Jasmine & Rob
It look's like I have hit a nerve!
When I'm out on my Speed Triple the last thing I want to have is something telling me I have to turn left into the next field.
As for not knowing where "bacon and sausage come from..." I tend to plan a little ahead, so I know where I am going. So I am well aware of where the "bacon and sausage" come from
Remember "Perfect Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance". Eh, Rob?
My comment was aimed at those users who assume that the machine is right, and that it takes priority over the other things that you need to do, while driving,such as looking out for other road users. I use a GPS based accident blackspot warning device when I'm driving, but its located out my field of vision. That way I'm not going knock Jasmine of her motorcycle.
We are in the honeymoon period with these devices. Just wait for a number of RTI's (Road Traffic Incidents) to be attributed to distraction caused by Sat Navs. Then the "Ban It or Tax It" Mentality in Whitehall will be on the case.