Missing the point...?
Most people here seem to be missing the point. The cost (high or not) for a DOMESTIC card to receive the footy is one thing. Pubs etc have to have a public performance card and this is VERY expensive (I believe based on rateable value of the premises). Increasing costs of this PP card have led many smaller pubs to drop Sky football in the UK as they find it very hard to recover the costs in beer/food sales etc. Indeed, I know some whose revenue is now up because they don't show the football...!
As one commentator mentioned, properly paid -up premises have the beer glass bug on the bottom right of the screen AND the license number on a sticker in the premises front window (to make for easy checking by whoever $ky use to police such premises).
Like it or not, $ky spend much £££ to have the rights in the UK to broadcast such material, a pub landlord using a domestic card (or cheapo inport) for the use in the public area of the pub are asking for trouble. They can, of course, use a domestic box in their private accommodation above the pub. Just don't mix up the two areas...!