* Posts by funkenstein

17 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2010

Google reportedly in talks to buy infosec outfit Wiz for $23B


Missing the point?

1. Google is buying Wiz in order to resell it as "Google Scanner for Enterprise" or similar, to feed into Chronicle.

2. It looks to me like Google security products are trying for parity with Microsoft - e.g. Microsoft Sentinel == Chronicle; Microsoft Threat Intel Centre (MSTIC) == Mandiant; Defender for Vulnerabilities (and other native capabilities) == Wiz; Who knows what EDR they'll buy, but I reckon that's the play - Cloud SIEM/SOAR to keep Google Workplace customers not needing to go elsewhwere.

3. The "top player in security" vendor space definitely has a big spot for Microsoft in it. To be clear, I'm not saying they are secure, just that they have good security products.

People thinking Google are buying Wiz for their own enterprise needs are at least 75% off. They might also become an internal customer of the integrated service, but that's not what's this is about.

Coinhive crypto-jacking increasingly pops up in top 3 million websites


Re: Protection software spews sensitive data to third parties

exactly! I don't get why it's not an straightfoward option when you visit a site. Even have an added bonus for keeping your machine running and the page open - 1 free day of pornhub premium for every 24 hours' mining... or a different site that has adverts, I guess.

Pirate Bay digs itself a new hole: Mining alt-coin in slurper browsers


Re: Protection software spews sensitive data to third parties

I for one welcome the change. I'd rather help the sites I visit earn money directly, than have a load of tracking ads trying to flog me the same shit I bought last week over and over.

Carbon Black denies its IT security guard system oozes customer secrets


Re: Protection software spews sensitive data to third parties

"Anyone who cares about security wouldn't upload their records to a third party 'cloud' service!"

Sure, forget about conducting actual risk assessments and the myriad of protective measures available, even in infrastructure you don't own. Everyone knows Cloud = bad, full stop.


Top cop: Strap Wi-Fi jammers to teen web crims as punishment


Re: Why would this happen-

| Habanero jelly

Wait, this is a thing?!"!?!?

I'm off to the shops to commit a crime so the cops have to give me some of that sweet, hot jelly!

Hackers hustle to hassle un-patched Joomla! sites


Re: Eventuated

@wiggers - not sure, but that attempting in the first line probably doesn't need to be there either... "Attackers are already exploiting a dangerous privileged account creation hole in the Joomla! content management system attempting,"

Facebook's turbo-charged Instant Articles: Another brick in the wall


I already used something similar

I used Readsy.co to read this article, thereby stripping all the superfluous stuff publishers like El Reg like to add... :)

Infosec freeloaders not welcome as malware silo VirusTotal gets tough


New business model?

VT should write their own AV scanner and pay the AV engines that actually first detect a given piece of malware a royalty - like Spotify does with artists.

Then you'd have a proper competition to see who can write the best detection software.

Best of all, that allows VT to keep the API open to subscribers who can write whatever they want - next gen detection, or another "value-add" (read that as: search toolbar)... only they would also have to pay that royalty to the AV engines that get first detection. If you don't contribute, that's fine - because you're paying the contributors for their hard work. Conversely, if you believe you're better than the rest, you can still share your results with VT and cash out as always the first one to detect. 1337!

You could probably even anonymise the source detector with BitCoin. Even VT doesn't know who it was who first detected, just that they did and that there's a wallet that needs to be paid.

If artists can't sell CDs anymore, why should AV vendors sell endpoint software?

Stop fondling that slab and shag, says Durex


Re: I don't even answer the phone when I'm feeding the livestock ...

glad you didn't make reference to wearing rubber while "feeding" your "livestock"... shudder.

Boffins' brilliant plan: CONCRETE COMPUTERS

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Re: > You may disagree, but then you aren't writing this.

This is exactly why I love reading the Reg!

Oracle reveals secret recipe for free DIY storage cloud


distribute it

why not bittorrent sync? http://labs.bittorrent.com/experiments/sync.html

Power to the people - if you can find a spare socket


looking for my leopard

looking around, I have got 5 spare wall sockets in my immediate viccinity and another 3 in the extention I have in the easily accessible cable tidy bit in my desk.

Just me showing off the one good thing about the office block we work in :)

Anyone want a top up?

Remember back when "Broadband" ...


do you remember the days...

when Baud was a relevant term people used? I do. I also remember flatmates getting pretty angry at £150 phone bills on 56k stupendous speed - I believe xkcd said it best when http://xkcd.com/598/

Flog secondhand MP3s at your peril - law guru


another way around it

if the file is on a cloud somewhere when initially bought, then when the mp3 file is sold, provided it is still on that cloud, it is still on "original media" and hence not needing to be copied again (apart for the purchaser's personal use, which is legal and not under discussion...)

Just my IANAL £0.02

Faking reviews? You should fret about more than illegality


how topical

http://dilbert.com/fast/2011-06-23 I sense a scam!

The real reason most source is closed? Open is hard


so my question is

Would it not make sense to start enterprise coding as open source from the ground up?

Admittedly it would not solve the immediate problem of existing code remaining closed, but take a decade or two down the line...

The benefits to any given organisation would be tremendous, as the collaborative model is already there, designed to quickly on-board and off-board developers and so forth.


Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro

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another owner's opinions.

@EvilGav 1,

you don't have to keep the alt key pressed. just press it and then press the other button of your choice. as such is the case with mine, I agree with OP that it's strange not to have more functionality there.

My biggest peev (sp?) with this phone is the lack of space on the home screens - 1 app per screen, with only 4 screens? that is seriously limiting and for no good reason. That would bring the score down for me most.

Otherwise, having had my handset for a whole 2 weeks and using an iPhone for work for over a year now, I can say this is a much better hand set. As I'm on o2, it cost me a whopping £180 which is an absolute bargain in the smartphone market.

I think the best option for me, would be to simply rip out the SE Donut optimisations and stick on a vanilla Cupcake or Froyo. mmmmm.... vanilla cupcake.... If anyone knows how to do it, please do direct me towards it!