what a nut job!
McCain is the most dangerous man in America! What a war-monger. Arizona, wake up and get rid of this idiot.
67 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jul 2010
I agree.
Teach them how to spill, firm a sintince, avoid long ron-on sintinses and lirn to punchewate?
I can't say what's happening over there in blighty-land, but here in the US empire, education is a planned disaster. After all, it's much easier to take care of the sheep when they are down right stupid. I have watched my country become a 3rd world, 3rd rate empire over my lifetime. Saddest part is, no one (or is it noone, no-one or none?) over here seems to notice or care, and the latter scares me more than the former. :(
I remember when HP spun off Agilent T&M. I was really sad it happened. I didn't think Agilent would live up to the old HP standards, and possibly not survive.
Today, I'm glad the spin off happened. Agilent is stronger and a better managed company than today's HP. T&M would have been drug thru the mud with the HP of today and the test equipment would be garbage.
Hey, Fiorina, still think Compaq was a good buy??? (dumba$$)
The movie explains it all. The only nonsense in the whole movie was the usage of cell phones in the midst of world-wide destruction. Minor details.
More seriously, I am greatly concerned about the Wyoming/Montana/Utah super-volcano, simply because it is thousands of years overdue and has been showing a lot of signs of activity (such as a lake bed that has risen several feet). The probability is that it will erupt "soon" (That could be a thousand years, because "soon" in geologic terms is measured that way) It could also erupt today.
I predict Dec 22,2012 will happen as scheduled, and I've never been wrong yet in predicting the occurrence of successive days, one after the other.
Another possibility is that Ancient Aliens are causing all this mayhem!
"Bring back Roger Moore "
I agree. With RM, it was lighthearted action. The stupid stories had nothing to do with RM. I liked his portrayal of JB the best. Worst, IMO, is DC and then TD. Second best is SC and third is the Irishman-PB.
Daniel Craig is far too cold hearted and serious. He needs to lighten up!
I agree with Stallman. His points about Jobs/Apple are the major reasons I despise Apple, at least as much as Sir Billy Bob/M$. While I believe Jobs is a nicer person than Billy Bob, both are ruthless business barons. Both capitalize on the ideas and work of others.
I'd have to flip a coin to decide which of these two I detest the most-it's a dead tie.
BTW, I have never used iTunes, iPad or iAnythingElse, and never will. I do not swear allegiance to anything or anybody: not BillyBob, Stevie, Stallman, Schmidt. No one means no one!
I'm a contractor on Orion and I can tell you we work from one paycheck to the next, always expecting the ax to fall. Lockheed is the prime for Orion and they have been cutting back. If Orion survives until the next election, when Republicans resume a small amount of sanity in DC, then we'll be more secure.
but they totally misread the market, late to market and switched to WinMo. (You listening Nokia?) Palm only had high-tech, high-end products and were a great success with PalmOS. After they switched to WinMo, the phones became terrible. I had a Treo Pro. The hardware was the best they had made up to that point. But after turning it on and seeing how crappy WinMo was, I gave the phone to my daughter. (She's a little more tolerant than I am).
Yes, they certainly can! Nokia will soon be out of business, just like Palm! Difference is that Palm usually made far better phones. I'm still using my 7 year old Treo650 and am now upgrading to the Palm Pre Plus.
Yep, M$ will eat the slim profit margins they manage to squeeze out of customers. When Nokia is dying they will leave them by the roadside to dry up and blow away.
""It's helping us to transition from thinking about our customers to thinking like our customers"
-I doubt that. That would mean you hate yourself. If so, seek counseling.
"And giving us that direct customer feedback is what we're learning and getting from our stores,"
-Proof they don't read their own blogs (too much contempt)
"We're going to open up 75 more stores over the next two to three years"
-So, which is it, 2 or 3? Damn decisions! Wow! 75 stores, no doubt sprinkled around the M$ campus.
"continue to bring our stores outside the US as well"
-Spread the ill-will overseas as well
"he was "shocked" to discover an Apple dealer flogging Windows 7 on Mac hardware."
