* Posts by iangotts

1 publicly visible post • joined 15 Jul 2010

IBM employee sparks massive bank outage


Not a process issue, but a process ADOPTION issue

It is the little things that trip us up. So this problem is NOT a process issue. It is a process ADOPTION issue. And why are processes not adopted (ie understood and used) by staff.

Simple. Most process documentation is aimed at IT building better systems, not at engaging end users so they understand what job they have to do, with links to the supporting forms, policies, work instructions, documents and systems. The process application (such as Nimbus Control) which can support this requirement is very different from traditional IT process modeling tools.

Ironically , IBM has bought loads of IT process modelling/management tools; System Architect, Holosofx, Lombardi - all of which are aimed at process automation - which are all now some part of Websphere.

So Nimbus works alongside IBM in clients - but unfortunately Nimbus Control is not deployed internally by IBM. It could have been. Cognos had a very effective deployment of Nimbus Control to document and drive their product implementation processes. But when Cognos was acquired by IBM, Nimbus was a casualty of the M&A "synergistic savings".

Suddenly, it doesn't sound like much of a saving when you look at the likely compensation claim by DBS Bank.

Sour grapes or sound thinking???

For a longer discussion on process adoption (with a less cynical tone) read my blog http://bit.ly/dsQiUI