* Posts by Warren Sealey

19 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jun 2007

UK taxman has domain typo-squatter stripped of HMRC web addresses

Warren Sealey

Typo squatting for selling the domain is one thing

Now if they had MX records with an email server hovering up any misspelt email addresses... that's another thing altogether..

UPS & drones: Delivery company launches UAV from truck

Warren Sealey

Re: How's this stuff signed for then?

Forget the problem of signing for the 10lb delivery item! What about the problem of recipients stealing the drone?

Academic network Janet clobbered with DDoS attacks – again

Warren Sealey

Re: Once again...


Intel Security sunsets SaaS email security products

Warren Sealey

RIP MX Logic, may choirs of angels sing thee to thy rest .. Only MessageLabs, Postini and Bigfish left from the originals.

Boffin: Will I soon be able to CLONE a WOOLLY MAMMOTH? YES. Should I? Hell NO

Warren Sealey

Bio-geneticist joke

What do you get if you cross a mammoth with a octopus?

Vzzrqvngr fhfcrafvba bs lbhe shaqvat naq n ivfvg sebz gur rguvpf pbzzvggrr.

RIP Sir Terry Pratchett: Discworld author finally gets to meet DEATH

Warren Sealey

If only my time Monk powers were real


Apple KILLER decloaked? Google lovingly unboxes Nexus 7 Android 4.3 slablette

Warren Sealey

4G is nice..

But could we have 5GHz compatible wifi this time round please? In my crowded 'hood I would be the only person using 5GHz wifi... My laptop will do it, my phone will do it, my ipad will do it, even my TV will do it.. But the far better half has a nexus 7 which won't do it and the only other option is to buy a wifi router which does dual band and that is slightly more expensive than ditching the nexus 7 and buying her an iPad mini :(

Cloud backups: Where's my get out of jail card?

Warren Sealey

Things to think about

Let's take out the c word (cloud) and think about what is really happening here. Offsite backups to an external vendor. I can envisage similar risks and potential impact with backup to tape and having tapes picked up in a lorry for secure storage in a remote location.. Does the company storing tapes provide a 100% SLA against data integrity or confidentiality failures? Even if they do an SLA is just a statement that says " if we do bad you get something back" but money can't always replace data. Also, if a 3rd party (for example a government) wants that data what's the difference? (Yes, both tape and online can be encrypted in such a way that you are the only person with the private key). What happens if they have a fire?

My point is that each and every company is responsible for their own data and must carry out their own risk assessment. Allowing a 3rd party to look after you data in a remote facility isn't new, companies have been storing boxes of documents at the bottom of Iron mines for years now and their charging mechanisms have always made restoration more expensive and time consuming than ingestion. What's changing is that people are coming up with different ways of moving that data around

I totally agree with points regarding vendor lock in and the financial stability of the supplier and their hosting centre, that's just means that you need to choose your vendor carefully. I've got a leaky garage at the bottom of my garden that I'd be happy to charge a couple of quid for keeping your tapes in :)

I do work for an online and offline backup vendor and I'm sad enough to have thought about minimising risk and it comes down to money. How safe do you want to be is a direct function of how much you want to spend.

Do full local backups. Keep a copy of the key tapes locally ( for fast restore) and remotely (to protect against the local disaster). Also use an online backup service for real time backup and backup of hard to reach data (contents of laptops of remote and roaming workers).

All the different mechanisms play a part. There is no "best" just most appropriate for a specific task.

Ten serious sci-fi films for the sentient fan

Warren Sealey

How about a new one?

Given the type of list we are considering I would have thought that Cloud Atlas may be up for a mention? (Only watched it once, will have to see it again before I can make a final decision).

And I would like to agree with the shout out for DARK STAR. How could you leave out a film about teaching a bomb philosophy.

Mind you... going to line these up on the NAS and run through them all start to finish one weekend...

Anon Coward votes not counting towards pretty badges

Warren Sealey

Or they could do that yes indeed.. Sorry, I play too many MMOs and I work in training... I end up trying to introduce badges and achievements into everything...

Warren Sealey
Big Brother

Anon Coward votes not counting towards pretty badges

I'd like to start a conversation about the house rule that Anon Coward posts don't count towards "seniority" on the forums.

My thought is that sometimes when a person wants to post something which is closely linked to their specialist subject they can't use their real identity due to possible problems with their employer.

Obviously I am bringing this up on behalf of the community as a whole not because some of my best (IMHO) posts have been as an AC...

Just too damn lazy to reach your phone? Pick up the remote

Warren Sealey

Bigger fleas have lesser fleas

How about a blue tooth headset for the remote control? Or, as the remote control gets larger perhaps it will, in turn, need its own remote. Or is it just "remotes all the way down"?

Escher could have done a lovely picture of this...

Mine's the one with the coat in it's pocket.

iPhone 5: skinny li'l fella with better display, camera, software

Warren Sealey

Ican sum up an entire day's tech launch hype


Boffin named Jubb to fire whopping hybrid thruster

Warren Sealey

Stealing von Braun

That name, that 'tache, those skills. Why is this man not working on LOHAN?

Hacker uses Kindle as Raspberry Pi screen

Warren Sealey
Thumb Up

Great work but why not a kindle touch?

Touch sensitive screen and onscreen keyboard + basic GUI = Ummm.. ok so it doesn't equal much but it would be fun to see..

Investor pulls out of Facebook, pumps cash into pork-printing joint

Warren Sealey
IT Angle

Bacon Jam

I managed to get my order in for next day delivery. AND amazon allow me to do an automated re-order..

10 print "Hurrah - Bacon Jam tomorrow!"

20 goto 10


IT angle? because computers don't work without Bacon.

NASA lost 'full control' to hackers, pwned 13 times last year

Warren Sealey

All your bases are belong to us?

Mines the one with the keys to the space station in the pocket...

Kaspersky blocks BBC News over false phishing fears

Warren Sealey

Why do I keep reading that as...


Royal Society unearths top secret nuclear research

Warren Sealey

It's not James Chadwick

It's Kevin Spacey!