Re: What are they on?
>I do take issue with the guy's assertion that software developers can't handle relational data however.
I've generally found that just about every developer I've been introduced to at my place of work has required a whiteboard explanation of Mathematical Sets and how that translates into relational database tables.
To be blunt the database teaching at some unis is utter baws and that includes the one I was at.
We spent years hacking out code in C, C++ and Java but the database work was limited to a couple of databases supporting a front end in access.
The most ridiculous comment in the article is one along the lines of "We aren't DBAs we are software engineers" yeah well guess what, building a database is software engineering, if you can't write SQL then that is your real problem, go and do something that doesn't need a database.
And suggesting that Facebook doesn't need every node uptodate? Every time their clusters are going slow on the updates I can see people complaining about being notified of updates they can't see and that "they can see them on their phone".
From a commercial point of view, if I can see something while in Dundee and another customer can't see it in Munich and the content just happens to be a "fastest finger" competition open to everyone in Europe, that's potentially a legal problem for the competition organizer.
Right, pub time.