* Posts by dssf

1750 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Aug 2010

Samsung posts record profits as Galaxy sales crush Apple


Re: Samsung more successful than Apple? Apple throwing it's toys out of the pram in the UK Court

I wonder what results would show if Samsung and Apple were compared for market cap if Samsung keeps making more inroads, despite the lesser profit margin...


Re: Nice hardball

Somewhat ot, but, on the angle of being fed up with google

When Koreans and sympathetic devs get pissed at googlen or renaming Dokdo with liancourt rocks on non-Korean web searches and non-Korean installs of google earth and google maps, Samsung and Hancom might fork android.

I think thenday could come that Samsung and Korea do to google what apple did to Samsung... It is as if google felt a need to retaliate against Korea for Korea hosting a privacy rights forum in which google was blasted for worsening privacy rights globally.

Down mod me all you want, but, it may be where things are headed for all involved.

Could goole renaming Dokdo to liaccourt rocks be retaliation?


Could goole renaming Dokdo to liaccourt rocks be retaliation?


"A respected global privacy expert said Thursday that U.S.-based search giant Google is the ``No. 1’’ global privacy problem because Google’s culture is demonstrably hostile to privacy.

At a forum organized by The Korean Council on the Protection of Personal Information (KCPPI) held at a Seoul hotel, Scott Cleland, the author of ``Search & Destroy: Why You Can’t Trust Google Inc.,’’ strongly criticized the U.S. tech giant for its forced integrated privacy policy, saying that the policy pushes the world towards lowest common denominator privacy standards.

``The decisions by the Fair Trade Commission and Department of Justice (USDOJ) have amounted to a unilateral disarmament of law enforcement power in an entire area of anti-trust oversight ― privacy ― perversely encouraging an anything-goes-environment and systemic abuse,’’ Cleland slammed.

His remarks have been taken seriously in South Korea in the light of recent developments on the same subject matter coming out of Brussels. The European Union says a recent change in Google’s privacy policy, allowing it to combine and share data collected from all of its different services, breaches European privacy law."

More at the url...

Also, see:





So, while the Diet or parliament did not hammer google, it appears the Shimane did. Google mimced words, it seems...

Talk about digital rights and digital wrongs...

US Copyright Office approves phone jailbreaking and video remixes


Re: Will someone take these out the back and shoot them? We CAN ...

Edit the code, or change a book, or burn or deface a work of art. But, in most of those cases, it may be very unwise to profit monetarily from such acts.

Star Trek and other fans regularly write and distribute their own fiction, thriving off of the existing fanbase interested in Trek porn and such (even to the extent of Warf buggering Wesley Crusher through space, time, pain, and destruction, mostly in contempt of Crusher). But, the moment they go public to make money, Paramount et al will descend upon them.

Actually, the mixed ruling might be a fortunate backdoor. It is mind boggling that tablets are not cinsidered flattened, enhanced, enlarged phones. I would expect to see unbridled, open defiance of the decision.

Tumblr and Google App Engine down as US traffic plummets


Could be more stormy weather ahead if

Could be more stormy weather ahead if

Nk ank Sk hackers unite against google for a while...


How can google be so friggin' stupid? Seems as if it WANTS to kill off or drag down its business in SK.

Stormy weather makes a good distraction.

Lenovo IdeaPad U410 14in Ultrabook review


Re: Lenovo, read! lol

I cannot help but think that doing that WOULD incur the wrath of Kha... Umm, Apple. Hehehehe

Can a new TCP scheme give wireless a 16-fold boost?


Carrier Assent Required?

Great, but will the carriers allow users to enjoy this without a price tier adjustment?

Windows 8: Is Microsoft's new OS too odd to handle?


UI Reminiscence...

-- The Price is Right

-- Let's Make a Deal

-- Brady Bunch

-- The Partridge Family

--Peter Maxx

Whoever made the. New UI decisions must have traveled back into the 70 and then gliffing snue and doking smope from a salon hair dryer working in reverse.

Oh, throw in Toss Across to the list of reminiscence....

No GPS in the iPad Mini Wi-Fi: People are right to criticise


Re: Offline mappage and google politico crappo mapo treachery, too

Quick rant extension

Recall the Reg story about China allegedly intending to sieze all phones and tablets having maps that either incorrectly and illegally name Chinese territory, or that disclose purportedly sensitive or military sites.

