next gen - you are all wrong
quick fact. Wii is the same generation as xbox 360 and PS3 - look
at the release cycles and the previous console release cycles.
quick fact 2 - NONE of them are 'next generation' - as they now all exist and have been in the market for over a year! They are therefore correctly described as 'current generation'
when will we start seeing them correctly described as thus?
(any pedants out there need me to publish the full generation cycle for consoles since 1988?)
not many people have a clue as to what the 'next generation' consoles will be like. a few obvious guesses point to built in networking, HD gfx output, multiple CPU architecture, motion sensitive wireless controllers with feedback. other than that...
regarding the 'next gen' i think another posted has correctly stated that we wont see advances made in the gfx/sound - a lot of gamers dont care for more photorealism...the future will give us more unique control aspects, better AI, better multiplayer options etc - i'd propose systems that have dual display outputs etc might enter the console gaming mix.