Reading this on Vivaldi--'nuff said.
Posts by RaeS
4 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jul 2010
Red-stained Opera wants someone to hug it and whisper: 'No more pain, no more tears'
MPs to sue over 'ridiculous' emergency data snooping law
Salman Rushdie hissy-fit forces Facebook name U-turn
iRiver Story to preface WHSmith entry into e-book biz
Friday 9th July 2010 08:50 GMT
Durability? Obsolescence?
I'm still using my iRiver must be almost 10 years on (plays mp3s for hours, FM radio fine, records my daughter's music lessons for her, only let down by not being usable with Audible). If I thought one of these ebook readers lasted as long--without becoming obsolete--they'd be a reasonable deal.
Thinking about it, £250 was about what I paid for the mp3 player the best part of a decade ago: £25 a year = a couple of quid a month. Not a bad deal for the hardware side of things.