* Posts by DavidD

13 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Mar 2011

Someone slipped a vuln into crypto-wallets via an NPM package. Then someone else siphoned off $13m in coins to protect it from thieves


Re: Surely...

"Illegal? Cryptocurrencies are beyond the scope of the legal system."

Financially, yes.

However what they have done could still be considered unauthorised access to a computer system.

Solid password practice on Capital One's site? Don't bank on it


RE: Whilst I agree, what happens when you get a nasty that can slurp your clipboard and URLs?

If there's something on your machine in a positon to slurp your clipboard, it's probably slurping your screen and keyboard input too, so you've got bigger issues to deal with.

MPs' proposal to cash in on public-private algos given a solid 'maybe'


RE: as no informed consent obtained under GDPR for third party usgae

As I was reading the article I was wondering about that. Will British citizens still be protected by GDPR after Brexit?

I have a feeling they will not, as GDPR only protects the data of citizens of the European Union and British citizens data will be placed under the legislation of the UK's Data Protection Act 2018 after leaving the EU.

If that's incorrect, please let me know as I'm wondering what will happen myself.

Drink this potion, Linux kernel, and tomorrow you'll wake up with a WireGuard VPN driver


I'm not an expert but I'm thinking "Not a chance."

"WireGuard is not yet complete. You should not rely on this code. It has not undergone proper degrees of security auditing and the protocol is still subject to change. We're working toward a stable 1.0 release, but that time has not yet come." - https://www.wireguard.com/

I'm super interested in this project and even been thinking about testing it out at home. Now I'm not a linux expert, or even involved in the kernel development process but I'm pretty sure software needs to be stable to be added to the kernel.

Certinaly the team over at Netgate/pfSense think so >> "It will never be a "high priority feature" until they actually make a proven secure/stable release." - https://forum.netgate.com/topic/132375/installing-wireguard-vpn/5

Boffins want to stop Network Time Protocol's time-travelling exploits


Re: Numbers

Same problem exists in the new proposal.

It doesn't matter how many servers are queried, if they are all queried over the same internet connection then there is a single point of failure/interception.

Anonymous hacktivists turn rapper on YouTube, iTunes


Did he just rhyme...

...terror with terror?

Oh dear.

'3-2-1 ... Good Morning Atlantis!'

Paris Hilton


....£22.50. Or $36.23 for the US readers.

Paris, because she's cheaper.

New Sony hack exposes more consumer passwords


The cost of privacy

"All told, the attacks have exposed personally identifiable information for more than 100 million Sony customers and cost Sony at least $171 million."

So that's a cost of approx. $171 per person whose account details were stolen. It's no wonder businesses don't give a toss about their customers details, I spent that drinking last weekend.

Beer, because I spend more on it in a weekend than someones personal information costs Sony.

Eight New Yorkers sue Baidu for $16m




Fail, because it is full of it!

Sony: 'PSN attacker exploited known vulnerability'



"and automated detection mechanisms designed to identify unusual network traffic."

So a company as big as Sony was not already using IDS/IPS? Hahahahahahhahahahaha!!!!

Fail, because it is.

Sony wins subpoena for PS3 hacker's PayPal records



How the f*ck does someone paying money into an account translate to a enough of a connection to sue him? Surely they need some evidence that Hotz actually knows the person making the payment?

Fukushima situation as of Wednesday


Jumping on the band wagon

If you are talking specifically about the nuclear plants, how much of a disaster is it? We don't know yet. Fear mongering speculators will say it's horrific, more calm and less pant wetting types will say it's bugger all. As far as the world is aware so far no one has died of radiation poisoning, the only people to die at the plant have been caught in explosions.

I also love how all the countries are talking about seeing if their nuke plants could withstand an earthquake like that when Fukushima sustained very little damage from the earthquake. What caused all the problems was the huge tsunami which came in.

It really doesn't help with the US saying it's all going to blow up and everyone should run for miles when their people know less about what is going on at the plant than the Japanese government. Damn fear mongering yanks, If one of your nuke plants went up like this you would just abandon it and let it melt down.

Anonymous probed for hack threat against WikiLeaker captors


What trial?

I like your optimism that Bradley Manning will ever be tried for these allegations but I highly doubt it. After they have reduced him to an empty shell of his former self, maybe give it a couple more years, they will turn around and say 'Oh, well we never had any evidence to take this to trial so we'll just let him go'.

Dismissed from the army after years in solitary confinement. The American government makes me sick. Not that the one in the UK is much better