* Posts by jonfr

482 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2010


Firefox OS update adds performance, polish to Mozilla's webby mobes



So they released an mobile OS without an MMS support in the first version. That is not a good sign in my view. Mostly since it's too fast and possibly too buggy to be realised into the public jungle.

Techies with Asperger's? Yes, we are a little different...


I have aspergers and I can't get a job (last time I did try)

I have asperger's syndrome and I can't get a job, at least last time I did try. So I am now just working for my self and trying not to starve since I only got fixed welfare income from Iceland (and that is bad due to moronic economical situation in Iceland). I am trying to work as an writer (I enjoy writing) and make a living out of that (It's not going so good at the moment). I am also good with technology (most commercial stuff, PC computers, routers and such things).

I have tried to get a job in Denmark where I now live. But I am either not qualified or I just do not get any response when I apply for the job with an email (as appears to be common here in Denmark I think). I have problems with communications at times, but most days it works as it should work.

'Occupy' affiliate claims Intel bakes SECRET 3G radio into vPro CPUs


Signal path

They would have terrible problem with the signal and signal path. Since many areas have poor 3G signal and sometimes none at all.

As for his claims, I think he needs to have come checks done by the lizard people.

Do you trust your waiter? Hacked bank-card reader TEXTS your info to crims


Re: Cash only

It's not ECB rules, it is country rules and they apply in every country. Many places that use the euro have counterfeit scanners to prevent people paying with them. I have seen such device in Flensburg, Germany in a electronic store named Saturn (I live nearby in Denmark).

ECB does not have large website on anti-counterfeit measures.


The Solar System's second-largest volcano found hiding on Earth


Extinct volcano

This volcano extinct so it is not making anything. Earth is full of long gone volcanoes, since plates have been moving around and creating volcanoes in the process.

When it goes under Japan, things might get interesting. You just have to wait 10 or 20 million years until that starts to happen.

Microsoft's $7.1bn Nokia gobble: Why you should expect the unexpected


Implosion imminent at Microsoft

When this mobile idea that Microsoft has implodes it is going to go down in history as one of the biggest failures in history of Microsoft.

It is also going to be a quite the fireworks once it happens.

Snowden journo's boyfriend 'had crypto key for thumb-drive files written down' - cops


Cat photos

So the UK cops got access to 58.000 cat photos and refuse to acknowledge it. No surprise there.

Three axes data-roaming fees in SEVEN countries


Re: Blighty takes the lead - for once

The thing about Switzerland is that they are not part of EU or EEA. That means they are outside this roaming agreement that is keeping the price down. That means almost full price for any other people in Europe that go to Switzerland on holiday. I guess people in Swiss like they're pricey roaming charges. This works both ways.

The only area that I know if that fits your description is Basel (or in that area).

Top 10 Steve Ballmer quotes: '%#&@!!' and so much more


Steve Ballmer still does not get the phone market

Steve Ballmer still does not get the mobile phone market. Just look at Windws 8 mobile. It horrible.

Disclaimer: I have not used Windows 8 mobile (I do not own a Windows 8 Nokia phone). But I have seen it and worked with it a little, but not a lot.

Fame-hating planets don't need to hang around STARS – boffins


That happens too

Sometimes planets are trown out of galaxies too. It might not be as common, but it happens.

Tiny fireball exoplanet completes one year in 8.5 hours


Weather forecast for the next year

The weather forecast for the next year is, sunny with up to 2000°C (2273.15K) heat and with a chance of molten stuff falling out of the sky.

Card-cloning crooks use 3D printers to make ever-better skimmers


RF card needed

A new type of RF chip is needed for bank cards. It also needs to be in the high frequency range. Up in the 500Ghz range and with highly limited range (part of that comes naturally at this high frequency).

Torvalds frustrated at missing simultaneous release


Re: Linux has bigger things to worry about

If they do, they are going to have less issues in my view (but my view might not count for anything). It is also a good thing that FreeBSD licence is easier than GPL license used in Linux.


Re: Linux has bigger things to worry about

Get FreeBSD og PC-BSD if you want to get rid of such issues. I moved my server computer to FreeBSD, it was my best move when it comes to open source OS that I need to run.

