On call now....
I am a British ex-pat and have lived in the USA for 21 years and am now in the last six weeks before I retire from being on Technical Support/System Admin at a medium size American University.
It's 9pm Xmas eve here and I cannot confess to have diverted the redirect from our MS-Teams phone line support system to a porn line, but the prospect does intrigue me. Note I said I cannot confess to such a prank. Tee Hee.
And yes, despite today being a holiday and nobody is at work, today we had a db server run out of space (db team took care of it, but we had several email exchanges) and one of our senior staff has asked for the umpteenth time if our Zabbix monitoring server system was going to be hit by a Java Log4j Vuln. It won't as it doesn't use Java but we are not sending him the link from the product web site about this, as we want him to grow another ulcer.
Suggestions for last day pranks of this nature are more than welcome... Come on guys... Tell me what might be a fun thing to do...