* Posts by Niall Wallace 1

8 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jul 2010

Google Chrome on Windows 'completely unusable', gripe users

Niall Wallace 1

hm, interesting.

Running Opera 26 both at work and home, and it's performance seems to have got slightly worse.

Win 7 x64 and Win XP x86

Although my dev tools do mean my XP machine at work is constantly using 4.5Gb of page file space...


Cut-off North Sea island: Oh crap, ferry's been and gone. Need milk. SUMMON THE DRONE

Niall Wallace 1

Sucessor to Rocket Post?

Scottish leader splurged £20k appealing disclosure of EU membership legal bungle

Niall Wallace 1

Re: The no campaign is grasping at straws here

considering "better together" have so far spouted little more than "pish and bullshite"


1) "You'll have to pay roaming fees for using your phone in England" A) No shit sherlock b) O2s roaming costs are LESS than they charge for domestic use, due to EU rules.

2) You'll need to carry your passport: Again no shit sherlock, foreign country and all that.

3) Englanmd will be a different country... another no shit sherlock, but wait, what's that, Scotland and England are different countries with different legal systems, school systems, health care systems, and even different forms of the English language.

So far their claims would struggle to meet the requirements of a "Not Proven" let alone "Guilty" of delivering the truth.

Public cloud will grow when experienced IT folks DIE

Niall Wallace 1

All very nice

But how much is that pipe to the internet costing?

The organisation I work in is already pushing their internet connection to the limit; and it's apparently silly money to upgrade it.

Sorry boss, I can't write that report for you, I'm still waiting for Google Docs to load.

Nokia: Ship's now stable, all we need is passengers

Niall Wallace 1

I never believed how fragile the iPhone was until I dropped a mates all of 1m onto the pavement.

I dropped my E72 from my bike while traveling and 30mph and all it had to show for it is a couple of scratches on the casing.

If only S60 was as reliable as the hardware.

That is really what keeps me buying Nokias.

What Compsci textbooks don't tell you: Real world code sucks

Niall Wallace 1
Thumb Up

Now if only modern development processes would accept this.

NoSQL's CAP theorem busters: We don't drop ACID

Niall Wallace 1

Re: What are they on?

>I do take issue with the guy's assertion that software developers can't handle relational data however.

I've generally found that just about every developer I've been introduced to at my place of work has required a whiteboard explanation of Mathematical Sets and how that translates into relational database tables.

To be blunt the database teaching at some unis is utter baws and that includes the one I was at.

We spent years hacking out code in C, C++ and Java but the database work was limited to a couple of databases supporting a front end in access.

The most ridiculous comment in the article is one along the lines of "We aren't DBAs we are software engineers" yeah well guess what, building a database is software engineering, if you can't write SQL then that is your real problem, go and do something that doesn't need a database.

And suggesting that Facebook doesn't need every node uptodate? Every time their clusters are going slow on the updates I can see people complaining about being notified of updates they can't see and that "they can see them on their phone".

From a commercial point of view, if I can see something while in Dundee and another customer can't see it in Munich and the content just happens to be a "fastest finger" competition open to everyone in Europe, that's potentially a legal problem for the competition organizer.

Right, pub time.

Yorks cops charge Segway rider under 1835 road law

Niall Wallace 1

Construction and Use

Simple answer to the Segway problem, make it road legal.

Which means the Constructions and Use.

If it's a bike it has to meet the appropriate BS and if it's a vehicle it's got to meet the requirements for one of them.

Any vehicle must have 2 independant brakes, that's why cars have a hydraulic system and usually a cable system. Most pedal cycles have independant front and rear brakes (as do motorcycles) although many (fixed gear) single speed cycles forego the rear brake in favour of the fact you can cause a braking action by resisting the turning of the pedals.

how many has the segway got?