Webcam stripper strikes back at vicious 4Chan trolls after year of bullying


Internet trolls

I find the news stories of trolls on the internet getting bigger every year. This is maybe just different perspective that I am having, or maybe something has changed.

As for the trolls, why people behave like this on the internet is beyond me. I do not expect it to change, but it is slowly killing off any form of social media for sure.

As for the girl in question, I found her hot and added her to my twitter.

Terror cops swoop on couple who Googled 'backpacks' and 'pressure cooker'


The orange man

The Orange man is past his deadline.

HALF of air passengers leave phones on ... yet STILL no DEATH PLUNGE


Re: full undivided attention of everyone on the plane is required

Yes. There is just one issue with this, the airplane is full of electronics. Now many even have LCD screens that make a lot of radio noise on there own, in the power range of 0.1mW and up to 0.5mW at low frequencies. They are all turned on during takeoff and landing.

The only reason to turn of the phones in a airplane is to save battery, or at least use the flight mode to save the battery and prevent random connections with mobile transmitters on the ground.

Highway from HELL: Volcano tears through 35km of crust in WEEKS


Grímsvötn volcano

A study (that I have only heard of, not read yet) suggest that Grímsvötn volcano eruption 2011 was due the same phenomenon. A new influx of magma at depth started the largest eruption in that volcano for 140 years and creating a ash cloud that did go up to 20 km in the air.

If that is going to happen again in Iceland I do not know, but I am keeping a eye on it as is.

Microsoft to Google: Please remove us from internet


Not just Microsoft

Few weeks ago I found out that FreeBSD links had been DMCA by some company in France. It had been on the DMCA list of a year.

I posted a message about this on the FreeBSD forum, it took few weeks to fix.

Nokia flops out its 4G, 4.7-inch WHOPPER: The Lumia 625


Runs Windows

This phones runs Windows and I consider that to be a major flaw in the design of the phone. So I won't buy it at all.

PHWOAR! Huh! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, Prime Minister


Censoring stuff

So you want to censor nude people (as that is what happen to what human beings are). Neither nude people or sex on video has ever harmed people in known history of the human race and they have been making both since the video was invented and people where seeing each other nude long before that.

The call against porn in the UK is bullshit and is nothing but the political agenda of censorship and information control. It is not surprising given the political parties in charge of UK at the moment.

It is also why we don't see this against violent movies and films. Since violence against other people is not normal and never has been. I am also sure such images are more harmful rather than people loving each other without clothes. Since that is natural and normal.

WAR ON PORN: UK flicks switch on 'I am a pervert' web filters


Steps to censorship

This is nothing but steps to censorship in the UK. This types of filters are not going to stop hormone driven teenagers to view what they want on the internet. Since kids are curious in there own peer group, and they are going to have sex too among there peers.

For illegal childrens images and such matters. This is just going to remove it from view, it is not going to do anything to stop the source of this material, the people who makes it and needs to be thrown into jail and stopped.

What this is about is censorship and nothing else. They are just taking this in small steps, before people in the UK know, everything is going to be censored and the internet is going to be useless.

Nokia wrings Lumia bling fling, but feature-mobes ding stings


Nokia Windows?

Nokia phones have one big flaw. They have Windows installed, it just embedded version of it. There is no way that I am going to switch to Windows phone, none at all.

I am going to move android soon. I am switching to a Sony phone.

Paypal makes man 1000x as rich as the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE


Re: Actually

That is wrong. Paying directly with hard cash (or debit card) is far better than buying with credit. It is better for the company in question, for you and the economy in general. The current debt culture we have is a big problem, but this what people are willing to do.

If you do not want to loose all your money from card theft the best advice is to keep only limited amount on your card at any given time. The rest on normal none card connected account.

Dear Linus, STOP SHOUTING and play nice - says Linux kernel dev


Re: No wonder Linux is falling apart

With the people who leave to escape this nonsense that Linus puts them through with his bad manners. While I do not take part in Linux development (not currently a programmer), this rush for new versions rather then quality has brought in range of security and bugs that are often major issues.

Due to fast new releases, many of this bugs and issues do not get solved in time and are carried on between versions. That is a real issue, a big one.


