Missing the point?
1. Google is buying Wiz in order to resell it as "Google Scanner for Enterprise" or similar, to feed into Chronicle.
2. It looks to me like Google security products are trying for parity with Microsoft - e.g. Microsoft Sentinel == Chronicle; Microsoft Threat Intel Centre (MSTIC) == Mandiant; Defender for Vulnerabilities (and other native capabilities) == Wiz; Who knows what EDR they'll buy, but I reckon that's the play - Cloud SIEM/SOAR to keep Google Workplace customers not needing to go elsewhwere.
3. The "top player in security" vendor space definitely has a big spot for Microsoft in it. To be clear, I'm not saying they are secure, just that they have good security products.
People thinking Google are buying Wiz for their own enterprise needs are at least 75% off. They might also become an internal customer of the integrated service, but that's not what's this is about.