It's the new version of Uplink. Arunmor and ARC are getting up to their old tricks.
30 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2010
More than just squeaky-wheelers? Hardly. I take it you've only read the 'Woe-is-me', 'game-is-gonna-fail', 'everything-is-broken' threads on the forums, conveniently ignoring all the 'Wow, awesome', 'best-game-ever', 'no-problems-here' threads. Let alone the fact that the people who aren't having problems are probably playing rather than posting.
I'm not saying there aren't any problems or things that need looking at, but the game is the most stable release I've seen for a very long time. <Cough> Sim City <Cough> Assassins Creed <Cough>...and they're from AAA companies with mountains of cash behind them, not a crowd-funded independent.
Get some perspective Simon.
...or did the person who came up with the name 'Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act' get told to cut it off two words shorter, just in case the plebs noticed they were having the piss taken out of them. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Territorial Services maybe...or something.
With you all the way on Minecraft and indie games.
For me, The Humble Bundle has always delivered quality games (with the emphasis heavy on the gameplay), on lots of platforms, without DRM, for a set-your-own-price fee...and you get more if you pay over the average (£6.50 / $10 always covers it for me). What's not to like?
<-- For Ubisoft, obviously.
A hypothesis is a proposition that attempts to explain a set of facts in a unified way. It generally forms the basis of experiments designed to establish its plausibility.
A scientific law is a hypothesis that is assumed to be universally true. A law has good predictive power, allowing a scientist (or engineer) to model a physical system and predict what will happen under various conditions.
A theory is a set of statements, including laws and hypotheses, that explains a group of observations or phenomena in terms of those laws and hypotheses. A theory thus accounts for a wider variety of events than a law does. Broad acceptance of a theory comes when it has been tested repeatedly on new data and been used to make accurate predictions.
Theories aren't facts. Theories don't get proved right...a good one just doesn't get proved wrong for a long time.
From the video it looked like he was using a standard mouse to control Fallout...so why should he have to pay through the nose to get a 'special controller' when he can obviously use a standard one.
EA are terrible at writing control customisation code. Case in point...when I bought BF2142 and found that it didn't save my mouse button customisations I complained...only to be told that 'its been that way since the first Battlefield game'...WTF?! EA really need to get themselves some programmers that actually know how to program.
BTW...can the PS3 run user-made mods for games like The Elder Scrolls and The Witcher? No? Awww, that's even lamer than not owning a PS3!
Skyrim and Assassins of Kings pre-order FTW! (pre-ordering is fine when I know the game will be worth the wait and financial loss...Egosoft, Bethesda, Firaxis, CDProjekt please form an orderly queue...EA, sorry, your name's not on the list you're not coming in)
No big surprise there...although...
I bought a Windows 7 netbook the other day...the first thing I did with it was to dual-boot it with Linux (with Linux as the default OS, obviously). If I had been able to order a Linux netboot as easily as the Windows one I would have done...though hopefully it would also come with either a price reduction or spec upgrade to reflect the lack of Windows Tax.
I wonder how many other Windows 7 netbooks this happens to.