16 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Aug 2010
playmobil reconstruction or it didnt happen!
chances of it recognising scottish accents probably still null
could be because they were sitting in the office laughing at it and decided to share
yay!! :D
We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia.
shout in the street that you'll bomb the airport if your flights delayed? would you be arrested?
shout in the street someone should be stoned? would you be arrested?
your doing pretty much the same thing, just a different audience.
how about... "Holy crap he fire a laser beam out his hole!"
typical f-ing americans. dont like it? shoot it!
max 2 years and it'll be in the lastest smartphones, with a default on link to google latitude
could this finally herald the end of ridiculous(sp?) software patents? oh please oh please oh please
the only people who win anything from this crap is the lawyers!
screw the nukes, LOW ORBIT ION CANNON!!
dont cook me bro! dont cook me!
when was the last time your shoe box had to be bailed out by the government?
gas the enemy with it so they live in 10-minute long days?
zzzz-COFFEE--zzzzzzz-COFFEE NOW--zzz
oh sarah...
*shakes head sadly*
i expected so much mo...
bah who am i kidding :p