Lovin it
KDE works a charm as well...
Just thought I'd add my two penneth
12 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jun 2010
We all know that they're after the consumer market and not us bit-fiddlers.
I left Ubuntu for debian after installing 11.04 but have stuck this release on the missus' eee-pc.
Works great on that but just can't get on with it as my main beast.
Interesting how apps are intended to be packaged in the same way as on the mac as I heard recently. Just off to brush up on the python ( oooer missus ) and work on the glade skills.
all the ranting about this.
Surely open source has proved itself over the years to develop top quality applications etc (Chrome funnily enough being one of them). Unless of course people think that the developers of h264 are the only ones capable of designing a quality codec.
Surely this is the best opportunity to make the web just that bit freeer(?). The idea that webm "isn't good enough" as a reason not to use it is pure bullshit. khtml wasn't perfect when I first started using it years ago but boy is it good now.
As for flash, well surely one of the ideas behind html5 is that proprietary plugins such as this will not be needed once all the browsers are supporting canvas etc... Surely, we don't want to rid ourselves of one proprietary system (and noone can argue that flash is really what we want) just to replace it with another that is also proprietary. Flash's days are numbered and so should h264's.
Paris: because, like me, she can't figure out what the f%$^ing fuss is all about