* Posts by AC34

6 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Aug 2010

RIM BlackBerry Bold 9900



Orange does UMA - main reason why I got the BB 9780, as there's no mobile signal at all where I live in deepest, darkest Surrey.. Drives my poor iPhone using housemates beserk..!

There will always be a demand for phones with a full keyboard, and BB are the major players in that category, so you can't blame them for keeping this line going - even if the price does seem a bit high. From experience, I would guess this would be free on a £25/month contract very quickly..

Injunction suspended: EU can buy Galaxy Tabs again


Obvious marketing campaign

Samsung Tab - The one Apple were desperate to ban..

(Perhaps a slightly more pithy version, but you get the idea..)

'Leccy price hike: Greens to blame as well as energy biz

Thumb Down


If you're pissed off at subsidising other people's installations, the obvious solution is to install one of your own.. Even if you can't afford the upfront costs, there's plenty of companies that will cover all the installation costs and allow you to use all the energy they generate for free, whilst they keep the revenues from any excess that is fed back..

Micro-generation requires subsidies just like any other form of energy generation, but with the former at least most of the subsidies go directly to the people involved as opposed to corporate bonuses.. (Or at least that's the way it ought to be..! Yes, I can see the contradiction between my two paragraphs..)

One third of Russians say Sun revolves round Earth


Not according to Einstein..

Actually, given a lack of universal frame of reference, it's equally valid to posit either the Sun or the Earth as the centre around which the other revolves.. (Albeit, it is a lot simpler to work out the equations of motion governing the dynamics of the Solar System using a heliocentric model..)

I for one would like to welcome the hordes of evidently highly-educated physicists coming out of Russia

Windows Phone 7 gets unlocked


'Rouge' applications

They'll be the ones trying to get past the security mechanisms with a coy glance..

700,000 Saudi BlackBerrys go silent noisy


Alternative security

Surely you can just use PGP or some other public-key crypto framework to make sure you have end-to-end security, where the plaintext never goes anywhere near a server - RIM or otherwise..?