Me thinks that Korea should start confiscating ALL inbound google-maps-containing tablets and phones just to make users sign a petition to blast google, and then return the devices after obtaining the assent of the updated user/visitor. Or, those who refuse will be held strictly to account if they violate their visa time limitations. Those wh reasonably see it Korea's way and history's way get some perks or cultural and tourism-related bonuses tax-free and untouchable by the USA IRS.

Educational for the tourists, and not a draconian as the alleged China method...

Rant extension off


Re: Offline mappage and google politico crappo mapo treachery, too

/rant on

On my HTC i cannot use google maps unless i accept the new, updated map-- which has a nasty-assed evil dropping of the name Dokdo and replacement of an anglo Liancourt Rocks. Why the hell would google do such an evil thing to Korea, and insult non-Korean Koreaphiles who feel as enraged as Koreans, whrn Korea had a name for THEIR islands before the occupation and befoe foreigners arrived and told Korea wht name the rest of the world would call those rocks? On my Gal Tab, i inadvertently accepted the update, and then noticed the name Dokdo is not present, and Liancourt Rocks is shifted to the left.

Apple may have horrible maps, but google just shot itself in the foot, risking killing off business in Korea, deservedly so. Samsung could forge ties with Hancom Office and find a way to upgrade its tablets and phones gradually away from google.

How STUPID SHIT can google be? They claim it is not in response to any govvernment, yet by screwing Korea (both Koreas) out of a national treasure and resource, potentially, that is, it is easier for Korea to appease Japan and the USA, which is also is silently siding with Old:-) won't-die-off-soon-enough-right-wingers Japan, damaging relations between modern Japanese citizens and non-Japanese who wantJapan to knock it off. And, at a time when Korea keeps finding more archives, permits, tax code, and more, from within Korea and from within Japan, google dares to pull this damnable, stupid stun! Korea should summon brin and sergey, then sieze their passports until they can recite Korean history and first claim of the Dokdo Islands, and jail any lawyers who try to proxy for them.

I should expect google to start nuking or exposin my email over time, i suppose...

/rant off

Oh dear: Apple kicks out South Korea boss


A wee bit more...


All the free or payola advertin Apple gets in Korea should have saved Oh's job, i think, tho i lament seeing iPads plastered all over Korean TV and the near dearth of Galaxy Tabs...

Apple's iPad Mini mishap: scratching out the retina screen


How is excluding Retina a problem?

The device is primarily for Apple's bottom line, reader enjoyment second. The mission ofnthe device is to stanch the hemhorraging of users not coming to Apple, and to appease those considering using their iPads less -- or even defecting.

I once saw on MUNI for weeks after the first iPad hit the streets a fellow commuter using the iPad lovingly. Visually, it looked heqvy. Tyen that same user weeks later was using a Kindle, IISC? maybe the iPad was stolen and too expensive to replace, or the owner had another reason to not display nor carry it anymore. I dunno. Just an observation. Ohhh, it is possible the user was not an owner and instead was a product evaluator, but, considering how carefully it was handled, i suspect owner.

Apple unveils iPad mini, upgrades its big brother


Bedsores galore?


"When the iPad came out, it was intended to be a consumption device. Ads for the tablet showed people reclining in various environments, clutching the iPad like a book. The spacious 10-inch screen was ideal for watching movies and TV shows, playing games, surfing the Web and otherwise consuming content.

That's how most tablet owners use their devices. Tablets are homebodies, used most often in the living room (30% of the time according to Nielsen) followed by the bedroom (21% of the time).

"Fully half the time they're using tablets, they don't leave the couch or the bed," said Forrester analyst Sarah Rotman Epps. "If you can do everything on the smaller iPad you can on the larger iPad -- that plus the added convenience of being able to take it with you more places could take the wind out of the sales of Amazon.""

So, are they snapping and then discarding remote photos to say with certsinty that these users are in bed and on their sofas? Or, are they satisfied with self-reported surveys? I wonder how many tablet users (all tablets, mind you) are seeking therapy for bedsores, and sore backs. It definitely is easier to surf in bed from my Tab 10.1 than to try doing so with my 6lbs laptop in bed. (So far, no bed sores for me... YET.)

"Distant planet found circling with 4 stars"; Moove oover Tatooooine...


