* Posts by spillage

4 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Aug 2010

Service Birmingham offshores IT jobs


One for the fatcats

This outsourcing makes me soooo sick...Fair enough those at the top of the ladder end up with even more money in their pockets.....but its all at the expense of sending money that could go to UK workers and back into our economy abroad for those countries to benifit...

Can anyone here tell me of a good support system that has been outsourced...I cant it only bring thoughts of Dell and HP to mind...hahahaha

Who's nicked Vaz's fondleslab?



Wonder if anyone has checked his ebay accont..He has to find some way to buy new furniture...Not that I'm suggesting a politician can be crooked...That would just be wrong..

Avon and Somerset police launch online crime tracker


Thats A Great Help

Just been burgled...did they take your pc laptop and smartphone?...Yes..Oh dear,! so I guess this is no help then....

So we can expect more bobbies to be out on the streets as they have more time on thier hands. Of course they will be stood at the side of the road holding a speed gun..

Hoax Facebook virus makes more trouble than a real virus


We Must Act Now

Im going to create and account right now. Just for the sake of sending out an email advising people that if they get this hoax email the must NOT forward it to anyone..........