"The Point" as metaphor
Walk into my (note I said "my", not "a" just so you know where I stand on this) friend's house. There you will find about 6 books. Coffee table editions, probably from big box Costco. They don't read much there, but DO get the daily local newspaper.
Then, go to my OTHER friend's house. There are actually TWO library rooms there. Rare books. Map books. History books. Brand new books - at leat several every few weeks. Old, old books. Original or first editions. Books on his and his wife's family history. Large books - mainly art special issues. You need a bloody ladder! Probably 10,000 volumes? What? Dunno know if they have been counted.
Nuance. Both of these persons I consider my close friends. "Friend" is NOT a button or click-on. The APP store model cannot and yet can (all depending upon the beholder's values) be representative of someone's online experience. "APP" markets are limited. For the curious, both WEB and the APP model need be up and running.http://www.theregister.co.uk/Design/graphics/icons/comment/boffin_32.png