasons and to avoid appearance of ostentatiousness. The STUPID ones, though, ARE ostentatious at the international level

I despise many of the patents I see currently or previously issued/granted by the USPTO. Many are heinous.

In the digital age, it is obvious that the collision of cultures and regions means many words will expectedly see even more duplicated application. For example, in the USA, a person in San Francisco can form a company called Acme Rentals (if not already formed/incorporated) and have protection to use it IN San Francisco. if one does so at the state level before one is formed in a city, one might enjoy name/trademark protection at the state leve. Then, for more protection, go to the USPTO.

But, do BANKS gripe and snipe at each other. Imagine if an on line sperm bank formed and called itself "esperm". Will beauticians and perms specialists get huffy and puffy? What if SpermBank.com formed. Would banks come after them. What if SpermBank.com had a jingle/slogan "More BANk BANKG for yout BUCK (thrust/hip movement)". Would it be sued by the company that uses "More BANG for your BUCK" in it's adverts?

This madness needs to end.


Shagadelic, Baby!

"Shagbook's filing also asserts that Facebook is being heavy-handed. "[Facebook]'s opposition should be denied under the equitable doctrine of unclean hands," they argue,"

Whose hands are are clean after "shagging", anyway?

""Thus, [Facebook] should be estopped from arguing that it provides services that are the same as or related to the services provided by [Shagbook].""

Estopped AND e-stopped, lol!

Apple sued over Mac OS X 'quick boot'


Next, there will be patents on how to sanitize one's anterior/posterior

after rushing in the loo/toilet.

I dread to see a patent on mounting and dismounting from a bicycle and on the shortest steps to repairing a leaking innertube...

Sorry, time travelers, you’re still just fiction


From the political angle...


"In a statement (available here in Chinese) dated March 31, the State Administration for Radio, Film & Television said that TV dramas that involve characters traveling back in time “lack positive thoughts and meaning.” The guidelines discouraging this type of show said that some “casually make up myths, have monstrous and weird plots, use absurd tactics, and even promote feudalism, superstition, fatalism and reincarnation.”

The guidelines, which fell short of an outright ban of such dramas, seem to have come in response to a series of popular programs about protagonists drifting back to ancient times. "

Evil Android Trojan records your calls


Omission/Failure to help users is tantamount to screwing them

There is no excuse for Google to NOT provide us firewall tools that work in hardware and software. They could invite firestarter and firewall builder to develop tools for Android-based phones, and tell the phone resellers to suck it up.

We need firewalls that are easy. We need Intrusion Detection Systems that are more correct than riddled with false positives. We need an audit chain that allows us to out and punish ANY intruder, snoop, manipulator, or extractor of information from our phones or insertion of unsolicited content into our phones.

There is NO frackin' excuse to sell or taunt/tempt us with tantalizing phones and then leave us at the mercy of government and all manner of miscreants at the same time. So f*ckign WhAT there are laws to punish *caught* offenders. What the hell about prevention and proactivity? I installed HiSurfing, but so long as it requires rooting of the phone, it is next to useless except as a "feel-good" tool.

Google needs to learn that OMISSIONS can do h arm. Google needs to realize and act on the fact that not ALL tools of necessity should be left to 3rd party developers nor as an "option" which requires rooting the phone to the point of it not being able to accept honest, no-backdoor firmware and other security updates.

HTC sues Apple in the UK


Very crafty...

You got me laughing into stitches.. I was almost bursting at the seams... But, i cannot afford to have more buttons popping off...

Cops arrest man over phone-hacking, police corruption claims


Legal question...

Is it considered illegal boobytrapping to mount bamboo shoots on YOUR INSIDE side of the door? Or, to mount ballistic plating to line the doors and windows and flooring? Yeh, the house might become a tinderbox if smoke and tear gas shells shot in start igniting thnigs...

But, who'd this armor be intended to to stop? All kinds of people trying to get in...

Samsung-Apple Wars: Galaxy blocked Down Under



Foxconn is not out (I think) to compete with Apple. They are quite happy to rake in money from massive year-on-year build contracts.

While Samsung does not own Apple's IP or IP that Apple sublicenses, but since it is the contract manufacturer, it has key access to stuff which helps it reverse engineer and thus avoid patent issues. Apple probably are throwing public-/investor-smoke-and-mirrors to look relevant/less diminished. It very well might turn out that Samsung is TOO close for Apple's comfort but not actually breaking too many or any significant IP laws. If Samsung is smart (and, I think they are), they fully and carefully documented everything knowing this day could and would come. They may be sitting on things just to make Apple huff and puff and invest in PR waves and overtime pay for the already-retained legal counsel.

Kit steals Mac login passwords through FireWire port


Turn OFF the computer?

Well, in doing that, there is no evidence that the hard drive was removed.

Assume you have a GOOD backup battery or battery, and assume the machine/laptop is plugged into AC. If in suspend/hibernate/sleep you can get 24 to 90 hours of battery life if the main power goes away, then, so long as you return before the battery dies, you will know whether or not the machine was power off physically and the possibility the hard drive was deprived of power for its removal for copying/cloning/perusing.

I leave mine suspended or screen lock so that if it IS compromized, the intruder who leaves it behind HAS to know the password and the state of my session (behind a locked screensaver) to restore it without my knowing something happened.

Now, if my ports are compromized, and I am not protecting via the kernel, or not disabling them, that is a separate and still-real issue. Is there an easy script in the security and time-out routine to disable all peripherals ports, even the external keyboard and mouse? Maybe, and I think now I will revisit that and act on it.

And, as for the need to obtain the password, IIRC, that is accomplished feasibly by pointing one or more RF and or microwave antenna at the keyboard in question and at the display to capture the unique RF emissions each key spews into the air. RF/IR air-scanning the LCD or CRT might be able to help pick up reflections off a nearby keyboard's finger-presses. Or, un-masked passwords can be seen right on screen.

When riding the transit, sitting in a coffee shop, and in the company of those I will not know nor trust, I whip out my keyboard-covering oversized sheet of paper and cover my hands.

Another thing people i see on transit doing is working on files with the file path showing up on the titlebar of the app. App developers and marketing departments not considering this need to be SLAPPED for this privacy breach. There are plenty of cases when the user should be given an ability to mask the full file name and the directory the file sits in. Sometimes, I just rename the file and move it to a very base path or in a fake name so that if anyone gleans at what I'm working on and takes to searching on the Internet, they hopefully won't find anything. But, partly that relies on app devs allowing us to mask or hide the name of the app, too, and hide references to the branding so that nosy people cannot go peruse the forums looking for the locale and help/support/suggestion submissions of users in some bid to social engineer a target. But, company marketing will seethe and hiss at providing users a way to mask the branding, and probably sayi users THAT worried need a $50-$80 privacy screen, a lid hood, or a private working area.