Re: Upgrade
Hell, why not go all McAfeelike and upgrade to Windows ME, that was a freakout too!
30 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jul 2010
UK plc is way behind the trail blazers like China, Iran and Australia.
Incorrect. Australia despite the best efforts of its troglodyte comms minister has only implemented 'voluntary' filtering (voluntary for the isps that is) of a secret 'Interpol' list of apparently only child porn 'sites', and only three isps have done so to date.
The broader mandatory filter is stuck in a timewarp as the federal upper house will not pass it.
So actually the Bits are well advanced in their censorship of the web despite the reports of the down under situation...
The problem is that although I have been using IE8 on my XP rig (a $10K Aus one btw, waiting for W7 to get out of beta stage which should be in about 12 months from now)for a year the folks at Redmond (who supposedly know a fair bit about your system when they post updates) insist that I upgrade to IE8 on the update page.
Being a relaxed chap after a few months without W update issues (fool, fool, fool...) i figured wtf, just update the buggah and install over the top...
Reboot took me right back to the glory days of Windows ME daily reinstall fun...
After a messy but fluky sysrestore (the 3rd attempt I think) I finally got back to scratch...and hid the W update prompt for IE8 for ever...
Still good to see that tradition prevails and Redmond can still fu.k you over by insisting you install something you already have installed.
As I said, maybe 12 months and I might...just might... try W7 (or vista SP 4 as it should be called)
Just tried to access Mal's article at the good ol' fair and balanced Business Spectator and got this message:
"Sorry, we're busy.
Business Spectator is currently experiencing high demand.
Please try again in a few minutes".
Busy with high demand...at 2.15 am on a Saturday morning Sydney time...
...Yeah right...
Just for clarification it doesn't really matter what the PM, or Conroy, or their miniscule moral consultants, the Australian Christian Lobby (run by an ex SAS trained killer, btw) want. The balance of power is held by the greens in our (elected as opposed to the Lords) upper house, and as they and the opposition will vote against the filter it will not be implemented. Nor will we have the current ISP based censorship that the faceless folks of the IWF impose on the UK.