* Posts by mike_ackee

16 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jul 2010

People hate hot-desking. Google thinks they’ll love hot-Chromebooking



What about the awful ergonomics of using a laptop vs desktop computer, and indeed the Health and Safety implications of encouraging employees to use laptops?

Are Chromebook docks a thing?

Got a Windows Phone 8 mobe? It's now officially obsolete. Here's why...


Re: No worries!

I upgraded my Lumia 735 to 10 a few months ago - rather apprehensively, it must be said. However, I was very pleasantly surprised. Generally the phone feels snappier, things work just fine and I've been delighted with the result as it feels like my phone has a new lease of life and should keep me going for a good while yet. There's a few things to adapt to such as the Maps app rather than the Here Drive/Here Maps/Here Transit threesome, but it's all pretty painless. YMMV tho'.

My God, I've got nothing on! Microsoft's $200m Wunderlist is down


Re: Good old analog?

And if your phone is stolen, lost, broken or just forgotten? What then? Given that a phone is a small portable device, reliance on it is far worse than trusting the cloud to remember things for you.

More and more Brits are using ad-blockers, says survey


Possible alternative perspective

"22 per cent of British adults now use ad blocking software"

Maybe it's a case of "100% of British adults who know ad-blockers exist choose to use them"?

Lenovorola TRIPLE-ola: New Moto G, Moto X and 360 wristputer UNZIPPED


Completely agree - I want/need a phone than sits happily in a trouser pocket. In my opinion anything much over 4 inches screen size does not qualify. I've tried my daughter's Moto G and my wife's Moto X and I just can't get on with them as they're too big (unless you have a bag to put them in).

Doctor Who? 12th incarnation sought after Matt Smith quits


big +1 for Richard Ayoade

RISC OS comes to Raspberry Pi


Re: Wow

Have a look at Beebem.

Apple's skinny new iMac line: Farewell, optical drives


Apple can't do optical drives

I have an iMac and a Macbook. The optical drive in the iMac died within a year, then the replacement drive died 2 years later. The optical drive in my MacBook died within 3 years. I now have a second hand HP external USB drive that just keeps working. It's a shame because internal optical drives (particularly in a laptop) are very useful to me. Perhaps this is just an admission of defeat from Apple.

Lytro light field camera


Oh the irony...

The original research was supported by a Microsoft Research Fellowship, and now the resulting product's only available for Mac.

Parliament ponders £400,000 iPads-for-MPs plan



If all they're doing is trying to replace paper, give them eReaders instead for a quarter of the cost.

The BBC Micro turns 30


I remember it (almost) well

Cassette relays were more fun...

10 *FX 137,1

20 *FX 137,0

30 GOTO 10


(Exit WH Smith in a hurry)

Punters even more dissatisfied by Virgin Media's package


I had this problem too. Fixed it by going into the superhub options and enabling multicast. Been fine since then.

From Dust


Why are software reviews posted in RegHardware ?

.. just wondering.

Sony unveils PlayStation telly


Not a new idea...

...we'd been thinking about this for cinema applications for a year or two - Couple go to cinema, girl sees romantic comedy, bloke sees porn. Everyone happy! (well at least until she finds out)

Ubuntu Wayland: Shuttleworth's post-Mac makeover


Mac menu..

I have 2 macs and like using them, however I've never understood the idea behind its menu-bar. With large, hi-res screens it is just awkward to use - and don't even get me started on multiple monitors where I always have to move back to the primary monitor to select a menu, even when the apps windows are all on the secondary monitor. (Yes I know I can fix it with shareware, but I shouldn't have to)

Samsung HT-C6930 3D Blu-ray home cinema set



"The only real distraction is the ghosting caused by cross-talk interference but it’s not as bad as I’ve seen on some other screens."

The ghosting is a function of the TV and goggles. It is caused either by an incorrect dark time or phase adjustment in the TV that does not match the requirements of the glasses.