* Posts by Catroast

28 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jul 2010

Lawyer wants WikiLeaker kept off suicide watch


In the military...

You have no rights when you are in the military. And considering what Manning did, like it or not, it was akin to treason. That is why he is being treated this way. Civilian rules don't apply, just like they don't apply to prisoners of war. I'm just telling it like it is, 'cos some people seem confused here.

Carbon trading registry suspends ops following hack attack

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The company I work for spent $1B on indulg... I mean carbon offset credits in 2009.

Creepy as hell: Facebook developers get to know you better

Black Helicopters

Just check yourself...

Look up your name on Google. You may be surprised to find that your last 5 home addesses are listed, as well as the names of all your immediate family. All thanks to Facebook and Google.

Top CEOs agree: US is down the crapper


A Symptom, Not The Problem

Outsourcing is a symptom, unlike what a lot of Leftist people believe. This happens when a political environment makes a hostile business environment, especially when we have a bunch of non-working low-life college cronies seethingly spitting and hissing that corporations are the cause for all the ails of our society.

The US has had education steadfastly in the hands of the Leftist Academia Machine and look where it's gotten us. We focus more on Pop Culture Lady Gag bullshit instead of important things like math and science. We dumb down our children and tell them that their answers are correct when they are not. On top of that we take power away from parents by telling them their children are property of the State when in school and then frustrate them with tons of homework and blame it on parents when their children don't perform well.

If I was a big corporation in the US, I would definitely outsource and say F-U to all you whining miscreants who don't contribute anything useful to society.

Let the down thumbs roll in.



Because pumping more money into our Education system and healthcare has worked so well in the past. It's time for a new direction. All my life I've heard teachers crying and striking over pay and still this goes on. Because these things have been subsidized, education and healthcare costs have steadily gone up, and quality has steadily gone down.

Humor me one moment. What if pumping money into a problem doesn't make it get better, it just makes it more dependent? Come on. Imagine with me.

If any of you have done this in real life with a needy relative and you found out that it didn't fix their problems, but only made them more needy, stand with me now.

Facebook boobs over breastfeeding page... again



Let the tit puns flow.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm



Mooo! Blizzard will take a Piper's fee from its cow-stituents.

Mexico mounts ROBOTIC ALIEN INVASION of US back yard

Black Helicopters

I wonder...

I wonder what would have happened if it was a US drone that had crashed onto the Mexican side. Cries of war? Hypocritical posturing?

And the DHS simply returned it. Something wrong with that, methinks.

Google Chrome OS mauled by Richard Stallman


One Step Closer...

...to the hive-mind.

Why fight it?

Microsoft wades into interwebulator chat about Hotmail

Gates Horns

What Microsoft Needs To Do

What Microsoft needs to do is scrap the entire thing and rebuild it *without* their patented bloat coding. It needs to be slim and responsive. It needs to not glitch. It needs to not tell me to log in again.

I've used Gmail in the past for several years and I've had my Hotmail account for over ten years now. Gmail is fast. But I worry about their intentions. At least in that, I think Microsoft is more transparent.

On the spam note, my old Hotmail account does receive spam daily, but my new account doesn't.

Google 'sacked Apple pioneer over leaked Schmidt memo'


Probably not.

A big corporation like Google would most likely not give real cash bonuses. At the company I work for, which is fairly large, cash bonuses are through payroll and get reported as income. I'm sure this would be a liability if Google did not do this.


Cash Bonuses in the US

"Cash" bonuses in the US are given through payroll and are taxed and reported as income.

Baidu boss: Google don't know China


He forgot to say...

All your interweb are belong to us.

Chicago officer beats off dildo-wielding bill-skipper



This is one of the reasons that I enjoy reading El Reg so much. Thanks for the laughs!

Frenchman cuffed for naughty lip-slip email to MEP



Can we lock up and fine France for showing contempt to the rest of the world?

Google boss: 'Creeped out by Street View? Just move'


Google is just dishonest.

I don't even think "getting right up to the Creepy line" is an accurate policy description. In practice, Google does backflips over the Creepy line, then obfuscates the fact.

And yeah, I agree. Privacy is not subject to the whims of this creep. He obviously has a flawed sense of ethics.

Microsoft loses chief software architect Ray Ozzie


He's being redeployed!

"Ozzie will also be 'focusing his efforts in the broader area of entertainment.'"

As Steve Balmer's private dancer?

Jobs dubs Google's 'open' Android speak 'disingenuous'


I had a dream...

...that I was poisoned and had to milk Steve Jobs' moobs daily for the antidote.

Germans radio tag ID cards and phones


The Number of the Beast!

I vote for them to skip the middle man and just start putting RFID in people's hands and foreheads.

Czechs tell Google to stop StreetView

Paris Hilton


"...to ask forgiveness than permission," as Google always says.

I hope they get their peepees smacked.

Paris, I'm sure, wouldn't mind contributing to that.

Netizens now Facebook more than they Google



The public school systems in the US have been doing that for years.

'Hyperbolic map' of the internet will save it from COLLAPSE



Why have they singled out Poland??

'Copyright troll' seeks $150,000 from republican candidate

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I feel sleazy just reading this article.

Righthaven should not be allowed to buy rights and then sue others for infringement. This sounds so much like mob-based activity - extortion, etc. Wouldn't surprise me if it WAS mob-based.

Apple TV: Third time unlucky, Mr Jobs

Black Helicopters


Until they get greedy. They always do.

General Motors bitchslaps Tesla with Range Anxiety™


In other news...

GM sucked so bad they had to be Socialized. /shrug

Wikileaks founder blasts reopening of rape probe


Who are the policy makers?

AC: What Abe really said was "Government of the people, by the corporations, for the corporations".

Load of rubbish.

Politicians have a fundamental obligation to not be swayed by money. Does it happen anyway? All the time, unfortunately. We elect people who we think are going to do the right thing, but we rarely find a person that has the integrity to not be bribed, coerced, or strong-armed by the so-called big evil corporations.


Could it be that politicians can be just as big and evil as corporations??

Google faces antitrust investigation in Texas

Black Helicopters

One time, on the campaign trail...

There seems to be a possible correlation between campaign time and frivolous lawsuit prosecutions. I could be wrong, though.

Blizzard comes out clean after WoW pants-down plans



Bah, I was looking forward to the unmasking ceremony.

Of Blizzard's forums, "you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."