"Distant planet found circling with 4 stars"; Moove oover Tatooooine...




"This week, reality trumped (science) fiction with an image even more enthralling: two amateur astronomers poring through data from deep, distant skies and discovering a planet with four suns.

NASA's website calls the phenomenon a circumbinary planet, or a planet that orbits two suns.

Rare enough on its own -- only six other circumbinary planets are known to exist -- this planet is orbited by two more distant stars, making it the first known quadruple sun system.

Researchers presented the finding Monday night at the annual meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society in Reno, Nevada.

The discovery of the four-sun planet by amateur scientists takes crowd sourcing to new heights. The expression, coined by Wired magazine editor Jeff Howe, describes tasks that are outsourced to a disparate group of people to come up with a solution.

In this case, the Planet Hunters group made data from NASA's $600 million Kepler telescope available to the public through its website and coordinates their findings with Yale astronomers."


Korea Herald:

"Two U.S. citizen scientists have discovered a planet in a system with four different suns, the first known of its type, U.S. and British astronomers say.

The distant planet orbits one pair of stars while a second pair of stars orbits around it, they said.

The planet was discovered by two U.S. volunteers using the Planethunters.org website who spotted faint dips in light caused by the planet "transiting," or passing in front of, its parent stars.

U.S. and British astronomers then confirmed the discovery of the planet, thought to be a "gas giant" slightly larger than Neptune and more than six times the size of the Earth, with the Keck telescopes in Hawaii.

Astronomers say they're puzzled by how the planet avoids being pulled apart by the gravitational forces of its four stars.

"All four stars pulling on it creates a very complicated environment," Chris Lintott from thqe University of Oxford told BBC News. "Yet there it sits in an apparently stable orbit.""

Previous Register stories of strange world are at these URLs:



WHITE WHALE spent 4 years trying to tell us something, then stopped


Re: According to the BBC, the whale said... Alternatively,

According to Aliens 3, this is ProtoRipley:


Me likes der KH photo choice mer betters, hahahaha....

Axiotron Modbook is Back? Is Apple facing Hallyu backlash?


Axiotron Modbook is Back? Is Apple facing Hallyu backlash?


Axiotron; Hallyu





Do any of you know about this device? I saw at least two of them in San Francisco, at Borders Books, in 2009, in use by a customer working on art.

Later, out of curiosity, I surfed the Net for info. Reportedly, the modder/reseller had supply issues. I always suspected the modifier irked Apple by preempting them or dangerously pre-leaking the not yet heard of iPad, and I sometimes suspected that Apple paid him off to go away for a while.

Now, it is back, and his prices are steep. I wonder whether time away and high pricing on return were conditions for averting being nuked by Apple. (Yes, I KNOW it sounds conspiracy theory in nature...)

Also, see these:

"How will ‘prior art’ impact Apple’s patent argument?"


"By Apple's logic, Galaxy should cost $2 mil."


"Apple fires Korea's country head"


I am not sure about what is going on in Apple's mind. It launches a massive, deceitful campaign to literally destroy Samsung. Yet, on Korean TV, in Korean subways, and all around Korea, iPad adverts and iPad accessories seem to outnumber Galaxy adverts 10 to one. In eMart, Lotte, and underground pedestrian malls, innumerable stalls barrage passersby with more iPad than Galaxy Tab accessories.

One Korean couple mistook my Galaxy Tab 10.1 for an iPad. But, when I unsleeved it in their restaurant, they smiled. Noticing their iPhone 3, I asked them whether they were upgrading to the 5. They said no. They were considering and likely to go Samsung. Since they are older than 35, I asked, "Is your decision because Apple tried to destroy Samsung?" They replied in the affirmative. I believe that that sentiment is starting to emerge in Korea. I predicted such maybe late last year or early this year. Materialism goes only so far, and Apple, assailing Hallyu, went too far.

Axiotron Modbook is Back?


Axiotron Modbook is Back?





Do any of you know about this device? I saw at least two of them in San Francisco, at Borders Books, in 2009, in use by a customer working on art.

Later, out of curiosity, I surfed the Net for info. Reportedly, the modder/reseller had supply issues. I always suspected the modifier irked Apple by preempting them or dangerously pre-leaking the not yet heard of iPad, and I sometimes suspected that Apple paid him off to go away for a while.