No wonder Linux is falling apart

There is no surprise that Linux is falling apart. I have found that quality of Linux is dropping, this applies to all of the distros I have tested and the one I am currently using (Gentoo Linux).

There is also rush to push out more new releases, rather then to fix bugs and keep things stable in the software. Currently Linus is killing Linux and he doesn't even know it him self. It is his own fault. I am currently moving to *BSD since it is more stable, has less bugs and there is no such bullshit like this taking place there.

I have moved my server to FreeBSD a while ago and it works great. I plan on moving my desktop to PC-BSD soon, since it is desktop friendly and easy to set-up as such.

Snowden leak: Microsoft added Outlook.com backdoor for Feds


They need to do better. Linux as it is today is insecure by default, not just that. It is bloated and buggy due to version number race that is currently taking place. Fast phase of releases means that more bugs are left unresolved or fixed in next release.

A high version number does not give a quailty and stable code. Far from it.

US Congress proposal: National Park will be FOUND ON MOON


I own the moon

There is a while since I claimed the moon for my self. I have not seen any letter for permission of such national park, or money for that matter.

If they want this, they have to ask me first. The rent is 30 million euro a year for such parks. No infrastructure included.

BBC abandons 3D TV, cites 'disappointing' results


3D is never going to work

It is a fact that 3D is never going to work. It is just not going to happen.

I do own a 3D blu-ray player, but that is only to convert any 3D blu-ray or DVD to 2D. Since there are few titles out there only published in 3D. Not many, just few.

Bolivian president's jet grounded so officials can look for Snowden


It was in fact not followed by international law. Can you imagine what would happen if this was done to the airplane of the U.S president.

By international law the travel method of presidents enjoy certain perks, like not being blocked from crossing air space or being searched as did happen here.

International law was broken here under the pressure from the U.S. The sad fact is that based on how U.N is set-up, nothing is going to be done about this violation of international law.

PRISM leaks: WTF, you don't spy on your friends, splutters EU


Windows at work

Lesson. Never use Windows for sensitive data. Use PC-BSD (desktop friendly), NetBSD, OpenBSD or FreeBSD.

Why not Linux you might ask. It is too buggy in my view as it is today and it is has been going downhill for the past few years due to pimping up version numbers on their releases, rather than making good software that works and is stable.

At last: EU slashes mobile roaming fees


Re: Time To Try A Free Market?

This is not true, as has happened time and again. Price rise when the free market gets to be too free. When EU started this it gave the mobile companies plenty of time to do this on there own. They didn't and that is why EU is pushing down the price of roaming mobile calls and data.

Linus Torvalds threatens verbal assault on developers' pets


It is not just linux kernel

It is not just linux kernel that is bloated. Most of other linux programs have become bloated and buggy. It has been a long progress. This is going to hamper development in Linux distros for a long time.

Facebook's first data center DRENCHED by ACTUAL CLOUD


Next time

Next time Facebook is going to face thunderclouds and flood rains in their computer centers. That is going to be interesting once it happens.

The fearful price of 4G data coverage: NO TELLY for 90,000 Brits


Re: will have to take care of themselves

There is no good reason why 3G can be used at 850/900Mhz. 3G at 900Mhz is already used in Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Sweden and other countries where needed.


No LTE coverage

This is not a big problem, since LTE coverage is going to be so poor anyway.

You need to get serious about 4G coverage, Ministry of Fun told


3G coverage

I guess this is a problem everywhere, that is lack of 3G coverage. At times 2G coverage is mostly decent, I do not know about every country in Europe.

Far as 4G coverage is concerned. I guess it is going to be rather poor for a long, long time.

Sun lets loose with THREE record eruptions in 24 hours


No record

This is no record, the internet still works along with mobile phones and the works.

New Lumia 925: This, loyalists, is the BIG ONE you've waited for



No, I am still not going to buy this from Nokia. It has Windows on it.

Degenerate dwarfs tear neighbors limb from limb


Re: Oh Noooooooes Only 4 *billion* years left.

Don't worry, after 2 billion years there won't be any human race. Evolution is going to see too that, I have no idea what is going to be replace the human race in the future.

