Re: Hey, remember the 2000s?
Anyone ever use Delphi?? The good ole command line days. I don't need stinking graphics because I can READ!
401 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jul 2010
" To get the PHD you have to have your BS. So, he has a BS and works at 7/11?"
"Worse looks like he has a BA (Bachelor of Arts/Bugger All). Just how bad do you have to be to fail Lesbian Dance Therapy(Social Sciences)?"
I bet if he appeared in court dressed like Shirley Temple he could make a case for discrimination and win.
"Well the above poster said they sell most of their phones with Google Play and you say they don't so only one of you can be correct?"
\I just bought a Huawei phone and it came with all the google shit on it. Plus, I got a terrific phone for 25% of the cost of a similar high end phone. THAT is where the REAL rub is.
I remember several Fortune 500 companies I worked for who pulled this stunt. Typically, they would first indoctrinate the sales force with Marketing 101 tactics, like making the close, blah blah! Then they started hiring college marketing grads. The lost their asses AND valuable sales force and their customers as they were quickly hired elsewhere. Of course you had to be valuable enough for your new employer to invest in lawyers to defend you from non-compete suits. \not to mention the vengeance motive for taking every red cent in sales away from the previous employer. I lived for that getting even motive.
"...you could replace practically anything easily. In those days I bought Apple. Now I don't."
Amen to that!! My original garage built Apple ][ was easy to get into. It practically begged you to. The Woz designed that. Then Jobs messed with it. It was all over from then on.
Imagine spending BILLIONS to pick cotton on the moon. And, while we're at it, let's make the moon into another toxic dump, like China, by bringing in fruit flies, yeasts and plant seeds to turn lose. Of course they don't stand a chance in hell of surviving, but it's the notion that they tried, without oversight.
"The Apple //e wasn't an "appliance". Yes it was compared to the original Apple ][ and I'm not talking the "Plus". That was the genius of The Woz. The ORIGINAL Apple had a reset key that dumped you straight down into a "mini-assembler" that gave you full access to the innards if the computer system. You were, by golly, REALLY in charge of your machine. The Plus lacked that and merely rebooted when you hit reset. That was Jobs doings, the bastard. So, we copied the original romchip to an eprom and gave them away like popcorn to the impoverished Plus owners, at user group meetings so they could be pirates too. Yar har and twiddle de de.
"That being the case, you may want to give KDE a(nother) try."
Right, until you encounter the "Teutonic KDE Knights" who monitor the shit out of user forums, to delete anyone bitching about obvious faults in KDE. The Kubuntu list moderators were the worst.
I went to Debian, along with others, and switched to XFCE.
I live on Planet X, as you call it, and I had to relocate here from Mars. You people kept sending your probes crashing into my ham bushes and blanket trees. That got real old. Just so you know, this planet has a steering wheel and thrusters. Screw with me again and I'll take you bastards with me. See if I don't!
Unmarked helicopters, hovering
The lord is coming soon
Unmarked helicopters, hovering
They said it was a weather balloon
I know the truth
I know the whole shebang
I know the names of men they had to hang
I let her out of the trunk
I heard what she said at them
They've come to drag her through the double-M
They've been that way since the old Apple ][ days. why should they up and change now??? Surprised?? I say HAHAHAHAHA to those of you not smart enough to learn from the past.
"Criswell: Eddie, we're in show biz. It's all about razzle-dazzle. Appearances. If you look good, and you talk well, people will swallow anything. "
They screwed over their user base ever since the Apple ][ plus. We burnt eproms of the original ][ roms so they functioned as the Woz intended. You could hit reset and jump into the "mini-assembler", cop the memory to tape, reboot a standard floppy and copy the content of the tape to a binary disk file, which could be "brun" and you had what had been DRM protected as a nice clean file.
" They're going to one day have to explain those downloads to their children, who doubtless will hear about them in the playground."
Then their STUPID ASSED parents should never have taken the pics in the first place. Since when does society get blamed for the intellectual shortcomings of others??