down with the union
when i was at Sussex Uni, every year a motion was brought forward to not pay the NUS
affiliation fee... it was always voted down primarily because of the 'we get cheap drinks'
argument.. with no cheap drinks I can see many bodies dropping their NUS affiliation.
that said, when I was at Uni, the Uni bars werent cheap - you could go into town (Brighton)
and get far more drink for your cash.. 2 for 1, half price, free shot with every pint etc etc.
yes, there was very cheap drink when i was a student - at least 1 quid per pint - and yet we didnt have issues with binge drinking in the early nineties as we seem to have now (or is it all just media hype?) - its not cheap drink..drink isnt that cheap (reports have said cocaine is cheaper ;-) )
theres a _reason_ why people are drinking themselves into stupors every wekeend in the UK - because life int he UK is currently quite sh*t and theres nothing better to do for a large proportion of the population.
history teaches us lessons. if we dont learn from history what hope do we have? not that long ago a similar portion of the population used to wpend their free hours in gin houses drinking the cheapest mind-bending stuff they could. those 2 were the days when the poor were porr and the rich were very rich and thousands died of curable illnesses. ah yes, and now its 2009 and its all the same again.