Nokia shareholder tells CEO Elop he's going to hell


Re: Oh Dear

Oh dear, you got the Microsoft sickness. Please, see a doctor. At least install some version of open source on your computer and switch your mobile to Android.

Fraudster gets ten years after selling fake 'ionic charge' bomb detectors

Black Helicopters

Re: It was probably the bribery

If you own less then 40 million pounds. You do not exist for them. Good luck with that.

Facebook: Yeah, we'll ban chainsaw beheading vids - when journos call us


The same social network

This is the same social network that bans naked people on sight. I find it odd that Facebook has no issues with murder videos that can be found online being put up on Facebook, no, I do not view this videos. I know they exist and that is good enough reason for me to stay away from them. I also hate seeing people getting killed.

I prefer nude over blood and murder every day of the week. But Facebook just wants to show you the murder and blood. Not the nude people, who are in fact not killing anyone and quite happily alive.

P2P badboy The Pirate Bay sets sail for the Caribbean


The MPAA/RIAA connection

I think a criminal investigation needs to be done into actions of Fredrik Ingblad. It it has been proven that somethings are not correct into this "anti-piracy" searches.

I also want to know what gives a private organizations the right to collect private data (IP addresses, data transfer information) and hand such information over the police. This has been taking place now for a long time and has never been challenged so far that I know of. It is not right and in my view, it is illegal and should not be tolerated.

Linux kernel 3.9 lands


No. They are just version hungry, you should expect version 5 to be there soon. With all the bugs and the normal problems.

Pirates scoff at games dev sim's in-game piracy lesson


Buying games

I buy games when I can afford it. Sadly, I am poor at the moment so that does not happen often. I do not bother with pirated games. I left that long time ago and I am not going to return to it just because I am poor at the moment.

Cameron: Get those saucy websites off Blighty's public Wi-Fi


Warning about UK PM

I want to post a warning to children about David Cameron and his kind. There ideology is dangerous and is always going to be so. This constant war against naked people doing what naked people often do (having sex) is shameful. Since at the same time we allow movies (and with no shame) that murder and often torturer many people and see nothing wrong with it.

While I am not going to dictate what people watch (since I really do not care for long as it all fake, or in the case of sex movies. With everyone agreeing too it). I find this level of control intolerable and in no way in the terms of the "freedom" David Cameron is trying to tell us he is spreading in the UK. Since when it comes down to it. He is not. This is just increased control over the public, hardcore censorship being one of them. I find this unacceptable and for that reason it should not be tolerated by the public.

Sad to say. The public however is mostly too busy to be narcissistic on Facebook to notice what is happening in the UK and the loss of freedom they are having.

Hedge fund invests $2bn in Microsoft, thinks Redmond is undervalued


In it for the kill

Hedge funds are in it for the kill. Microsoft is going bye bye soon. Once the hedge fund has done its natural working.

Windows XP support ends a year from … now!


Re: Dude just use Mint

The problem with Linux distros is that many of them (I do not know them all) are ill maintained and have poor documentation. Updating can also be a problem on many Linux distros today.

For this reason I am going to go away from Gentoo Linux to PC-BSD. I got a bit tired of the nonsense that I am seeing in the Linux world today and I just had enough. So I am moving to the stable world of BSD.

As for Windows XP. I am only using it to run few computers that record earthquakes (that can be viewed here on my web page, http://www.jonfr.com/webicorders/tremoren.htm). I am not going to update them to other version of Windows. I am going to move them to some version of BSD in the future.

Until then I at least hope that I can active Windows XP when I do re-installs. The only other usage that I have for Windows is games that run only on Windows platform. But I am only going to go up to Windows 7 with that. I am not going to come close to Windows 8. But that is a disaster and clearly shows how disconnected the development progress is now from the real world usage.

Since most users want to customize there computers with fancy backgrounds and such things. Something that cannot be done on Windows 8. I also do not like the DRM-UEFI lock down used in Windows 8.

Earth bombarded by interplanetary SLIME MONSTERS


Waiting for a review

I am waiting for a review of the review. You know. The normal peer-review progress. Until then, this is just claims that might be wrong.