Now, it is back, and his prices are steep. I wonder whether time away and high pricing on return were conditions for averting being nuked by Apple. (Yes, I KNOW it sounds conspiracy theory in nature...)

Also, see these:

"By Apple's logic, Galaxy should cost $2 mil."


"Apple fires Korea's country head"


Man rummaging for lost laptop in skip gets tipped into garbage truck


Re: He shall now be forever known as... or...

Skippy Bin Bin,


Note to self... No Dompster diving without 2 or 3 hammers and an air horn or 2. Or, a recording of Cheawbacca and a seeeerious boom box...

Android apps get SSL wrong, expose personal data


Re: Do no harm?

Haha, downmodding clods. Read this:


If only you were rational enough to suppress your arrogant, know-better gall just long enough to do no harm to commenter standing.



Do no harm?

Omission is harm. I wonder why google did not vet all aps for basic security checks and the force the developers to fingerprint the app so the publuc would know whether a failed or fatally-flawed app was in the wild. I realize that google does SOME checks, but google should have long ago have the talent to have uncovered the same info described in this story, and should have empowered the user. A good deal of empowerment would have come from giving users an option and an easier way to rot the phone no matter WHAT the fucking phone companies want.

See, for all the morons who in the past who viciously downmodded me for demanding that google provide IDS, firewall, blocking, you were WRONG. And, since google so desperately wants its OS to be in top billing, they looked the other way, leaving it up to an uninformed public unwilling or unable to pay for comprhehensive security, securit that itself may have been cheating the system and users, too. Maybe more security flaws will wake google up, and enrage just enough consumers. I never did trust that Android was as secure as we were told, yet, i drank just enough of the KoolAid to quite possibly have exposed losts of personal info to newspaper sites, magazines, and even to malware-hosting countries.

Do no harm, yeh, right.

'Looming menace' of evil browser extensions to be demo'd this week


What about Dolphin Browser?

I hope he tests and discloses hownwell Dolphin fares.

Facebook won't pull unmarked police plates page


Also...plate sweeping

In certain cities, since police do not proactively mind their plates during intel and sting operations, some gangs collect info just by pressing into service any number of teens and others, equipping them with radios or almost untraceable wireless devices and phones. When Crown Vics and Ford Taurus or other fleet purchase vechicles or known confiscated vehicles breach a criminal "perimeter", a call will go out, at least 2 or more blocks away. Smarter criminals may operate from areas forcing a quasi choke point so there will be fewer streets and approache routes to monitor for undercover lurkers. Some may also "plate sweep" a neighborhood days or weeks in advance, rooting out potential problems, maybe even "concerned citizen" reporting dead or abandoned vehicles to see how responsivle ornresponsible and cooperating the tow agencies are with the police. Anything new and unmoving migh be suspicious, and inside contacts can be pressed (or blackmailed, or may be a criminal mole in the police ranks) to reveal the ownership to make sure it isnor is not a long distance relative or tourist and not a police or federal monitor.

I read a lot, and none of this is classified. I also have an imagination, as does any other person. And, if you imagine writing movie scripts, it goes a long way to making scenes original and plausible.

Some of this was in newspapers over 8 years ago. Similar things can be found in books written by cops who "told all"when they were set up by fellow cops. But, the military also has its own share of infiltration, pilferage, and more. Ultimately, it is a vicious, circular game....


Illegal compilation of motorist plates?

IIRC, in California, it is illegal to compile a database of motor vehicle plates. Well, illegal for non government collectors. Theoretically, it is about privacy and anti-stalking. But, vanity plates may be an exemption.

But, as for undercover cars, the police parking lots in San Francisco have all sorts of official vehicles that might be inactive or less used undercover cars of all makes and models, sitting in plain view, plates readable. The more protectrd cars are in underground garages. Similar with San Jose, Milpitas, and other cities which had to build down more and out less. Still, there is nothing to stop a clandestine parking of a vehicle that is camera equipped and which records plates. Plus, almost EVERY police agency has at least one rogue officer who will sell portions of or all of anything for the right price, and has an accomplice to cover tracks. Same with DMV, given the past incidents of corrupt employees selling real, but unauthorized ID cards to groups and individuals, enabling all sorts of people to live in the USA and illegimately obtain services, some to commit violent crimes.

