Transparency, Inclusion... Who.. So "RICH"
Recall when MS' was in its early days. How many core competitors were allowed "transparency, inclusion"?
Recall when advertisers wanted to put ads into the black/grey border area surrounding the Windows boundary, when MS didn't know how or was too lazy to make windows make the boundary disappear/be covered up. How long did "transparency, inclusion" last for those companies after some body or court decided that Microsoft "owned" all the space, even behind the bezel.
Recall when in court MS played a switcheroo with two different computers, one blue-desktop and the other the greenish one -- and got caught. Was that "transparency, inclusion"?
Recall how much effort it took to get/force ms to allow OEMs to put competing browser shortcuts on the desktop..
Recall, recall, recall...
I'm less and less these days harping about the "destruction" of ms, for that really isn't viable, but a curtailment of its expanse would not be out of line -- but the competitors have to GET to that ability, and they cannot rest once they get there. And, they should get there as above-board as possible -- to set examples. Not saying Linux is an angel, and definitely not saying Mac is, either.
But, as for Google, to echo a comment above, "Why reduce Google Search to shit just because Bing is", might be appropos. OTOH, I avoid using Bing, not because it is or is not "shit", but because I'm hanging on to resentment of how I perceive ms destroying companies that mattered to me, or complicating things that needn't be.
And, for those who do not read (or read my posts), I DO have my severe, vitriolic gripes against Google -- namely, the vile, steadfast refusal to help users to "vault"/"lock down" and isolate from all these data slurping apps our contact, notes, photos, and anything else, including file paths those vile, hostile, intrusive, nosy 3rd-party apps go after with no right, permission, invitation, or app-related reason to do so.
In the name of Transparency, Inclusion, that bit of negatvity on my part is recounted. For those who might want to know, or see some "balance"....