What was that TV commercial/advert slogan of Sharp, years ago?
"From SHARP minds come SHARP products..."
I thought that that was pretty kewl play on words. It still makes me feel giddy and laugh for/with Sharp. But, it has to be humbling for Sharp to see Samsung obtain a lot of the continued screen-make work.
It probably is humbling for those in both Apple and Samsung who just want to SELL shit and see the mutual neutralization of the court battle. Rationally, it is obvious that LCD, data port, touch screen, near and distant communications, and productivity MUST evolve and WILL evolve and WILL extend well to portable devices, and that was clear since the first PDAs of the 90s became very useful in business and personal life. I remember when Palm Pilots were all the rage. Multiple devices came and went, then finally Palm Pilot took a dive.
Apple's popularization of tablets is not in and of itself a RIGHT to dominate the market. Merits -- price, functionality, fit-for-purpose, utility, and sensibility are just a mere handful of merits -- should determine how a product fares in its life, and no one, solitary, megalomaniacal or even a humble company should dare/deign to be such an A$$HOLE as to try to claim it all. It is the height of perfidy and odiousness. Fortunately, as this contracting of Samsung to continue making critical Apple parts shows, business will continue -- and it will do so because there are divisions and teams who can see past the smokescreen/red herring BS of patents. After all, tablets are just comminglings of ever-improving bits of tech. The software on them should be driven by a fundamental need to fit usefulness by humans. That drive alone means ultimately any determined company will arrive at similar destinies in design.
Combs, tires, shoes, tooth brushes, staplers, pencils, pens, desk organizers, paper clips, power strips, surge protectors, folders, filing cabinets, hammers, desk lights.. you name it, almost anything that has more than one manufacturer trying to serve tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of people will eventually converge on what the consumer expects. No one company can provide it all, nor should one sole company be allowed to do so nor allowed to TRY to do so when such a scale is considered. Any one company that plays dirty in trying to do so simply needs to have a few pounds of flesh stripped off its A$$ to make it limp and be unable to sit for a while. Wound-healing and reflectance can do wonders for people AND companies when hubris and greed are allowed to eclipse humility and decency.