The solutuin for the police is to simply make sure the plates do not associate to a specific officer or agency. At least, externally. That way, the sorces of leaks will be easier to find. But, gradually, the agencies will be discovered. So, they have to swap plates, i reckon.

Mozilla debuts Firefox Marketplace for Android apps


Does this spell implidations for C++, javascript, java, etc?

If i want to make and sell a .dbf based app, using HTML5, what should i be thinking about long term?

Apple ordered to open its books on iPhone, iPad profits


I am starting to like this judge....

Hopefully, it IS her goal to give apple an "out" so this mess ends soooooooner rather than later, sooner being December.

Apple loses UK 'Samsung copied us' appeal: Must publicly GROVEL


Re: Arial? How gauche!

Fortunately, it was not required to be in WingDings font....


The woosh was... the...

Karma Train

All this fucking money wasted on lawyers when one by one, apple's hell-bent bent for suppression falls like a house of cards. They could and should have seen their move would back fire. Theyncould have donated those hundreds of millions in attorney fees and court-ordered advisories of Samsung's innocence/non-guilt on orphanages, charities, battered women's shelters, political refugees, and ALL KINDS OF OTHER STUFF? so goddamned wasteful of big money when so many people starve and die .

Sigh...... What i almost wound not do for just $250,000 after taxes....

Sanitary towel firm's 'CEO' sets traumatised man straight


Re: the 37s

btw, just in case, my posting is related not to sanitary napkins but to skin lotions. Some are rash makers for some people. Some are egregious wastes of consumer cash. But, the FDA and the market tolerate all sorts of non-lethal bullshit in the market even if the product does not deserve shelf space.


the 37s

And THAT is the 37 that *


- did not develop skin rashes, experience diarrhea, constipation, spontaneously-inverted eyelids, pupil recolorization, 360° head spins, vomiting, dizziness, prolonged mensteuation, excessively dry urination, scratchy throat, itchy ass, enlarged knuckles, curled toes, visions of screaming lab animals, or other "experimental miss adventures prior to the survey...


And not the "The 37s" from ST Voyager

Air China passenger arrested for in-flight phone abuse


Maybe he has an unrooted China or Japan or Korea type phone that makes the shutter click..

By law, to deter perv shots, all phones and cameras in tablets must make that sound. It probably was annoying the shit out of some of the passengers.

While i agree with the anti-perv law, the shutter clicks cause by cloistered girls and young women, and even mutual-admiration males, those clicks are enffuckingraging after a while. Depending on the volume of the device, even headphones do not help.


is there a way in a mobile to bypass that?

Or, is it really up the the app and the version of java or javascript in it?

Is Google Play Blocking a Rival, or Is a Newspaper Premature?


iTunes has it, and i can see this via Dolphin Browser on a Galaxy Tab


Maybe ETRI did not actually upload it to GooglePlay? If it IS much better than goggle and ms, this will be great. Even better if it can do things offline.


Yt vid of the translator app



Is Google Play Blocking a Rival, or Is a Newspaper Premature?

According to the Korea Herald, Korea released GenieTalk on 17 October. I searched gplay several times in the past 4 hours, to no avail. It now is the 18th, probably over 22 hours since the article went online. It is 0716 Seoul time.


Apple appeals Samsung patent getaway in Tokyo


Looks as if i must cross-post myself....

More on the debacle: “Will $1 bil. verdict for Apple hold?”


“Will $1 bil. verdict for Apple hold?”

“Another lawyer, who requested anonymity due to client matters, said these new issues will be taken up by Samsung’s lawyers and “without a doubt” be used as leverage in a cross-licensing deal on the sidelines.

“In the end, only the final verdict will have a huge impact but these bits of information that are constantly mentioned are probably being talked about by the lawyers of both firms,” he said.

He also pointed out that filings by both parties have now gone public, which shows how some of the claims made by Apple’s lawyers were made out of context. “It shows that there never was a direct order from Samsung to its employees to copy the iPhone among some new facts that puts Samsung in a more favorable light,” he said.

Spokesmen from both firms declined to comment on the matter.”

Map law could see China confiscate mobes at Customs



if they want to avoid international incidents, they BETTER warn all the transport carriers to warn passengers before booking a flight. And, they better allow the arriving passenger the option to reverse course onto a flight directly from the customs area.

