* Posts by mtdnelson

5 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Aug 2010

London 2012 Olympics: 17000 athletes, 11000 computers


Acorn ++


Office workers: 'The best way to upgrade a PC is to smash it'



Do machines really need to be replaced that often? The first PC I ever built is now at least 13 years old, and is still going strong. My previous work laptop (IBM T41) was perfectly adequate, and still would be.

The problem is not the hardware, it's the ever-more-bloated operating system and software upgrades. I've only recently discovered that my employer provides (almost) all of the software I need for work on a Linux repository, and that I won't be hassled for installing it myself... Problem (soon will be) solved.

Motorola uncloaks 10.1-inch Xoom fondleslab


"some trains in the UK even have 3-pin plugs"

How would that help? Perhaps you mean "sockets"?

Steve Jobs carried 'ninja throwing stars' in hand luggage


Can we have a 'ninja Jobs' icon? Please?

That is all.

BCS Linux-baiting sparks flame war


What sort of idiot would pay an organisation to advertise to him?

I agree. Also, what sort of idiot would pay a premium price to advertise someone else's clothing label on his own clothing? Someone with more money than sense.