-So the Apple dealer was tasering and flogging Windows 7 on top of Mac hardware...kinky!
"Now, that should tell all of you a lot about the importance of having a great OS. Even the Apple franchise stores think so,"
-Linux distributors everywhere thank you for the compliments. And yes, even Apple franchise stores think Linux is great.
I have 2 apps that won't run on Win7: Nero Recode 2 and AEM EMS software. Actually the problem with AEM EMS is the USB to RS232 adaptor driver won't work in Win7 and I can't find one that works with the EMS and Win7.
What I have done with Recode is to install WinXP in a VMware VM. Does anyone know of a replacement for Recode that does as good a job creating MP4s?
"Now we are firmly into 10Gig territory"
Say what? I don't know what's going on in Europe, but here in the states, 10G is in the labs only! 1G is commonplace now, but 10G is waiting in the wings.
And I can't ever see a need for 100G, or anything faster than 10G, for the everyday user.
Anyone for pee tea? You Brits love tea so much, shirley a little extra "something" will be appreciated?
I don't care much about what public water treatments do with the water, cause I use a reverse osmosis treatment at home and bring my own water to work with me. It's polluted throughout almost all of the world now.
Being a Yank and all, I could pounce all over this, but I won't.
IMO, the problem is almost certainly one of training. The Typhoon pilots may not have enough quality dogfight training. Lord knows we Americans were getting our butts kicked in 'nam with a terrible kill ratio of 1:1 against the MiG-21. After the Navy instituted Top Gun, that changed to about 14:1. (The Air Force opted to forego training and bought external 20mm guns-their kill ratio remained dismal).
A very well trained pilot can make all the difference in the world. So, to be fair, one must examine the pilots backgrounds before assuming the aircraft is at fault. If there's a next time, make sure you have properly trained pilots going against the PAF F-16's.
All just my opinion.
It will be a very long time before HDD is completely irrelevant. I can see the PC paradigm dying soon enough, but there will be need for mass storage way beyond cell phone/tablet usage. Even PCs will be needed for workstation usage. I can not ever see a tablet doing video recoding; playback, yes. And video storage will require ever larger HDDs.
You gotta be kidding, right? I hope you IT people aren't buying that crap! For personal use, I only use Brother (and I'm an American) because the price is right and the parts are interchangeable across a lot of the product line. The printers last a long time as well. I still have and use an HL645!
And check the cost of consumables before buying the printers!
I guess for corporate use-there's still Xerox.
And Agilent holds the "soul" of the old HP. Still a very fine company.
"A rose, by any other name, smells just as sweet" If it makes you happy to call Pluto a "planet", then call it a planet! That doesn't mean others who disagree are right or wrong.
I personally think of Pluto as a planet, simply because it was classified as such when I learned the 9 planets in elementary school. So they changed it! Big F'ing deal! Get a life and get back to work!
CNET (and CBS) has (have) deep pockets,so they get sued. Notice no one is going after the end users because it's far too much trouble to do that (even if they could). And how much extortion could ever be squeezed from individuals (there's no paycheck using this strategy).
I would expect this case to be tossed. Should it make it to trial the jurors should see through this scam (but, there are some pretty damn stupid people who sit on juries)
I believe everyone should sue everyone else for every dumb reason imaginable. (Will this crap ever end?)
Please be specific at the start of the article! I had to read the whole thing before I could finally conclude that you were talking about NATURAL gas, and not gasoline. It wasn't until you talked about trillion cubic feet that it became obvious.
So, even if we have lots of natural gas, no infrastructure exists for automobiles to use it. Least not yet.
at&t is a fine, upstanding company who only has the well-being of the world's cell phone users in mind. They would NEVER, EVER raise prices, jus cuz they spent $39B! Come on now, be serious. Just cuz they can do it, don't mean they would! I trust them completely! FCC, rubber-stamp this one too; and tell the NY AG to mind their own business.