If they do confiscate maps, it would completly violate or nullify their customs banners language that was posted as of September.

Hopefully, this is just FUD and goes away. Blaming phone owners for maps with politically undesireable labels is almost like faulting car owners for manufacturer defects. But the twisted logic of some politicians will describe it as drivers acting as mules or knowingly importing contraband. So, will China confiscate old books and paper maps and newspapers that have historic or dated maps?


Facebook offers just a week of free Android AV



"emitted", hehehehe

Samsung claims Apple jury foreman LIED to get REVENGE


More on the debacle: “Will $1 bil. verdict for Apple hold?”


“Will $1 bil. verdict for Apple hold?”

“Another lawyer, who requested anonymity due to client matters, said these new issues will be taken up by Samsung’s lawyers and “without a doubt” be used as leverage in a cross-licensing deal on the sidelines.

“In the end, only the final verdict will have a huge impact but these bits of information that are constantly mentioned are probably being talked about by the lawyers of both firms,” he said.

He also pointed out that filings by both parties have now gone public, which shows how some of the claims made by Apple’s lawyers were made out of context. “It shows that there never was a direct order from Samsung to its employees to copy the iPhone among some new facts that puts Samsung in a more favorable light,” he said.

Spokesmen from both firms declined to comment on the matter.”

GIANT EYEBALL PANIC ends: Oceanic peeper identified


Re: Be on the lookout ... or...

Be on the eye lookout for a one-eyed fisherman who may have has a tussle with that swordfish, got his eye damaged, then cared one out of the swordfish.... Eye for and eye, live by the sword die by the sword, nyuk nyuk....

Second LulzSec member pleads guilty to Sony hack


Re: So much .. "fail".

But, doesn't that also require enhancement by using completely fresh and unrelated-to-the-user hardware?

I have since at least since 1993 suspected that there would come the day that motherboards would have embedded components that would seed or somehow tage outbound content, much like preambles/headers, or watermarking that later came out.

Eventually, we find that printer companies embedded not only codes in the hidden chips of printersand copiers, but that the fonts themselves are encoded differently for every printer. Anyone buying with traceable instruments and being taped on camera and then engeging in extortion, bribery, blackmail, wire fraud, murder threats, and so on -- especially those duplicating cash and certain cash instruments -- could be tracked down just by a magnifying glass or special decoding scanner, or prevented from copying certain currency. I at some point began to suspect that large copy shops were ideal for those onboard chips -- imagine if governments or conspiracy theory types of organizations wanted to KNOW what things people scanned or copied,. Those up to no good had better not use the rechargable cards or any scanner or copier hooked to a network or one with a hard drive in it. Even copmanies have seen their machines broken into for the hard drives.

Making a computer act as its own beacon is nothing new anymore, so, even using disposable NICs even to just peruse naughty content sites or evade certain marketing would be almost pointless -- those who continue using the one-time-only hardware get complacent and keep using it. Trying to hide from stealthy observers via proxies really depends on the user even changing typing speeds, diction, thought or speech patterns... And, avoid using topics or explanations as anecdotes since we humans tend to be fond of our recollections....

AMD to decimate workforce several times over?


Re: Decimation or decim8shun?

Dunno, but, it IS something over which one can spend time Romin8ting.... Could ... Not... Re... Sist..

Unrootable: Mash these bits together to get a CLASSIFIED spyphone


Re: Are you sure? Are you?

They are ad accountants -- they can make 1 plus 1 equal 3, if they want to...


Re: How about Greenhills?

"and you're biometrics aren't exactly private either unless you wear a rubber gloves"

For years, i have wondered whether the spooks in DC, Moscow, Tokyo, Israel, et cet used bars and dance clubs as a means of obtaining DNA, fingerprints, saliva, and hair samples...

Diplomats and their families may be exempt from certain checks, but that does not mean tableware is sloppily collected from and commingled with stuff from other tables.

With enough biometrics collection, this so-called "classified phone" or many other devices will be broken unless brain scans and body scans against a live user are matched.

