Re: David Avocado Wolfe
Are you sure? Have you looked at Xitter lately?
57 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jun 2007
100% this! If I'm paying Amazon, Amazon are shipping it to me, and it comes in an Amazon box then I bought it from Amazon. The incidental fact that Amazon have a supplier/stock holding arrangement with some tat factory in China has no bearing on the transaction - they are Amazon's supplier, not mine, and I'm pretty sure British consumer law backs me up on this.
Oh hell no! Even if I'm able to disable this shit, that's not good enough - I want to be able to eradicate every last shred of it from my computer. Oh, and Microsoft, yeah - that's right - MY COMPUTER! Just because it's running your increasingly unacceptable bag o'shite OS, doesn't make it yours.
Seriously thinking it's time to switch to Linux, especially now that it's a viable gaming platform.
Musk is so utterly full of shit. That is understandable - he lives in his little billionaire's bubble surrounded by sycophants. What I find hard to fathom is the adulation he gets from otherwise sane people. Take my boss: he's a decent bloke - kind, sharp and savvy - yet he's totally convinced Musk is some sort of 'disrupter genius' and that all his monumental fuck-ups are part of some subtle plan. Unbelievable...
Thanks, Microsoft, you've just made things easier for me. I have two Visio Pro licences, one on my main PC and the other on my laptop, but occasionally have to look at diagrams on my iPhone. My work is switching everyone to Macs, and I wondered how to keep Visio. Now I realise I neither want to nor need to if it's yet another product that I paid for that I now need to pay for again via a subscription.
I was a big fan of Windows Phone but now I wouldn't touch a phone from Microsoft with someone else's barge pole. Launch price of the Duo was laughable, even now it's way too much for an admittedly interesting gimmick of a design running on mediocre hardware.
After flirting on and off with Android, I'm going to stick with iOS - at least I can expect decent long term support if nothing else.
The University of Nottingham has a history of abject failure when it comes to outsourcing (sorry, "partnering"), failure to support it's own internal IT staff, or listen to them or allow them to do their jobs. This will be another disaster that someone will use to springboard their career just before it implodes.
FFS - I bought some new Ubiquiti wifi kit for home an hour before this announcement. Before I send it back does *anyone* do a decent mesh kit that is reasonably priced (under £500), suitible for a large, old house and doesn't either rely on cloud accounts and isn't ridiculously overcomplicated to set up? Oh, and isn't from Netgerar.
My Gemini is now pretty much a novelty paperweight. Still works fine, but it was never quite good enough as an everyday phone. Skipped the Cosmo as that came out too soon after the Gemini, but I'm semi-tempted by the Slide, but given the poor support the Gemini's had I don't fancy finding myself in the same position a couple of years down the line.
Is there anything advertising can't make worse? Venturing onto the web without an ad blocker is, these days, like voluntarily walking behind a farmer's muck spreader at full flow while trying to admire the scenery, and that's before you even consider it as a delivery vector for malware.
Fuck that.
I worked for this gaming outfit back in the mid-90s and this was very much Standard Operating Procedure for them. I witnessed several 'nights of the long knives' where whole swathes of employees were escorted off the premises, often once the naive wide-eyed youngsters realised how they were being taken for a ride and started grumbling about being paid so poorly. Only true believers got to stay.
I left before it inevitably happened to me.
Get yourself another one - they pop up on ebay fairly often.
I too sold mine, to fund the purchase of a Psion 5, which was superior in every way, especially once you'd got over the novelty of a having a baby version of Windows. At least mine went to a good home - I advertised it in Micromart and it was bought by Professor Heinz Wolff, who undoubtedly went on to do some serious boffinry with it!
I wrote my dissertation on a Portfolio - the fun part was trying to get it printed!
I'm obsessed with miniaturised/portable computing and had many of these over the years. I've even started buying them again on ebay and am proud/sad* to admit that I have a display case full of pocket computers going back the old Sharp PC-1211. My Psion 5mx still goes everywhere with me.
* - delete as applicable
The road I live on doesn't exist on OSM (fair enough, it's only been there for 13 years) nor does the road it comes off (again, it's only existed for 20+ years). So no problems there.
To all the Apple apologists out there, it doesn't matter that Google's satellite views were a bit shit at first. Apple are competing with Google Maps as it exists *now*. You can't replace one app with another that's significantly inferior without expecting to get kicked for it.
Quite alright old chap. As well as the Psion, I went for a Jornada 680 (rather than a 720) - less than £42 for the pair. If the Jornada proves to actually be useful I'll upgrade to a 720 or 728.
First order of the day will be installing JLime on my IBM 1GB microdrive! It still makes me wince when I think of how much I paid for it back in the day...
Damn you! I'd forgotten about these. I desperately wanted one when they were new but couldn't afford it. Roll forward to now: a quick trip to fleabay later and one will be winging its way to me shortly. I have absolutely no need for it now, but I absolutely must have one!
I really must stop looking at Psion 5s as well...
Dear god, *another* version of Star Wars? Put down the stick, George - the horse is well and truly dead. Someone really ought to enforce Mr Lucas's retirement - no amount of re-hashing or technology of dubious value can hide the fact that it's been a long time since he's done anything even vaguely decent.
Joel Silver optioned Altered Carbon for a reputed seven figure sum. My guess is that it's still in pre-production hell while they figure out how to make a film where the hero swaps bodies multiple times without confusing the hell out of the rednecks ;-)
Paris, because she's not had experience with multiple bodies, or so she says...
"As soon as Clarkson and his Leftie cronies are removed from TV the better."
Clarkson a leftie? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Anyhow, while all you sheep are happy for nanny to tell you what to do, some of us prefer to think for ourselves. Clarkson may be a bit of a twat, but I'd rather have him making policy that the current mob.
Have to agree wholeheartedly with this. As much as we'd all like to tell Microsoft where to stick their 'standards' the real world doesn't work like that. I can only assume most of the posters here don't work in web design/development on a commercial level. To adopt such a stance would be a very swift route to zero clients and bankruptcy.
Paris, 'cos even she knows clients pay for results, not standards.