If it's private land so they can decide. If the TSA had a sign up they'd be able to switch his camera off too.
14 publicly visible posts • joined 31 May 2007
Since DHCP is a request for an address...
Laptop: "Hello base station can I play?"
Base: "Certainly, here's an address and here's a dns server and here's how to get to the world."
So, this is like finding a pie cooling on a widow ledge and asking "Can I have a slice?" to which the owner replies "sure, help yourself!" So NO CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED!!!
Any half decent lawyer could argue this out of court.
It's simple. If you leave a base station un-encrypted with dhcp enabled then surely you are inviting people to use your connection?
I find myself agreeing with both the "speed doesn't kill, inappropriate speed does" and the "slow down" lobbies.
What I think all this boils down to is co-operation and consideration.
Example: There's a zebra crossing in our village, it's 100yds from the 60mph road out of the village. Consequently a proportion of vehicles seem to think that it's ok to do 35-50mph through village. Now the problem is that it's hard to stop for the zebra when someone walks out onto it (as it their right -see highway code) when you're doing 50. So a small proportion of these speeders simply don't stop, forcing crossing pedestrians to have to leap for their lives.
All that's needed is a little consideration, slow up a little. Be prepared to stop. Have a little patience for the old dear crossing the road. Remember - you'll be old and doddery soon enough (if you haven't been killed by a marauding, red light running, cyclist)
Well at the time people thought that 'x' was a good, fair price for the product and paid up.
A short time later it's 'x-200' and those that bought it at 'x' should remember that they didn't feel ripped off at the time.
Those that bought it the day before should apply the above rule as well. I'd be more inclined to grumble at the shops that probably knew the price fall was coming and didn't bother to inform customers. I'll be some shops made an extra 200 on several of the items!
I've asked this of Voda several times. They don't seem to be able to tell me what is and isn't covered other than a vague peer-to-peer voip and IM. Now I've asked them how they identify this traffic so I can be sure I can plan in advance how much I spend on data.
The answer? They won't tell me!
Surely this is illegal? Surely they have to detail charges before I start to use their service. I have a wonderfull selection of emails from them should el reg be interested...