Journo, not in the gutter, but drilling for the centre of the Earth
Scientist says :
"We cannot jump to any conclusions based on what we have found during this comparatively short period "
"If the climate were affected in the long term, the Sun should have produced a notable cooling in the first half of the twentieth century, which we know it didn't,"
"It does require verification, but our findings could be too important to not publish them now,"
over long periods of time solar warming probably has little effect on the Earth's temperature one way or the other, as solar activity cycles up and down regularly.
Journo with axe to grind says :
All that can be said with any certainty is that through 2004-2007, the Sun warmed the planet much more powerfully than had been thought.
Much of recent global warming actually caused by Sun.
Lewis stop writing anything about climatology, as you just embaress yourself every time you do