Assange is walking on the edge of a cliff...
...I would think he would realize who he is messing with, and what the repercussions could be. If he doesn't, he's a dim bulb, and that is not likely. If he does, he's even more of a dim bulb.
3 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2010
You complain that MS treats you as a stupid user, then you make a statement that it wants to autorun everything, use Windows Media Player, etc. etc. ad nauseum. If you are such a power user, then have you used group policy? I have implemented group policy on many systems, they work just fine and are quite stable. Active Directory (which is one of the technologies Microsoft developed, and don't try to give me the BS that it's just LDAP) is a powerful tool, and allows a great deal of management of your network, both large and small...you can still use group policy if you only have one or two computers for your application. You folks that are Linux fanbois should actually really like AD, but will never look at it or admit it because it has the MS label. The Apple Fanbois are the same way.
What's hilarious is the Apple and Linux Fanbois call the folks use Microsoft products closed minded. Absolutely hilarious. Of course, they don't have to get any real work done, they are just sitting around playing with their toes and coming up with new reasons to hate MS.
...and...just for the record, I use and support (as a consultant) MS, Linux, Apple and IBM (AS/400) systems. All have their points, of all of them, the easiest to get up and manage in a business environment hands down is Microsoft. Go ahead and blather all you want, Fanbois, but that is the truth.