And, when I read "classified phone" i imagine it is one that governments declare users are not supposed to violate, such as the gov/mil lingo on mil spec safes and sensitive equipment or cabinets(at lrast with cabinet safety interlocks): "Contains no user-servicable or field-replacable parts! DO NOT TAMPER WITH, DEFEAT, DESTROY, OR DISABLE", except the label will have appended verbiage being something like:

"...the approved and restricted measures and countermeasures on this device at the risk of revocation of comms privileges, facing fines and prosecution, and being subject to being locked up in an underground reeducation and reassimilation center..." hahahaha

Samsung, not Nokia, fans' most favoured WinPho brand


Samsung this year not rolling out win phone at home...


" During a brief meeting with local reporters at Samsung’s main office in downtown Seoul, Thursday, its mobile chief Shin Jong-kyun said; “We will release the Ativ tablet this month (in Europe) and also the Ativ S smartphone will be available either late this month or early next month in some countries.”

The Ativ S is Samsung’s new smartphone variant using Microsoft’s Windows 8 mobile platform. The S phone was introduced at the recent IFA trade fair in Berlin.

“The Ativ has attracted attention because the name change reflects Samsung’s higher expectation for Windows phone. But the chances of the Ativ S to hit the jackpot in Korea are quite low,” said the official.

Last November, Nokia of Finland introduced the Lumia 710 using the Windows platform via KT, the nation’s No. 2 mobile carrier. However, the results were disappointing with less than 3,000 sold, according to KT officials.

Microsoft ran big promotional campaigns to lower inventories. “Despite cash-burning marketing campaigns, Microsoft failed to sell more Lumias,” said a KT official.

“Against bad memories of Omnia’s failure, Samsung’s Galaxy S3 smartphones which use Google Android as the main platform is selling well. It’s going to be tough for Samsung to heavily invest its resources on a Windows platform,” said another Samsung official.

Samsung plans to release a 5-inch Android phone next month — another addition to the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note2.

LG in talks with Google

LG Electronics also plans not to introduce smartphones using Microsoft’s Windows software. Rather, the Seoul-based consumer electronics giant is in talks with Google for LG’s first Google reference smartphone.

Its mobile chief Park Jong-seok made it clear that the company isn’t considering releasing a smartphone that uses Windows as the main platform and stressed that ties with Google are strengthening."

Not good news for ms...

Small biz scrappers urged to take the fight to hackers


Anti-Matter self-destruct?

Be passive and just lace or poison your own systems so that intruders who go trasure hunting get a fatal nasal explosion.

So long as the poison is not pumped out, it should be seen as akin to keeping unlabled bottles of potent shit in the garage, but no HazMat or environmental controls are required. Might even be prudent to give the AINP (anti intrusion nasal poppers) some seductive names. A fucking intruder is a fucking intruder. And, carefully configured, the setup would be less than comparable to a booby-trapped window, front door, or toilet.

Doesn't matter wherher the intruder is a script kiddie, hacker, cracker, mafia, terrorist, military, givernment, or ET?

Apple to drop chip-baking partnership with Samsung?


Re: Cut off nose to spite face Gauss Gun Enema?


Seems Apple will get NONE of that $1.05 billion, and may have to forfeit the bond money to Samsung's lawyers and other contingencies.

As these bans are reversed, domestically and abroad, Apple will enjoy hollowed, not hallowed, victory. Dumping Samsung and related chaebol or non-chaebol Samsung partners is the apple way of depriving Samsung of revenue stream.

Is this business Karma, again?

'Stop-gap' way to get Linux on Windows 8 machines to be issued


Re: You know what? Spoonerism alert...

Maybe itnis heart before the course.. The course of things should be that the hardware owner decides what os can be allowed on the mqchine, but ms or an os vendor would decide what software behaviors would be allowed in the kernel and in user space.

But, due to ms' money and marketing dollars, hardware vensors' hearts are in the money. Cart before the horse AND heart before the course (a Spoonerism i had been waiting for at lest 15 years to use...).


Does that mean that on x86 platforms, Ballmer no longer sees

Linux as a virus?

Wow, never thougt i would live to see this day, hahahaha..

Endeavour: donuts and a Toyota ease shuttle's drive through L.A.



"You gotta love American ingenuity and salesmanship. Or not. ®"

Lol.... Around a week ago, a Korean told me "Americans can sell ANYthing!", hahaha

Well, except, it seems, "Buy American" did not beat GM.

Apple pays up for stealing design from Swiss Railways


Timex must be envious....


It could have taken a lickin' and done some STICKIN', hahaha