* Posts by alan buxey

61 publicly visible posts • joined 31 May 2007


Cisco wireless flaws pose DoS risk

alan buxey

wou;dnt be running old firmware anyway!

these software releases are fairly old - anyone keeping up with bug-fixes,

features etc would already be running the latest firmware anyway

of course, you'll then hit the caveats and bugs in the newer release - but

at least those ones aren't known/published yet! ;-)

Sensitive Wii maker snubs developers

alan buxey

not really an issue

This is really a non-issue. Nintendo gamers have already had to buy the nunchuck addon alongside the WiiMotes for a lot of games - and those are pricey. This , i doubt,

will be any more cash.

And anyway, most Nintendo gamers will probably rush out to buy Sports Resort which

will come with the required add-on gyroscope extension anyway. moot point me thinks.

At end of day, this sort of controller requirement is fully workable; you don't see too many complaints about having to buy the guitar for GH, the mics for singing games etc - and whilst the wiimote can be used for other 'board' games - the real board (as used in WiiFit) brings a far more rewarding experience. I , for one, will prefer the advanced experience with this dongle than play the games with basic. This aspect is the annoying one - the current games would also be improved if they could use this new better sensor too (I'd even go out to buy Red Steel at Lego Star Wars - they suck with the current WiiMote only!)

LG designs double-sided TV display

alan buxey

gaming is a must!

Agree wholeheartedly with ANtti - this is ideal for head-to-head gaming - no chance the other player can 'cheat' by seeing what you are doing.... or could be used in quiz games etc so others cant see your answer

First public Firefox 3 candidate shoots out the door

alan buxey
Thumb Down


hmm, sorry, someone who uses firefox is labelled as a freetard?

but I cant recall paying for IE6 or IE7 - it came free too - with the Windows OS.

does that make me a 'freetard' if i use that too? great!

perhaps I'm supposed to PAY for a web browser? What I CRAZY idea. Its the sort of stupid thing I did when when Voyager browser became available on the Amiga.

hello. 1998 called. they want their 'pay for the browser' mentality back now.

Sony beams down wireless data transfer

alan buxey


wirelessHD is the real answer to your requirement Bemi

3Gbits of data xfer speed - to increase up to 25gbit through

the next couple of years. plenty to move HD video around

whilst doign lots of other stuff.

'Draconian' Microsoft promises to make Office work again

alan buxey
Dead Vulture

details microsoft gains

Peter - have you never sniffed the TCP/IP traffic from a PC when opening

a document with microsoft office? very enlightening!

Nintendo Wii set to beat MS' 17.7m all-time Xbox 360 sales tally

alan buxey

next gen - you are all wrong

quick fact. Wii is the same generation as xbox 360 and PS3 - look

at the release cycles and the previous console release cycles.

quick fact 2 - NONE of them are 'next generation' - as they now all exist and have been in the market for over a year! They are therefore correctly described as 'current generation'

when will we start seeing them correctly described as thus?

(any pedants out there need me to publish the full generation cycle for consoles since 1988?)

not many people have a clue as to what the 'next generation' consoles will be like. a few obvious guesses point to built in networking, HD gfx output, multiple CPU architecture, motion sensitive wireless controllers with feedback. other than that...

regarding the 'next gen' i think another posted has correctly stated that we wont see advances made in the gfx/sound - a lot of gamers dont care for more photorealism...the future will give us more unique control aspects, better AI, better multiplayer options etc - i'd propose systems that have dual display outputs etc might enter the console gaming mix.

Open source CMS - promise without pitfall

alan buxey


t'other day my wife shocked me by revealing her hours of working with a CMS... Umbraco. http://umbraco.org/ - turned out to be open source and quite useable too. I'm going to investigate it further - as currently I've got a lot of Drupal, Joomla and PHP-Nuke sites.. some need migrating and updating.

Revo Pico+ DAB radio

alan buxey


so...after all these years and still Pure Digitals 'The BUG' is stil to be compared against as the standard bearer?

SDCARD recording (MP2 of course!) with pause/rewind etc. external antennae connector, Digital output, stereo speakers, multi function alarm clock, program guide etc.

its wierd though, patching a radio with firmware.....

Ebuyer.com runs on a Commodore 64

alan buxey

server farm


they host their site on a nice server farm - each one responds with a different

server 'identity' - i've just talked to their Dragon 32 , their C64 and their MSX.

its a nice/neat/geeky way of ID'ing each machine in such a setup

SP nice to see the Amiga going strongly in this thread. mine's hardly a classic - 240MHz PowerPC 603e with voodoo3... not what most people recall as Amigas

(those A500 with sensi soccer or monkey Island 2 - aka 12 diskettes of doom)

Westminster street lamp pay-back cut to 750 years

alan buxey

mesh wireless

if they'd had half a clue they could have installed the mesh wireless onto these devices as they were deployed......logistics eh? ;-)

I'm for the other comments regarding just replacing the head-units of the old

