* Posts by A handle is required

89 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jul 2010


Kaspersky plays down source-code leak

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Obviously, you didn't read the article. A corrupt employee stole the code, not a hacker. You can't control a disgruntled or corrupt employee from accessing the code he was originally employed to work with.

UK.gov braces for Anonymous hacklash

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[Steal this title]

And so, Anonymous' little sh1t flinging contents continues.

UK cops arrest five in Anonymous attacks probe

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@Fuh Quit

Agreed, except that the point of Anonymous is that no one person is in control.

Lawyer wants WikiLeaker kept off suicide watch

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Blanket != Sheets

Anonymous activists to hit the streets

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Why, yes,

yes it is.

WikiLeaks lawyer dubs US subpoena on Twitter 'harassment'

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Well, isn't that poetic?

Ford unveils all-electric Focus for 2012

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These all electric-powered vehicles are great for the environment!

</sarcasm>. Unfortunately, the electricity itself doesn't magically appear: It comes from coal plants, nuclear power plants, etc...

Anonymous attacks Tunisia: Zine El Abidine Ben Ali offline

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So, how long before...

...Anonymous DDos'es the entire world for not thinking that they are as awesome or philanthropic as they'd like to believe?

Anonymous turns attack drones against fax machines

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Am I the only one,

who is tired of hearing about these "Anonymous" self-righteous twits?

Ad networks owned by Google, Microsoft serve malware

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*Double checks that these domains are blocked in NoScript*

Move along.

iAds to flood UK iPhones, iPads

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Oh please...

Try Greasemonkey or AdBlock Plus. No more AdWords. As far as I know, no such thing exists for Apple's ads.

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Google != Apple

Chinese retailers sell Apple-only white iPhone 4s

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Jobs Horns

So what?

Who cares? And besides, how do we know that they didn't delay these things just so that they would get media attention?

Foxconn hit by worker protests

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or it didn't happen.

Apple preps patch for MacBook Air screen snafus

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Flicker? I barely knew her!

See title.

Palin email hacker asks judge for leniency

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Some people might also claim that they reformatted their hard drive "because their computer was running really slow", as opposed to hiding evidence. Nice try

Microsoft's Office ribbon hits Mac fans

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So I guess...

So I guess the ribbons in every Autodesk application (AutoCAD, 3ds Max) don't count either? Try imagining what they would be like with menus upon menus.

Über-zombie cookies give us the fear

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Next development in EverCookie technology:

Evercookie Killer

Nigerian man gets 12 years for $1.3m 419 scam

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419 Eaters is hilarious. They do one thing called a "safari" where the idea is that you lure the scammers to different locations, preferably around the world, and claim that's where they can claim their money.

Apple Ping unfriends meanie Facebook

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Better yet

Better yet, block all useless Facebook content: http://www.fbpurity.com/

Energizer bunny hits iPhone, BlackBerry - wirelessly

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I don't think anyone implied it that it was *completely* wireless.

Front End / Client Side Web Developer

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Love the "job posting" in the Register homepage source code:

<!-- *****************************************************


****************************************************** -->

Toshiba warns of fiery laptops

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"Worldwide recall of ball burners"

If this issue has prompted a "Worldwide recall of ball burners" then do some among us keep their AC adapters tucked away in their crotch while computing?

Stripped-down IE9 interface leaks in Russia

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More like...

A stripped down interface to hide the very much full-feature mess of cobwebs.

Halo: Reach leaked to net 3 weeks before release

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The multiplayer server doesn't usually go online till release.

Google tests 'streaming' search engine

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Not to say "I thought of that" but...

I had tried to implement this exact functionality a few months ago using a Greasemonkey Userscript. Google blocked the requests after each keystroke because they occurred too fast. I guess a Google search every half-second raised a red flag.

Trojan-ridden warning system implicated in Spanair crash

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Read the article again

I think the point of this article, if you read it, is that a mechanic or other person who had *direct* access to the computer may have planted the trojan. Whether the trojan was installed in the airplane's computer or the airport's central computer system doesn't matter. The person had direct access to the network, possibly with the credentials required to propagate the malware through the system.

If someone has direct, possibly privileged, access to a computer, how do expect the OS to fend off whatever the user is trying to plant?

"I really hope Microsoft get's suit over this." - If it really was the mechanic or supervisor who installed the trojan, Microsoft has nothing to do with it, so no, they won't get sued.

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That still doesn't make any sense

Why the hell would the airline's computer system be able to disable the warnings on the airplane?

Facebook login page still leaks sensitive info

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No excuse

There's no excuse to get this fixed immediately. They only have one main login page and a handful of others for cross-site logins; how many changes do they need to make?

Man sentenced for DIY gift-card cloning

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"That needs a lot more than just a magnetic stripe.."

Acually that's all you need. In the US there is a magnetic strip, code printed on the back, and usually a scratch-reveal authentication code.

When you use a gift card at a store, the cashier doesn't need to enter the gift card code or security code. Both codes are stored in the magnetic strip. Software that can read the strip can extract both pieces of information, which is all that is needed to tell if a gift card is active. To do this, you attempt to check the gift card balance online. If it works, the card is active.

Firefox 4 hits third beta stage, gets touchy-feely with Windows 7

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but for most plugins it's the developers who have to worry updating their plugins. Not Mozilla.

Facebook bug spills name and pic for all 500 million users

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That is all.

Google experimenting with spy drones, says German maker

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Big Brother

Haven't they learned anything...

... from their recent Street View fiasco? If I where them I'd be laying low, instead of playing with spy drones. I can just imagine seeing one of those things floating outside my window, maybe while I'm complaining about Google, or... *quickly glances out window*. They are trying to map the world on the ground and from above. How about below; drones that scour the plumbing.

Apple iPhone exec falls on sword

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Re: As Max Zorin said...

Other than the iPhone's signal?

Is it a phone? Is it a Taser? No, it's a cattle prod!

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I could ask you the same question

Death by NAND gate isn't all that popular either.

Boffins authenticate Apple 'Antennagate'

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Jobs Horns

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Change the laws of physics? Another thing for them to patent!

Google Chrome bug bounty ups Mozilla's ante

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Firefox also comes bundled with Firefox, as opposed to Opera

Mozilla prepares second Firefox 4 beta launch

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Must be mistaken...

because I don't recall Firefox being a data-octopus...
