Both companies were already in my black book as "do not use"... Should I merge them into a single entry?
32 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jul 2010
It would appear that long-suffering users of O365 and will also be unable to send emails using the default Mail app
Does anyone testing anything anymore? (obviously not it would appear!)
All very interesting, humorous and so forth but....
Personally, I would prefer running Linux natively and having the ability to run few Windows applications rather than vice versa.
A proper working WINE that lets me run the very few Windows apps that we still require use is more important than having access to the many useful and powerful Linux tools already at my fingertips.
Trouble is that sometimes none of the parties are representative. ... What annoys me is those people that say " I don't vote for any party because they xxxxxxxxx"
I am sorry but where I am from, people fought and died to have the right to vote and it disgusts me that in a country that also seeks to export its brand of democracy & values to other countries, that there is such indifference to voting.
Voting should be mandatory but if you don't want to vote for any listed parties then the must be a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" option.
That would send a clear message.
Not sure about all the way up north, but here in South Africa, Chappie is a brand of bubblegum but is really the generic name for all bubblegum in this country.
Back in my youth, I can remember buying them for 1c each....the best part was that each wrapper had a few "did you know that......." general knowledge questions and answer printed on them. So they were actually educational whilst simultaneously destroying the teeth!
Certainly some mistake there.... Just now I am being transferred to the 4th "customer support" person in this call alone. (total calls are 5, going back 4 months now!) After reconfirming name, address, postcode, phone number, date of birth ad naseum as well as the long sob story of how they £$%^ up a simple upgrade, each and every time only to be told I've got to yet another "wrong department"..
Absolutely horrible and I can't imagine how they've been awarded anything other that "fucking useless twats".
Around 2005, got fed up with a Windows Media Server that kept falling over. Eventually had enough and installed my first ever Linux VM, remotely too. Setup was as simple as can be and took about 45 minutes and that box is STILL running to this day. I don't think I've logged into it in years (yes, yes I know it ain't patched & don't care either).
Anyway that baby has made me £50/month for the past 7 years and besides the running cost of $5 a month has cost me zero.
The whopping grand total of 3 users!!!!
Which is why the expected outlay for Server "Essentials" + Exchange (they want everything on-premise for valid reasons hence no Office365)+SQL will likely scare them as far as pricing goes.
They have yet only mentioned SQL without being specific as to whether that was MS-SQL, in which case I have a choice of any number of Linux based options.
Anyway, the last Windows server system I installed was Server 2003 having ditched MS at that point and moved everything to Linux systems. I had been quite impressed by the direction Windows 2012 (core) was taking but after trying to get Remote Desktop Services (as an example) working recently and having nothing but "license activation issues" not to mention the clusterf%^ of pricing options and I'm thinking " what's the point?"
Hear, hear!
Just today I was asked by a client to quote for a replacement for their aging Windows SBS server. Requirements are for Exchange and they unfortunately also need SQL server for some weird accounting application.
Any ideas??? With the demise of the SBS range what are the options? I spent an age trying to figure out the options as I've not sold an MS server for a few years now. Anyway it seems like a VERY expensive exercise and not a very easy one at that.
And no, using Office 365 for the Exchange side is not an option either.
re "bugs" vs "features"
"The user is instead offered a holistic and integrated user experience where the old distinctions are no longer relevant. An aspect of the software’s behaviour may be a bug, or it may be a feature. For users unwilling to accept the distinction at first, this guide will help them maintain productivity while pivoting to the new Microsoft® Windows® 8™ user experience paradigm."
On another note, how well does Metro interface work in RDP sessions, especially over a WAN? I can imagine the excess bandwidth requirements, not to mention latency will be a nightmare. This on top of the difficulty in hitting the proper spot to pull up the Charms menu since this is now off-screen somewhere; that doesn't always work well when Win 8 is running in a window or a VM.
My time isn't free; and that's why I'd rather spend 2 seconds entering a password to have ALL my Linux OS/applications updated in a single action as opposed to an hour spent dealing with separate Windows OS, applications updates, new versions of Firefox, Adobe, Java etc etc etc ad naseum...
I never understand people who spout the "can't spend time getting Linux to work". Seriously setting it up and keeping it running is far easier than Windows.
Symantec gets uninstalled as a matter of course so don't care how they screw over their "customers".
AVG needn't concern themselves either with trying to fool us any longer - their crapware is being replaced at every one of our customers sites by the far more effective and free, MSE.
The sooner these parasites go out of business the better.
Vodafone are right at the top of my sh1tlist.
Besides tearing my hair out dealing with their corporate division due to all manner of problems that just never get resolved. I've also had the unfortunate experience of using their retail products... hmmm just try and cancel a contract, even after the agreed term period turned into a fiasco with them turning debt collectors on me. On another occasion I kindly made a ONE-OFF payment for a friends bill one month and was then delighted to find them billing that same card on subsequent months without any authorisation. Only after my bank and the ombudsman got involved over the blatant fraud did they refund the money.
I have so many stories really - use at your own peril.
"Cut and paste is being added following feedback from the Windows Phone 7 beta program according to Belfiore who said it had been overlooked as Microsoft had focused instead on touch."
If they've overlooked such basic functionality such as Copy & Paste, what else has been ignored? Has anyone checked if you can make calls with this thing? Just asking.
The court case AFAIK was about how they introduced the charges - there was no proper consultation done and the managing of the whole system is done by a private company (no other tenders were allowed).. slight case of nepotism perhaps...
Anyway that is besides the point really - now that this gets the go-ahead it'll likely to rolled out to all councils across the UK and who knows what the final cost to motorists will be. NOTE that it started out at £1.50 before being reduced to a £1 due to all the noise; but how long before that rises again?
Personally I wouldn't mind terribly having to pay something to park, but as any motorcyclist will confirm, just try to find space in central London to actually park. The bikes are literally crammed into a space. How would you feel having to come back to find your precious vehicle scratched/worse? OK if they made more space available and provided some railing with which to secure chains to.
Then there is the moronic paying process which requires you to register every vehicle against a bank card and also assumes you'll be happy and able to ring the (badly) automated system and pay for the days parking.
The end result that as a consumer I simply avoid the West End. I don't even bother doing work there anymore, far easier to just ignore the problem.